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Hey all,


So I got the Shadowspear box set mainly for my BA but when Abbadon was released I decided to take the plunge and start a Black Legion army.


I have never played with or against CSM since 4th edition so wondering if you guys can give me a few pointers on what to add to my current force to get a good army base. I currently have:


Shadowspear boxset

Chaos Landraider

2x Chaos Rhino's

1x Helbrute


3x Bikes

Chaos Lord in terminator armour

Sorcerer Lord in terminator armour


Is there any units I should look to include? I normally play against IG or Black Templars with games around 1k-2k points.






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Obliterators and Havocs




Since you have shadowspear, look on ebay for more oblits, 2 havoc units. x2 ML x2 LC in each covers your heavy support units. You should then have two spare chain cannons, put those in the troop unit instead of the plasma + autocannon. Then for troops, lots of chaos cultists. That should get you going with what you have currently. 

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People will say lots of Cultists, but honestly, until they release a new kit for them; it just really isnt feasible to buy them right now.


You either have to buy the silly little box of 5, buy a bunch of Blackstone Fortress cultists from 3rd party eBay resellers, or convert your own. For someone who is new to the game or faction and not already sitting on a pile of Dark Vengeance Cultists; IMHO isnt a helpful thing to recommend at all.


Get two more Chaos Marine units to fill out the 3 Troops choices for a Battalion. Their new kit is amazing, it's readily available and is easy to customize.



The time, money and effort in sourcing 60-90 Cultists is just not worth it...

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