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Steady Advance Stratagem


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It states your unit is treated as stationary for Bolter Discipline.


I interpret this as I can advance with a Tactical squad that has bolt guns and still fire twice, but am I hitting at a -1 for advancing? That modifier only applies to ASSAULT weapons so I feel like this strat was designed to let you advance with bolt weapons and still use them at full effectiveness.


Am I interpreting this correctly?

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I don't believe that is quite how it works. 

If you move with the tacitcal squad, they could still fire 2 shots each with boltguns at targets 12-24" away. Any heavy weapons would still get the -1 for moving, because that is unaffected by Bolter Discipline.

If advancing, I don't think the boltguns can shoot at all. I think the "remaining stationary for the purposes of Bolter Discipline" lets them double their shots, but wouldn't override the rule that prevents you from firing rapid fire weapons after advancing because that has nothing to do with Bolter Discipline. 

That is how I interpret it, at least. 

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It's for the purpose of Bolter Discipline, not for shooting with the weapon in general. Counting as stationary for Bolter Discipline doesn't help you if you aren't allowed to shoot in the first place because you advanced. It's designed so you can move regularly and keep showering your opponent with a hail of bolter fire. It's in the name. STEADY advance, not RAPID advance.

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