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Lack of Chaos characters


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Anyone else wish that GW would give us more character other than just one for each legion.  You look at the loyalists and they have on average like 4 or 5 for the most popular chapters.  Yes they gave Haarken but that's about it other than the limited addition characters that don't really count, even with the black legion if I was collecting them I'd be disappointed, you'd want to see Urkanthos.  But also we need Erebus, Kor, Eidolon etc. as well as at least a couple for the big five legions.  Death Guard has been a good start with Rotbone and Scribbus, but I hope to see more CSM advancements, rather than this ridiculous Primaris focus, I mean the whole year has practically just been Primaris.  I think they gave us enough to shut us up.

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I'm hoping that when we inevitably get Legion supplements we receive a character per Legion like the Loyalists have. Seeing Erebus bestride the battlefields of Warhammer 40k, milking the tears of Loyalist & Traitor fanboys alike, would bring me great joy. Anything beyond that is probably just a pipe dream.

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Yeah, some more special characters would be cool. AL, IW, NL & WB all miss a special character and they all have very unique backgrounds and playstyles so it would be cool if they had some. Though I doubt they'd make some anytime soon.



I'm hoping that when we inevitably get Legion supplements


Errr, there has never even been a hint of there coming Legion supplements and GW has shown that they want to diffrentiate loyalists and csm as much as they can so imho there is no use comparing the two ranges. We're closer to the loyalist old range that we all know they have decided to scrap sooner or later anyway.

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Thousand Sons got Magnus, Death Guard got Mortarion, Nauseous Rotbone and Scribbus Wretch (the last two with generic profiles though), Black Legion got Haarken Worldclaimer. So while not overwhelming, not too shabby either.


GW is a model company first, and character models have a great appeal to them for being even more overpriced than the rest of the range. So I expect more characters for CSM in the future, but only once a corresponding bigger release happens. Think of World Eaters or Emperors Children.


I would not rule out "supplement style" releases at some point, but not in the near future. Two of the "Big Four" traitor legions are still without their codex and model remake, only then would I start expecting anything else. That's years away rather than months though...

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I would expect supplements rather than full codices for the World Eaters and Emperor's Children, but I imagine they will still get them.

Regarding characters, we do have rather a lot. We have Abaddon, Khârn, Lucius, Huron, Fabius, Haarken, Ahriman, Typhus, Magnus, Mortarion and Cypher (off the top of my head). Honestly I'd rather we got more and better options for generic/unnamed HQ.


I would love a plastic Lucius the Eternal and Fabius Bile though.

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Calling Rotbone and Scribbus characters is giving them way to much credit, they shouldn't be counted. There is no such thing as a datasheet with their name on it.

DG has Mortarion, Typhus and that FW guy whose name I don't remember right now, which admittedly does put it ahead of most Legions who have at most 2 special characters, and some have none.


As a general thing, I'd prefer if all the old characters got to plastic before thinking about adding new ones, but I'd really like to see Word Bearers, Night Lords and Iron Warriors get their own one day.


As far as my own army goes, I'd like to see more viable HQ choices beyond a DP with wings and the Plaguecaster, because as it is all other options get rarely picked if at all. This could either be with new HQs or making chaos lords worth it for DG.

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I'm hoping that when we inevitably get Legion supplements


Errr, there has never even been a hint of there coming Legion supplements and GW has shown that they want to diffrentiate loyalists and csm as much as they can so imho there is no use comparing the two ranges. We're closer to the loyalist old range that we all know they have decided to scrap sooner or later anyway.


Errr...so? I would still assert their inevitability. Codex: SM is a clear indicator of the future - not in term of rules parity, as they obviously want to continue to differentiate Loyalists & Traitors, but in terms of codex & supplement releases, definitely. If you honestly think that GW aren't going to take this new supplement model and apply it to other armies then I don't know what to tell you. It won't be anytime soon but we will receive supplement(s) eventually, as will other races, because it's basically a license for GW to print cash without the need to invest valuable design time in a new range of models. I wouldn't bet on other races receiving such all-encompassing treatment as their flagship army (the likelihood of, say, every major Eldar Craftworld receiving a supplement is slim), but that all depends on how successful these Loyalist supplements end up being.


Additionally, they did BL & Crimson Slaughter supplements in the past (and the BL one could basically be re-released now using the Vigilus rules if desired), so it's not like there isn't precedent for factions other than Loyalist SM receiving this kind of attention.

Edited by Marshal Loss
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I think I’ll stick with making my own. GW’s characters seem really hit and miss. I’d prefer to roll my own than have the rules authors gimp a new character for years between updates.


I probably have a minority opinion.

Yeah but you can still have characters and make your own, but you miss out on all the lore and special rules and cool models.  Also the Chaos characters are the best in my opinion, I'd love to see more and when you have lore to go with them it makes you like them far more.  Yes you can write your own but its not the same and you aren't going to be able to write as much as BL and GW will unless you have incredible amounts of time to waste.

Edited by TorvaldTheMild
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Calling Rotbone and Scribbus characters is giving them way to much credit, they shouldn't be counted. There is no such thing as a datasheet with their name on it.

DG has Mortarion, Typhus and that FW guy whose name I don't remember right now, which admittedly does put it ahead of most Legions who have at most 2 special characters, and some have none.


As a general thing, I'd prefer if all the old characters got to plastic before thinking about adding new ones, but I'd really like to see Word Bearers, Night Lords and Iron Warriors get their own one day.


As far as my own army goes, I'd like to see more viable HQ choices beyond a DP with wings and the Plaguecaster, because as it is all other options get rarely picked if at all. This could either be with new HQs or making chaos lords worth it for DG.

I said it was a good start, but they are now basically named characters.  They'll probably write lore about them in the future, don't see why they wouldn't otherwise GW wouldn't have named them.  

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I think I’ll stick with making my own. GW’s characters seem really hit and miss. I’d prefer to roll my own than have the rules authors gimp a new character for years between updates.


I probably have a minority opinion.

I agree, but I would LOVE a Marduk mini for my Word Bearers. 


I would like a new Fabius and Lucius sculpt but I have just converted my own counts as minis and the current aesthetic for said characters wouldn't fit with the Hellraiser Cenobite feel of my army. Guess Ill be starting Emperors Children in the future then. :lol:

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Rotbone and Scribbus aren't really even special characters, they just decided to give names to the Plague Surgeon and Tallyman models.


Rotbone is in the fluff but he's the premier apothecary of the entire legion and commands warbands  which the model rules don't really seem to reflect.

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I’m all down for new models as they just keep getting better. I also understand the desire to have “official” rules. I’m just not confident GW will do much more than they already have. Look at the loyalists. Their new models are the same characters just upscaled with the primaris size.


I started chaos in Rogue Trader and so character models have always been more a dream than a reality for me. Hacking models and swiping rules from other characters or using something like CA character rules work for me.

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To call the generic profile HQs named characters is laughable. Look at the Disco Lord. The box gives him a name- Machinator Rex, I think? - but no one actually calls him that and the datasheet is completely generic.
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As long as they're a little more characterful and less one-dimensional than, say, Haarken Worldclaimer...  Boring in lore and tabletop rules, unless there's some novelization of him that I'm unaware of that makes him more interesting.


I'd prefer unit roles that we "need" in a given army/legion list than just having them for the sake of having them, though that would probably be good enough in the end.

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Based on the fact that we received the only Codex [1.9] and Vigilus Ablaze was basicly a Chaos supplement (all be it a lacking one), I dont think we will see too many new rules, including characters, anytime soon. The precedent for more CSM supplements is there, but GW has really not inspired my confidence with them when it comes to the botched jobs they do with Chaos.


The optimist in me sincerely hopes that the Vigilus Ablaze "supplement" was a way for them to make money off of a test run for ideas. It would make sense to do Black Legion first, gauge how well the rules worked and people's response to it. It also makes sense to pilot a Renegades supplement with one for each God and the two best known unaligned Warbands. If this was a test though, I really hope they scrap the current Crimson Slaughter rules (but I doubt they will) and give us a new Kranon model with rules that put him on par with how nasty he was in 6th (and 7th before they eratad away the ability to use him). It goes without saying that other CSM factions should get a character, or two, too.


The realist in me thinks this [Codex[2 / 1.9] and Vigilus Ablaze] was GWs honest attempt to give Chaos something nice and they just REALLY REALLY suck at doing things for Chaos, as pretty much all of the way they've handled us in 8th would show. Chaos is ripe with diversity, and we are all just waiting to jump on supplements, but I don't think they honestly know what to do to make us Chaos players happy.


We do know we are for certain due some new rules in the Psychic Awakening campaign, but I don't expect much from that.


Crimson Slaughter is the reason I play Chaos, and I would love to see Kranon return, as the guy that was badass enough to look Abbadon in the eye and give HIM conditions. I would love to see Draznicht as a character with stats that actually reflects his role as a Captain. Outside of Word Bearers and a more recent foray into the Night Lords, I don't know too much in detail about legions after The Heresy, but one character from each of them should be a minimum. Besides, would it really be the grimdark without Erebus? Where are the rules for him? Even the Forgeworld characters have incomplete rules right now.

Edited by Doom Herald
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I actually think they’ve made too many characters. I think it’s an easy money maker, but after a while how many do we need?


I agree with others that say we need more than a name to make them worthy. I had an entire Crimson Slaughter army because I loved Krannon... and what he did to his brother (nasty!) and even Draznicht and the Chapter background was highly entertaining and very unique to me. Yet GW blew it all up....annihilated the whole works at the end of 7th (except a handful of characters).


Yet we have these weird generic ‘named’ characters piling up on each other when we have serious need of models and units in the codex. Maybe it’s just me but I’d rather put off character creation until we fill those holes.

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i think there is a lack of Representation in the Chaos Codex it would be awesome if they Gave each Legion a Character, however it would be nice to see the old ones re-done


I think its safe to assume that Lucius & Fabulous Bill will be redone with the Children of the corpse emperor. so that leaves who ? Huron ?


i think there will be a new chaos codex after World Eater & Emperors Children get their codex which we know is coming with this eventually happening all pantheon characters will be free of the main codex and that will leave Huron and abaddon, and Maybe Fabulous Bill a little shy for a codex so when that drops i think the remaining Legions may get the Space marine codex Treatment and that will rebalance the character count.



thats my wish list # what i think what may actually happen, as i think that Codex 2.0 was a "you are getting a new codex in maybe at least year or so but while you wait have this consolidated one"


edit : oh, How could I forget Haarken Worldclaimer!

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Honestly I like the generics more. Gives me an excuse to make unique conversions, like taking Zarduk and his Blade Slaves, cutting off the head and pistol hands of each respectively, and replacing them with new ones (Chaos Warrior head, Forsaken monster Hand and Forsaken Tentacle respectively) to make a unique MoP and two Greater Possessed. That's just personally more fun to me.

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Honestly I like the generics more. Gives me an excuse to make unique conversions, like taking Zarduk and his Blade Slaves, cutting off the head and pistol hands of each respectively, and replacing them with new ones (Chaos Warrior head, Forsaken monster Hand and Forsaken Tentacle respectively) to make a unique MoP and two Greater Possessed. That's just personally more fun to me.


Everyone says that until the rules actually then exist. I bet you would be using those DIY mini's as alternate models with the new rules if such a character was done officially. 

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Can we at least have an archetype character like Rotbone that can be taken by any of the Legions/warbands? A generic chaos apothecary would be welcome, or a 40k moriat, or a diet Obliterator "master of wargear" or something. Chaos is supposed to be about individual champions walking the path to glory but it feels like you'd be better off with a loyalist codex yet again to try and represent anything, even generic Marine archetypes with spikes. Masters of Possession and the new headsman finally start to fix the long-running issue but...


(Honestly Chaos in general desperately needs more wargear, and not just the warpstuff. More Chain-cannons and fewer incredibly generic godwyn bolters- seriously, they should have made more baroque "chaos bolters" that took design cues from tigrus or umbra or even the space marine video game and melded them with the existing styles. It's absurd we still don't have a bit for generic daemon swords either)

Edited by Ugolino
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I would be happy to see chaos equiviants of apothecary, banner bearers and multi melta for our termi's and power armor guys, we had them in HH, we got the rotor cannon as reaper chain cannon, heck we could probably get plasma cannons as well.


Edit- yes its overlap with loyalists, but they have primaris now, so giving us that stuff like I said along with cataphractii armor and tartaros, varient bolter ammo makes sense as we are pretty OG ourselves.

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Honestly I like the generics more. Gives me an excuse to make unique conversions, like taking Zarduk and his Blade Slaves, cutting off the head and pistol hands of each respectively, and replacing them with new ones (Chaos Warrior head, Forsaken monster Hand and Forsaken Tentacle respectively) to make a unique MoP and two Greater Possessed. That's just personally more fun to me.


Everyone says that until the rules actually then exist. I bet you would be using those DIY mini's as alternate models with the new rules if such a character was done officially. 


Ech... maybe? I play EC and WB. Best I can hope for is Erebus. I'd probably just get him.

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I would be happy to see chaos equiviants of apothecary, banner bearers...


This!!! ^^


I have medics and banner bearers in my Slaaneshii army, but unfortunatley I just run them as exalted champions. :(

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