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Tzen's Chaos Knights


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I am currently working on a Knight Desecrator. I am not very comfortable with painting big models, but this miniature was too good an opportunity to miss.


I am still working on the paint scheme, I really want to go for a very dark and haunted scheme, but everything is open at the moment. I am literally winging it. 

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Thanks Quixus! :D


Well, taking pics of semi built and painted Chaos Knights is a little dull. But I have made a start on his head. I need to tidy up the OSL glow from the eyes, and paint his teeth and such, but it's a cool head. 





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Thanks chaps! Glad you all like :D


So this is the big guy so far. Still very much a work in progress, I am happy with the colour scheme in general, but I am basically thinking about the livery and such like. Thinking along the lines of something ghostly, but not sure. 



Everything is open to change at the moment, but this dark grey/glowing green theme is how I would like to paint my Dark Mechanicum force if I ever got round to doing them. :D 

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Thanks chaps, I need to do some serious thinking about how I want them to look. I don't want the usual "messy" feel of normal knights. By messy I mean the heraldry and all the patchwork themes and such. I want these to be a unique infernal household. 

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Thanks Malign. I am hoping to break the green up a little with the markings and such. But dont want to lose the overall effect. Tough work coming up with your own scheme! :sweat:


Not had loads of time to work on the Knight recently, but I have started the metal work on the gun arm. I am still mulling over the heraldry. I have an idea for it, but I need to sketch it out and then do a few dry runs of painting it. 


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Even though I have got a lot of this guy done now, I still need to paint the top panels properly, and then I need to do the shoulder pads. I am still to come up with a "house" logo, and I am not sure how best to do all the markings all over him.  Anyway, here are some pics so far.







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