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Tzen's Chaos Knights


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Thanks chaps! :D


I plan on adding some more colour and some of the chaotic runes on him. I don't want to detract away from the dark colour scheme too much, but he is deffo getting some chaos stars and the like :D 

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Well, the majority of the body work and base painting is done. I am now up to the transfers/heraldry stage. I am currently jotting down sketches for the house emblem, and looking for general inspiration!



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The Knight looks great!

I am currently jotting down sketches for the house emblem, and looking for general inspiration!

I went to Wikipedia, and found an article on the Sutton Hoo Helmet, whose "fierce presence" should work.


Another possibility is the Bathory coat-of-arms, for its implied menace.


That's the house responsible for Elizabeth Bathory, which the Guinness World Records describe as "The most prolific female murderer and the most prolific murderer of the western world... who practised vampirism on girls and young women. Described as the most vicious female serial killer of all time, the facts and fiction on the events that occurred behind the deaths of these young girls are blurred. Throughout the 15th century, she is alleged to have killed more than 600 virgins."

Edited by Bjorn Firewalker
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Nearly there! This is the last blu-tac picture before I finish the big guy off. Been quite the slog this!




Will be happy to share the recipe and such like when I finalise it. I have changed how I went about this as the project went on. Not too happy with the skull sign on his shield, but running out of time. :(

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The skull on the shield should be adequate as an intimidating symbol. It's the skull on the loincloth, with the tentacles spilling out its jaw, that interests me.


Does your Chaos Knight consider Cthulhu a patron? Does he march into battle screaming, "Ph’nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh, wgah’nagl fhtagn!"?

Edited by Bjorn Firewalker
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Thanks chaps! I am glad you all like. 


There will eventually be a whole army of these chaps, I have a lot of ideas for them (I have bought all the ones I want). But as is always the case I have loads of other projects on the go at the moment. :(  I have two Birthday presents I need to paint up next!


We;; he is done! Coming up for my own scheme and Knightly house hold has been really fun, and if you have been tempted by one of these kits I strongly recommend getting one. They are really good fun!




As fun as this mini has been, I had to rush it a little towards the end. I am not happy with the skull on his Ion Shield, and the base is just a very perfunctory effort. When I get chance I plan on revisiting these areas. But I have learnt a lot, and generally speaking I am happy with him. 

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Thanks chaps, glad you like! :D 



The Knight is well done. What's his/her/its name? Equus Potestas Hateart? ("Horse Power Hateart" is the name H. P. Lovecraft gave his own alter ego, in The Battle that Ended the Century. FYI, "Two-Gun Bob" is Robert E. Howard.)


Haha, yeah, I do need to come up with something suitably Lovecraftian (??). I plan on making the leader of the house have the tentacled head. Maybe I could name him after Mr Lovecraft. :D 

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