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Kastor's ULTRAmarines

Kastor Krieg

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It all started here:



And the mere thought of this makes me want to paint Slaaneshi Ultramarine renegades who have no discernible color scheme, just blotches and patterns of clashing colors all over the place, every single one of them completely different with Primarch Roboute Guilliman leading them in Harlequinesque paintjob and details, seduced into a dance by Fulgrim's blade kiss and Proud Him, Captain Cato Sicarius being his right hand :tongue.:

Watch this army, try and make me stop playing them as Ultramarines and I hope your eyes bleed :biggrin.:


And quickly went... places.


And Brother Casman closed the thread:


(Krieg, you had better keep us in the loop with your Ultramarine "Riot" :wink: )

Well, now I just gotta do it, my defense is that a Moderati told me to :P
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I already have an idea of Guilliman with varied hues of blue on plates or colorshift blue on them and a riot of colors on all the "flourishes", all blending into one another... That's going to be a pain in the ass to paint but I hope the effect will be worth it and will make Emperor's Children blush :D

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