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LeodisRex's introduction/photos/fluff teasers


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Greetings Brothers


Long time lurker, 1st time poster.


Just thought I would say Hello on my entrance to the Rock..... You know, compliment Belial on the way the tattoos make his biceps stand out, give Asmodai a big hug and a pat on the behind for getting that lovely obsidian pearl necklace etc :biggrin.:


One thing I wanted to mention is that I take lots of 'artistic' photos of my Dark Angels and the battles they are in, as well as some standard painting progress pics. I will post a few for your pleasure and see if its something people want to see more of. So far it's just something I have shared within my gaming group but they have encouraged me to share with a wider audience.


I also write a lot of Dark angel fan fiction, again just shared within my gaming group. Usually as a background for the units that I field, or perhaps a particular event that happens in one of our games/campaigns. Just let me know if you enjoy them and I'll post more. I have several gigabytes worth lol.


Praise the Lion.

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The last leodis


The Last Leodis, a short story I wrote when I painted my knight to join the Dark Angels. I hope you enjoy.

Deep within the bowels of The Rock an ancient machine sits. In a secluded, dark warehousing hall. None but the most senior of the inner circle know of its location. Ruined to the point of disfunction, the battered Revenant of war stands silent, dripping lubricant fluid on the iron deck of it's new home. Clinging to existance, the machine spirit lies dormant. A physical manifestation of the God emperors holy wrath, only he knows if the last knight of house Leodis will walk again.

Meanwhile..... Azrael convenes the inner circle for a matter of great import. Shrouded in forest green cloaks, they stand around a stone dias, only their mouths visible to the judgemental eyes of the gargoyles that punctuate the chamber.
The room is cold and dark, only lit and heated by candles . And even those flickers in and out of existence in a macabre irony with the matter at hand. All is deathly silent. Azrael is the first to break that silence, as is his right. His voice, granite hard from centuries of warfare echoes off the stone walls.

"Ezekiel, tell me of our guest, does he live, and more importantly, have you scried his thoughts?"

Another of the hooded figures responds, his voice smooth but sinister, and with the very faintest of discord between words, as though a chorus of people were speaking at once.

"My lord, the pilot clings to life in the apothecarion much as the machine does on the lower decks, as for his motives.... It appears he is committed to our cause, at least to bring vengeance to the enemies of man, if nothing more.

" He knows nothing of the great hunt then! A good start, still...I would know more of the events on Barbarus VII.... Speak!"

"As you wish it master, it seems whilst we fought the foul forces of both the plague God and taker of skulls in the cities of the equater, the knights of house Leodis fought their own battle against Deamonic entities at the Northern Polar region... "
Several of the hooded figures lips curled into expressions of disgust and hatred at the mention of deamons, though they remained silent and their bodies still. Many of them still bore healing wounds from the recent conflict, and every mention of the foul creatures seemed to stoke their hatred.

"...... When we arrived at their stronghold it was a scene of carnage. The snow stained red with the blood of traitors and foul creatures who had perished in their thousands. However, the cost was grave. The entire Leodis family was committed in defending their home. A contingent of 15 knights in total my lord"

Azrael's head turned slightly towards the chief librarian. "What manner of beasts are such that 15 knights could not stem the tide?"

"Traitor titans and greater deamons master, by the score it seems. Only our 'guest' remained by the end, alone, under the great black gate of the Leodis house, both him and the gate barely standing . When the techmarines managed to open up the pilot chamber of the machine they found Constantine. The oldest Son of Alaric Leodis, according to administratum records. He was clinging to life and screaming litanies of hate at the enemies of man.
With oaths to protect his family and lands failed, he pledged what was left of his life to our service if we would grant him vengeance. Shortly after that he lost consciousness and now sits comatose in the apothecarion"

Silence fell upon the room once again whilst Azrael was in thought. Not a soul moved in the meantime. The only sign that time hadn't stopped was the gentle flickering of candles.

When he broke the silence it was to ask council from one that none would expect.
"Asmodai, you too were present at the relief of the Leodan gate, what say you of events?"

There was several moments of tense silence. The interrogator chaplain was not the most senior in the chaplaincy, but certainly the most feared and unpredictable. His superior, Sapphon had commitments attending to the spirituality of the chapter after the unholy events on Barbarus VII, and so Asmodai had attended in his stead.

When he did speak it was was with a voice as coarse as gravel. Lips curled into a snarl of hatred, even when not in combat.

"The mortal is a psychopath. Consumed by grief and hate at the loss of his family. He should be euthanized before the Canker of his mind spreads to the battle brothers......."

Though their faces did not flinch many of the gathering appreciated the irony of Asmodai labeling someone else a psychopath.

"....... However..... "

In unison a dozen hooded heads turned in anticipation of what might come next.

" I heard his cries of hatred and vengeance as he was pulled from his machine, and I saw the traitors scurry away from his wrath. It is said that when the lion walked among us, his roar would make all enemies before him tremble. I saw a reincarnation of that in this melding of man and machine. Though his mortal mind is broken, he is become a revenant of the lions fury.

Azrael slowly clasped his hands together in front of his waist ".... Then it is settled, this knight Will be given his chance at vengeance should he live. Have the techmarine begin reparations immediately on the engine. Asmodai, see to his..... 'Commitment' to the Dark Angels. We are concluded.

As the gathered individuals filed silently out of the room Azrael's voice sounded once more.
"Not you, Ezekiel........."

The two robed figures now left alone, both dropped their hoods. Revealing faces both noble, and ravaged by war.
"We must know more of his motives Ezekiel if he is to be welcome in the tower of Angels! You know what to do "
".... he will suffer my lord, it may kill him in his weakened state"

"There is always suffering my friend, it is the path to redemption, we know that more than most".

"Indeed master. I believe he is familiar with suffering now, he is the last of his bloodline, the last of the Leodis".

"No longer, Now he is a Dark Angel, Brother. Nothing else matters".

To be continued....


The last leodis

Edited by LeodisRex
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