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Imperial Knight Strat question


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Hey all, quick question I have for a game this coming weekend. I'm running a House Vulker Crusader with the Endless Fury relic weapon, which gives 2 hits on to-hit rolls of unmodified 6s. If I use Vulker's Saturation Bombardment strat, which is basically the same thing but for all shooting attacks on the Knight, does the strat effect the relic weapon? Unlike similar rules in other codices, neither Saturation Bombardment's rules nor the Endless Fury rules state that relic weapons cannot be effected by stratagems.


So I see two options really:


Option 1- Use RAW and give the Endless Fury 3 hits per natural 6s on to-hit rolls


Option 2- USE RAI and just have it give 2 hits per natural 6s on to-hit rolls


Anyone have any insight into this?

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The wording of the two affects is very important.


As Per the 1.5 FAQ

Q: Some abilities can cause extra hits or wounds on a specific
roll e.g. ‘Each hit roll of 6 scores 2 hits instead of 1’ and ‘Each
hit roll of 6 scores 1 additional hit on the target’. Are these
abilities cumulative?
A: It depends on the exact wording of the rule in
question. Rules that ‘score 2 (or more) hits instead of
1’ are not cumulative. Rules that ‘score 1 (or more)
additional hits’ are cumulative. Here are some examples
to show how these rules interact:
1. If a model is affected by two different rules that say
that on a hit roll of 6 that attack ‘scores 2 hits instead
of 1’ then a hit roll of 6 will still only result in 2 hits
being scored against the target unit.
2. If a model is affected by two different rules that say
that on a hit roll of 6 that attack ‘scores 1 additional
hit‘ on the target, then a hit roll of 6 will result in 3
hits being scored against the target unit.
3. If a model is affected by two different rules, one that
says that on a hit roll of 6 that attack ‘scores 2 hits
instead of 1’ and one that says that on a hit roll of 6
that attack ‘scores 1 additional hit‘ against the target,
then a hit roll of 6 will result in 3 hits being scored
against the target unit.


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