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Am I playing plasma talons wrong


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So I suspect this is a stupid question but how many plasma talons does each bike have. Do both guns represent one plasma talon or does each bike have two plasma talons.


The unit entry states each bike is equipped with a plasma talon.


usually where two identical guns are mounted next to each other they are referred to as twin.


So have I been doing myself out of half my shots.

Edited by JJD
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Ok I’ve been playing it correctly then the pair of guns on the model represent a single plasma talon.


I just noticed today the entry doesn’t include the word twin which confused me and made me think it might have two as there are two guns.

Edited by JJD
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The number of guns on a model is meaningless - you have to look at the data sheet to see what something is armed with, that will tell you how many of any item something as to shoot with. In the case of the plasma talons, the data sheet says "armed with a" rather than "armed with two" - so you only get to use the weapon entry denoted as "plasma talon" and get however many shots that weapon entry says it gets once.


Even the "twin boltgun" on a standard bike is still only a single weapon entry and fires whatever that entry says - you don't get double the shots listed because it's two boltguns, etc.

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Even the "twin boltgun" on a standard bike is still only a single weapon entry and fires whatever that entry says - you don't get double the shots listed because it's two boltguns, etc.

It was the twin thing that had me questioning myself yesterday. As far as I can tell all the other times two side by side modelled guns are referred to as twin. Plasma Talon is the exception. It makes sense as there is no single option but it had me questioning if I was playing it correctly.


Thanks for clarifying.

Edited by JJD
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