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Chaos terminators any good?


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Termies have been hit and miss for me, there doesn't tend to be any middle ground for them! I need to expand their weapon options, but it's not hard to see how combi-weapons can give them some punch.


My current squad build is bolters and lightning claws, unfortunately a little pricey by comparison now but they can mince their way through infantry handily. Against chaff they're more like a blender :tongue.: In order to truly shine as they should GW needs to give them a bit of love, but their ability to turn up where you need them to help out is useful. I've found the trick is to not have them the sole target of AT fire, their 2+ can weather a fair bit of smaller calibre fire but big guns usually mean bad times :(

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I use them mostly for clearing chaff and objectives.


Bare-bones, 5 of them have 40 bolter shots. With morale, that's usually enough to put down a Guardian or Infantry squad.


Feels like the key to getting value out of them is knowing when to drop them. Waiting until Turn 3 has some advantages, allow your opponent to take an objective away from the fray then drop them in to attack.

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I use them mostly for clearing chaff and objectives.


Bare-bones, 5 of them have 40 bolter shots.

I think that´s not true. More like 20 Shots per 5. Bolter rules essentially allow "rapid fire" to the maximum range, therefore 4 shots per Termie.

Endless Cacophony, bro.

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I do get frustrated with Termies. I put them away for a while but I usually drag them back out. The new models are just so cool.


So I typically have better targets to use cacaphony for but I’ve found a way to keep them in the list but it’s not glamorous. Basically I take 5 vanilla and sit them in cover on an objective.


They aren’t infallible but no one likes dumping firepower into Termies in cover.


Every once in a while 8 play 10 with 3 meltas. While they can sometimes get some work done, at that cost and with meltas their threat level gets a lot more attention, and at that point level it hurts to lose them. I like them best as a small annoyance with some staying power. Really 10 bikes can do a lot of similar things for you, but with the bikers carrying additional weapons and the speed, I think they start to threaten the Terminator role.

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I do get frustrated with Termies. I put them away for a while but I usually drag them back out. The new models are just so cool.


So I typically have better targets to use cacaphony for but I’ve found a way to keep them in the list but it’s not glamorous. Basically I take 5 vanilla and sit them in cover on an objective.


They aren’t infallible but no one likes dumping firepower into Termies in cover.


Every once in a while 8 play 10 with 3 meltas. While they can sometimes get some work done, at that cost and with meltas their threat level gets a lot more attention, and at that point level it hurts to lose them. I like them best as a small annoyance with some staying power. Really 10 bikes can do a lot of similar things for you, but with the bikers carrying additional weapons and the speed, I think they start to threaten the Terminator role.


Hm, have you tried splitting them in two units of five with two melta's each? Maybe that would work better? I have re-vamped my IW list with predators, I could fit in a 5 man unit with chain axe and combi plasma, for 190 pts, but I think the third pred at similar points would help me more. I would like to try running 15 combi plas + chain axe with Termi HQ's, cultists fodder but I can't commit to that many cultists at this stage. I think the 10 man brick would be better just stock, not quite top priority to an opponent, but still worth them not completely ignoring either. 

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I have had good results with my plasmanators so far. I often bring a squad of five and add a csm lord in termie armour also with combi plas. I then try to deepstrike them in a way, that i can support them with a sorcerer With jumppack or daemon prince. They present a threat in turn two anf forces the opponent to shield some tough targets, so they dont get hit. But since oblits got their new models i feel they compete with that role.
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My issue with them 10 (with plasma) costs more than a Knight and is worse in pretty much every way (durability, firepower etc). While having a toolkit army is the way forward, they're just too expensive for what you get. We have options that are, simply put, much more efficient. 


Maybe if they got a 5pt drop, so they would watch the Loyalists, it would help, but they get SSs and THs, and still aren't taken.  

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The question for me is: 3 oblit vs 10 (or 5 ) termis. I actually have 2*3 oblit, the new ones that I love in term of miniatures in my CSM army.

But I haven't played them yet.


What do you think about 3oblit vs 10 termis or 2 oblits vs 5 termis?

I think 3 plasma termis equal the cost of an obliterator. Termis have 3 bodies with two wounds vs one body with 4 wounds. so they losse power output when a termie dies. but have more survivability overall. on the other hand, the oblita have a higher range (3 termies get their 6 shots only in half range) , so you can stay out or rapid fire range of most weapons to avoid high volume fire.


I think currently i like 5 terminators better. but a squad of 3 oblits can be buffed very well. but only work in biger games.

Edited by Maschinenpriester
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