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Chaos monster mash


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Hi guys, I wasn't sure exactly were to post this so apologies if it's in the wrong place.

I'm hoping to run an army which includes a daemon prince, a maulerfiend, bloodthirster and a chaos knight amongst other things (some kind of troops perhaps bloodletters).

My question is how could I put them into detachements. Could I put the daemons from the daemon codex and daemon engines from csm in the same detachment? Are there any serious drawbacks if I do so?

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Generally, if you can, its best to keep each detachment restricted to a particular codex.  That said, the demon codex works a bit differently - you gain the benefit of a loci if all your units in the detachment are daemons with a particular mark (so, can include demons with the mark from other codexes).  If you put your blood letters (if you have 3 squads) blood thirster and daemon prince in one battalion, that allows you to keep the benefits of having a khorne demon detachment and gives you a nice 8 CP.  The knight then fits into an auxillary super-heavy detachment.  Then, finally, you can either put the Maulerfiend in the korne demon detachment if you give it the mark of khorne, or you can make a chaos space marine detachment and put it in that - you would need to do it the latter way if you want access to the chaos space marine stratagems.


Added note:  the disadvantage of putting a maulerfiend in a demon detachment is that you can't use any stratagems on it - as per the demon FAQ, their stratagems only work on codex demons and you don't get access to chaos space marine stratagems unless you take a chaos marine detachment.


Edit:  Crossed out parts that are incorrect - I mistook keywords with faction keywords.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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 Then, finally, you can either put the Maulerfiend in the korne demon detachment if you give it the mark of khorne,


That´s not true. Daemon Engines as well as every single Daemon out of Codex: CSM miss the DAEMON Faction Keyword. They can not be included in a DAEMON Detachment. It would be a CHAOS Detachment then.

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Thanks for the replies!

Do people think that this is even a remotely good idea for an army list? I'm not a massively competitive player, does the idea sound fun to play and play against? (I don't want to over invest in an army that nobody enjoys)


I can't remember if you are able to take 2 or 3 detachments at 2000 points?

To overcome the lack of daemon faction keyword could khorne be used as a faction keyword?

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Working through some of the same issues.


You could organize your detachments something like this:


- Daemon Prince / Maulerfiend - Spearhead detachment

- Chaos Knight - Super Heavy Auxillary detachment

- Bloodthirster - Supreme Command detachment


You'd need more models, but you get the idea.


The trouble is Chaos Knights are no good by themselves, they lose access to benefits that only apply in other detachments. Bloodthirsters by themselves are no good, you absolutely have to use Denizens of the Warp to get them close to your opponent. And Daemon Princes / Maulerfiends are good, but you need other units for legion traits to matter.


So it's really hard to min-max with these kinds of units. You can absolutely construct a legal list. Most units will be at a disadvantage compared to how they would perform in a more well-rounded list.

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You can include all but the Knight in a single dettachment if you give them all the same chaos God keyword, in this case KHORNE because of the Bloodthirster.


You would lose access to faction Strategems for CSM and CD if you did so. You would also lose any legion traits or faction Loci, since the rules require you to have a "daemon detachment" to gain the loci and daemons from the CD Codex obviously don't have a <LEGION>.


The only thing you lose by taking a Knight Auxilary is the Ambition and one free character, but you can still use a strat to make it a character.


Best bet is to keep them in seperate dettachments.

1001-2000 points allows 3 dettachments with the rule of 3.


I would recommend possibly a Supreme Command CD dettachment with Bloodthirster, DP, and Karanak. They should all be able to keep pace with the maulerfiend(s) and buff them. Alternatively, you can add bloodletters instead of Karanak to earn some CP with a battalion.


For the CSMs, a spearhead with a DP or Lord Discordant and maulerfiend would work. Alternatively, you could use some Havocs in place of one or two maulerfiends, or you could try for a patrol or battalion with a DP and Maulerfiend with cultists, CSMs, or Berzerkers if you do World Eaters. You might also try Red Corsairs for the <LEGION> instead if you want to try pumping up CP with CSM troops.


Remember, you can throw Armigers in to male a full Knight detachment if need be.


Personally, a Khorne Daemons/World Eaters army with Knight support sounds fun. Lots of melee monstrosity with psychic denial. I would probably try Bloodthirster and Kharanak with 3 Bloodletter units for a battalion. World Eaters DP or Lord Discordant with 3 maulerfiends for a spearhead. And a Knight with 2 Armigers if you have the points, or solo if you don't.

That might be out of point range though.

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