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Positive Discussion: Devastation Battery


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Greetings, Frater:


I find the new SM codex fostering in my an urge to revamp my Chaos for the challenge- just like new Chaos makes me hunger to update my imperials.


But as always, there is much doom and gloom since IH has dropped. Not saying it's not justified.


So I propose discussion of what we have!






Legion Strat/Warlord Trait Synergy:

Relic synergy:

Recommended use:


Let's start with the Devastation Battery!



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Well, being able to fire first with a unit is great.  Too many units get killed before you ever get to use them, and with some units they have such a reputation that they will always be the first target.  With this in mind, you can bring a risky unit (like havocs or obliterators) and know you'll get at least some use out of them.  


This works well with a Dark Apostle since you can buff the unit at the start of the game turn so you can even be hitting on 2s with a lot of our units.  

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Well, being able to fire first with a unit is great.  Too many units get killed before you ever get to use them, and with some units they have such a reputation that they will always be the first target.  With this in mind, you can bring a risky unit (like havocs or obliterators) and know you'll get at least some use out of them.  


This works well with a Dark Apostle since you can buff the unit at the start of the game turn so you can even be hitting on 2s with a lot of our units.  


Yeah with the model count nerf, devastation battery seems mandatory now with three units. I like the sorc to buff as another option to the Apostle. I re-adjusted my list to include it. 

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