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Thoughts on Grey Knights and the future


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All of my Interceptors went down 2pts ppm because I re-modeled them all with Twin Falchions in 8ed. :huh.: Clever GW.....clever... :dry.:





I'm glad, I left them with mixed weapons. But it annoys me how they got greedy even on such point drops for an officially worst army in current edition.

What are peoples thoughts on the points changes? I see the standard NDK is significantly cheaper at 100 points base. Add 2 fists for 15 pts (I think it's not entirely clear!) And a heavy incinerator for 19. 134 pts for a 12 wound model with 6 s12 d3D attacks on the charge seems ok. 402 pts for 3 should do some work?

So next installment involves Thousand Sons, Dark angels and Grey Knights. So it would seem we will be facing the psychic power house of the chaos faction, should be interesting to see how we counter the Thousand sons in terms of powers and abilitiers. The inclusion of the Dark Angels is a bit of a surprise though.

Hmm, with CA2019 I was able to get another 5-man Interceptor Squad and a Brotherhood Champion. This completes an Outrider Detachment, so an extra 1cp for a total of 10cp in a TAC mono-GK 2K points list. Not bad so far, depends on how much better other armies get...but we also have PA4 for actual rules updates (hopefully an impressive 2nd part to our Chapter Tactics), BA players seems to very much like what they got in PA3 overall. 

Here's a screenshot from the new Chapter Approved 2019:

CA2019 GK


Seems like tha basic cost of our power armoured guys have gone down by 5 points, BUT we do now pay 1 point per Nemesis Force weapon (1 point for a single Falchion, so it seems 2 points for a pair). This means that a Strike Marine with a Sword or Halberd has gone down 4 points total; from 21 to 17, while Falchion guys have gone down 3 points to 18 each.

Named characters have gone down as have some non-named ones and Paladins went from 47 base to 41 base!

I said a while ago I had a good feeling about GK in Psychic Awakening.


I recently sold my 3rd (and final) Ultramarines army and really  miss these guys. I'd dearly love to get back to them one day. 


One thing though, as a side note, I really don't think they intend to do any Primaris for these guys. I think I heard it on one of their podcasts. I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing, unless you really want a redesign on that level. And since Draigo is stuck in the warp, I can't see him going through the rubric to Primaris anyway.


In PA, I have no idea what actually comes for the Grey Knights, but I really think it's going to be very good. I still think they army sits in a unique position and can become quite powerful very easily. (Without changing any models really). 

I said a while ago I had a good feeling about GK in Psychic Awakening.


I recently sold my 3rd (and final) Ultramarines army and really  miss these guys. I'd dearly love to get back to them one day. 


One thing though, as a side note, I really don't think they intend to do any Primaris for these guys. I think I heard it on one of their podcasts. I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing, unless you really want a redesign on that level. And since Draigo is stuck in the warp, I can't see him going through the rubric to Primaris anyway.


In PA, I have no idea what actually comes for the Grey Knights, but I really think it's going to be very good. I still think they army sits in a unique position and can become quite powerful very easily. (Without changing any models really). 


Anything that brings us back to playable on the table is great imo. I've no urge to see any Primaris introduced but I wouldn't say no. Our range, specifically the terminators, still holds up quite well. Even the strike squad has a multitude of options for mini-marines. Only things needing updates would be some of the characters, such as Crowe and Draigo. Draigo in particular, he's worse than a standard terminator sculpt, don't know if it's just because of Finecast or not.


Lore-wise, I don't know how they'd go about the Primaris thing in the first place considering we're already directly descended from the Emperor's geneseed and already incorruptible.

Nemesis Dreadknights went down significantly. I know they aren't great units, but... do you think maybe they have some viability now? Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, and Fists is now 159 points. That's so cheap!



Even if their cost was 30 pts, they would be still 12 w, 2+/5++ model with 12-24" guns and 8" move. They will be shredded by any dedicated anti-tank weapons turn 1. GMs can hold a bit, unless you play against stand-and-shoot top-tier lists.


I had a test game against new tyranids. Roster was based on leaks, so I may be over by a couple points. And I noticed, that I was over the limit of HQ by 1 (slots were never a problem for GK, just get used to it), but it changed nothing.



My list was:







Hector Rex

3x5 Strikes







His list


Double foot Tyrants

2x10 gaunts

3x5 rippers

Old One eye



9xShooty Warriors

Warrior Prime

3x Exocrines

2x Carnifexes


We played Crusade+Secret Maneuvers from new CA. I was left with Vindicare and VenDread by turn 5 and he was left with a Tyrant, 10 gaunts, 3 rippers and 2 carnifexes. I won by points, score was 28-22. 


New Maelstrom is very good for us. It is possible to keep objectives in the hand and use at the right moment (like area denial or harness the warp). But I feel, that 18 cards to discard is too much - you don't know beforehand which objectives will be on your side, so you want either keep all or discard all. But if the opponent doesn't have fliers, psykers, big game, etc. you are forced to throw them away too. I was happy by discarding all defend cards - GK are not very good at long-time objective hold. Priority orders is an auto-choice for us - just combine it with an easy objective and gate/drop your warlord upon it. Harness the warp - no comments here. The same is for behind enemy lines. Advance is auto-discard. In-codex objectives are still poor, I'd only leave the psychic one, but taking objectives will be always better. Domination is auto-discard for me too - good only for horde armies. Kingslayer can be nasty in certain situations and match-ups too. I'd like to experiment more.


As for army strength - yeah, we are the same. Point drops don't change antyhing. Assassins are still our best friends. I think, 2xVindicare+Callidus is the best combination. Eversor is good if enemy has lots of chaff. 3 Vindicares is a must against SM armies - taking down Ancients turn 1 is critical.


Hector Rex with Malleus WT doesn't pull his weight. I run him with Terrify+Mental Interrogation+Castigation/Dominate. Terrify is very good for shutting down overwatch (saved my mass character charge to exocrine - only the last one made it, so I would have 48 shots at my face overwise). I never could take a CP with mental interrogation. I often just used smite. I think, Coteaz is better choice, or just a xeno inquisitor with 5+ return CP trait and always wound on 2+ relic. 


New tyranids are scary. Tyrant with +1 to cast and deny and bonus power is devastating - he basically shut down all my critical casts. Tyranid player didn't use new stratagem, but I doubt it is as scary as it seems - if I get it right, it works only when you naturally fail a cast and not when it is unbound. Still very-very annoying and can potentially kill Voldus or Hector in a single psychic phase.


I really wish there would be something very strong for us in the next PA. Otherwise, nothing changed.

Anything that brings us back to playable on the table is great imo. I've no urge to see any Primaris introduced but I wouldn't say no. Our range, specifically the terminators, still holds up quite well. Even the strike squad has a multitude of options for mini-marines. Only things needing updates would be some of the characters, such as Crowe and Draigo. Draigo in particular, he's worse than a standard terminator sculpt, don't know if it's just because of Finecast or not.


Lore-wise, I don't know how they'd go about the Primaris thing in the first place considering we're already directly descended from the Emperor's geneseed and already incorruptible.


The incorruptible thing is mostly down to the gear, though. Adding a bit of extra resistance (not to mention strength and durability) on top of that would be pretty useful, though.


Pity GW wouldn't plug the holes in GK lineup with both new models and fluff. Say, write GK started to carefully experiment with primaris by having a few strong willed champions cross the rubicon, then release primaris brotherhood champion model (that also builds primaris Crowe) - Emperor knows that one Codex entry could really use both new mini and a buff to its stat line...

I don't think that GK need primaris personally. They need something similar to doctrines and need to have more freedom with psychic powers imho, access to blend psychic disciplines. Maybe just give them all +1W and call it. These guys are supposed to be hyper disciplined. Not quite Custodian level but nothing in the imperium with the exceptions of primarichs and the emperor are that damned good. 


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