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List building vs the new loyalists marines


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I read many topics about the new marine codex and how stronger they are than CSM now and while we patiently wait for a real codex 2.0 for us i wanted to know how you build your lists to confront them.

I know many of you suggest to bring transports to keep our pricy marines up the table because we lose in the shooty game but i would like to have examples of real list and how they exploit the SM weaknesses(they have some right?).

I play alpha legion because i always loved the lore and the background of the XX legion and have a decently sized force, i love my contemptors with butcher cannons and my deredeo as much as i love my havocs and when i am list building i always start with a firebase first and then i try to bring some fast meele threat usually 2 disco lord with various daemon engines as a big distraction they can't ignore along chaos lords with jump pack and i try to bring real marines as my troop choice, not going with just cultist fodder.

So how do you play your CSM now? You rush them forward for meele or try a balanced approach?

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In tournament play I have run a soul forged pack supreme command with a Kytan 2 disco Lords and a prince to splash delightful agonies around, a Lord of Skulls and then a Battalion with 2x jump Sorcerers and 3 CSM with auto cannon.

Tabled a new ultramarines and would have probably done the same to a knights list if i hadn’t forgotten about all my buffs. It was a pure red Corsair list. Came 10th out of 30 but I hadn’t played the list before the tournament and it handled itself nicely.

Played a mates eldar to give him some practice games for a tournament on Saturday and his list only lasted 2 turns. But they were at 1750, so swapped the prince for a jump Lord and the LoS for mortarion. That was truly devastating, I’d previously only used mortarion with my Death Guard, the addition of other threats and combining his negative buffs, combat and psychic with CSM made him not a liability but a big force multiplier.

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In tournament play I have run a soul forged pack supreme command with a Kytan 2 disco Lords and a prince to splash delightful agonies around, a Lord of Skulls and then a Battalion with 2x jump Sorcerers and 3 CSM with auto cannon.

Tabled a new ultramarines and would have probably done the same to a knights list if i hadn’t forgotten about all my buffs. It was a pure red Corsair list. Came 10th out of 30 but I hadn’t played the list before the tournament and it handled itself nicely.

Played a mates eldar to give him some practice games for a tournament on Saturday and his list only lasted 2 turns. But they were at 1750, so swapped the prince for a jump Lord and the LoS for mortarion. That was truly devastating, I’d previously only used mortarion with my Death Guard, the addition of other threats and combining his negative buffs, combat and psychic with CSM made him not a liability but a big force multiplier.

I was thinking about the kytan too as i have one, how did it perform?

Seems like your list hits hard, how was the ultramarine list?

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In tournament play I have run a soul forged pack supreme command with a Kytan 2 disco Lords and a prince to splash delightful agonies around, a Lord of Skulls and then a Battalion with 2x jump Sorcerers and 3 CSM with auto cannon.

Tabled a new ultramarines and would have probably done the same to a knights list if i hadn’t forgotten about all my buffs. It was a pure red Corsair list. Came 10th out of 30 but I hadn’t played the list before the tournament and it handled itself nicely.

Played a mates eldar to give him some practice games for a tournament on Saturday and his list only lasted 2 turns. But they were at 1750, so swapped the prince for a jump Lord and the LoS for mortarion. That was truly devastating, I’d previously only used mortarion with my Death Guard, the addition of other threats and combining his negative buffs, combat and psychic with CSM made him not a liability but a big force multiplier.

Yeah, Disco Lord + Lord of Skulls is beastly, especially in a Soulforged Pack. People forget just how much cheaper certain options on the "Khorne Dozer" have gotten and just how many extra buffs it gets compared to a Knight (Hateful Assault,Daemonforge, Disco Lord buff/Spirit Thief healing, Infernal Power, Cursed Earth, Advance and Charge and extra Move from various Soulforged Pack items, etc.).


It also doesn't hurt that the LoS is actually big enough to hide a Disco Lord behind it.....LoS.....hehehe.

Edited by GreaterChickenofTzeentch
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I used the Kytan in the pack. And man that thing can move quick

The knights player back lined his force thinking I couldn’t reach out and touch them. 14”+2d6advance warp time to do it again and then charge is nearly the width of the board.

From my experience using the LoS, unfortunately is still a good 100 points over costed.

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I used the Kytan in the pack. And man that thing can move quick

The knights player back lined his force thinking I couldn’t reach out and touch them. 14”+2d6advance warp time to do it again and then charge is nearly the width of the board.

From my experience using the LoS, unfortunately is still a good 100 points over costed.

A buddy of mine gets mileage out of it using the absolute cheapest guns. Runs it with his Chaos Knights as an allied World Eaters Superheavy Aux and since Superheavy Aux (not Aux Support) still gets Legion Traits and Stratagems, he gets to use it to nullify Psychic Powers on a 4+.

Edited by GreaterChickenofTzeentch
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