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Another Old Wolf Returning..

Wolf Lord Duregar

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Hi guys,


got caught in the Eye of Terror chasing down some of those pesky Thousand Sons..

..or real life intervened and I have not swung a choppa, er I mea axe! In anger for way too many yearz..Not had any proper fun.. Ale!


I left the hobby more than ten years ago as I moved to another town, stdied and then played computer games or built and painted model aircraft. But I realized I miss the old days of konverting stuff, chop up some plastics and give it a lick of paint. :)


I used to be quite competetive, started playing when 2nd Ed. was released and pretty soon went full retard with Space Wolves, upgraded my stuff with way too much FW and other bitz.. And then just walked away from it all..


Anyways. I miss it and I intend to come back. No idea about actually playing yet, Kill team looks cool? But I definitely want to get back into the modelling, converting and painting parts of the hobby!


That was a long way of saying hi I guess. I will probably have questions but i need to start trying to check things up myself first I guess. As for the ork, I played Orks too, but Space Wolves was always my first and biggest love. It must be the fungus beer, axes and ´and ter ´and capabilities of the green skins that sucked me in there too.


Open up the bar, all rounds are on me tonight!


Glad to be back.:wub:

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welcome back brother!


grab a storm shield and wade into the fray!



competitive 40k has never been better. this is a golden age you need to experience


the biggest shock will probably be ITC missions and formats


the competitive scene is making a push into the realm of streaming and possible professional games

Thanks guys! I miss the kick of my slugga or the sound of my choppa biting into flesh.






Nice to hear. I have no clue as what to happened after 4th Ed maybe? I sold my stuff to a close friend, he kept playing but later left as well. I will update myself with rules and such stuff.. After i got some plastic to chop up!

There were bitz seervices back "then" but maybe it is even more easy, but not necessary cheaper, to get some of the more cool bitz?

All my Space Wolves had Mk 6 helmets, something, knowing myself, I will try to do again.. love them beakie helmets!


I am sure I will play at some point but right now, probably not the most important, I need to stick my fingers togetehr with glue and such sillyness!:biggrin.:


Nice to see the Forum is still around and not to bashed up by the countless bar brawls that must have occured?

Welcome back to Fang! I generally use eBay for my bits needs. Let’s see some picks of your Great Company!


I have an old school Wolf Scout sarge (the one with the bolt pistol) and three custom made Wolf Scouts left. The buddy I sold all my stuff to, forgot them when he in turn sold it all.

I had a pretty insane ammount of stuff with so much stuff added I almost not want to think about it, lol.. I had managed to get about 150 beakie-helmest, bolt pistols, frag and krak grenades on all, metal shoulder pads. Built clones (not just switchable weapons) for all but power weapons in the packs. So I had 2 flamers, 2 plasma guns etc for every Grey Hunter pack..

Sometimes my "perfectionist" nature gets the better of me.. :teehee:


Can´t remember where I got the idea for the Wolf Scouts but those I´ll actually tweak and reuse. Assault Marine legs and torsos, Chaos Marauder arms, Kroot shoulder pads, Imperial Guard back packs, Necromunda shotguns (because it LOOKED cool with shotguns, .. I know they were trash..)


Not gonna dwell in the past too much, the stuff is gone. But I have a clean slate, all I need is time and money.. :biggrin.:


Cool, ebay for bitz. Yeha there should be people playing here. There is even a local oficial GW store 30 mins walk from me so i should be fine.

I will probably start with a full grey Hunter Pack, need to practice a biut on something cheapish.


Are there anything I should avoid? Units wise. And I guess power fists are still viable to put in as many as I can get in packs? Frost blade or lightning claws for characters?


I am still kinda an old school Space Wolf player, I mean I feel confident having the "classic" Packs present, mounted if possible in Rhinos. I see there is alot of new stuff, wolves of different flavours.. I never played when there were flyers other than Land Speeders around..

Is it viable, semiviable to start out with a Pack of Grey Hunters, Blood Claws, Long Fangs, Wolf Scouts, in RHinos, and have some kind of fun?

Long Fangs are still viable, but most of the classic marines are getting less and less love from Games Workshop. They are slowly pushing their new "primaris" range, which is more or less true scale marines - and taller and tougher than the old. They have multiple options in each army role (troops, elite, etc.) that are taking over from the classics.


If I were starting over, I wouldn't make Grey Hunters, Blood Claws, or Rhinos (the new marines can't ride the old transports). I probably wouldn't make Long Fangs either.


I've personally grown fond of the designs of the new guys. They haven't made any chapter-specific boxes yet, though, so you'll need to buy separate kits or bits to make them proper Space Wolves.

Long Fangs are still viable, but most of the classic marines are getting less and less love from Games Workshop. They are slowly pushing their new "primaris" range, which is more or less true scale marines - and taller and tougher than the old. They have multiple options in each army role (troops, elite, etc.) that are taking over from the classics.


If I were starting over, I wouldn't make Grey Hunters, Blood Claws, or Rhinos (the new marines can't ride the old transports). I probably wouldn't make Long Fangs either.


I've personally grown fond of the designs of the new guys. They haven't made any chapter-specific boxes yet, though, so you'll need to buy separate kits or bits to make them proper Space Wolves.


Ah ok, interesting. I have only looked at a few pics of those Primaris Marines. What bitz can be mixed with them from old kits? Heads?

Seems like i have some books to buy and read..It is a bit daunting to be honest! :sweat: But interesting!


Where do I start to get to know what these are, how to use themodels and so on?

I still use Heads and arms from the old SM models, they are a bit smaller but I think they make the body armour look better, more barrell chested, also shoulder pads still work, but they work better on Reivers as they have cut-down armour.  Don't mix the legs though, the old legs are stupidly small compared to the new Primaris and I'd say backpacks are a no also (they have a different join on them, square instead of round, so you'd have to re-work the join).


One nice thing I've done recently but not shared the pics is adding a Terminator Power Fist to a standard Mk X Primaris armour, it looks awesome!

As for getting an overview of our units, I think 1d4 chan's warhammer tactics wiki is a good place to start:



Also, GW now has the very base of the rules for free on their website. They call it the battle primer, and it's both nicely brief and well-written.

Just have fun with it and make stuff that you think looks cool and if you do want to use it in a game then "counts as" works.


Cool, "count as" still works? That is good news. :thumbsup: 


How is the future, what is going on that might affect us? New kits? Books? Rules etc?

Aor where do i go to find out on my own? :whistling: 


..and we still drink ale, don´t we??:wink:


Just have fun with it and make stuff that you think looks cool and if you do want to use it in a game then "counts as" works.


Cool, "count as" still works? That is good news. :thumbsup:


How is the future, what is going on that might affect us? New kits? Books? Rules etc?

Aor where do i go to find out on my own? :whistling:


..and we still drink ale, don´t we??:wink:



"Counts as" is still what it always has been, dependent group by group. If you're competitive its still safer to get TO approval and as always the cooler or better done it is the easier to "pass". It's maybe slightly harder now since allies are a thing and people can get weird about it but again that just group dependent.


Future has some stuff coming for us. Last campaign release gave us a semi-mediocre (IMO) detachment that is kinda fun but if nothing else. This upcoming one is anyones guess but currently all marines except us non codex rebels are pretty scary.


Basically the Fang is all keyed up for the update but doesn't want to get burned again like our last couple batches of attention.

I seem to recall similar things in the past, nothing new about GW then is it..? :wink: One good thing about enjoying the modelling and painting aspect - I doubt they´ll come knocking on my door demanding I rip apart my conversions.. Well, they can try..:teehee: 


So the meta is more shooty currently, shooty armies generally fare better? Flciking through my borrowed rulebook and that free stuff it seems that vehicles might be more fun and actually not just vulnerable pillboxes these days..? Atleast it seems as if Bjorn is bad ass again..


I´ll do some test-painting for more grey than baby blue Space Wolves and see what you guys think.. I don´t really mind the baby blue :sweat:  but more old-school grey looks cool too..


Thanks again for the warm welcome back and that you guys take your time replying. makes on old wolf all fuzzy..:teehee:

the general rule of 8th edition is everything dies


the lethality of all factions and all guns has been dialed up to 11


it is fun but might be a shock your first few times


avoid games against the newly released iron hands as well....general consensus is super OP broken rules and games are not fun against them


..and we still drink ale, don´t we??:wink:




::slides Duregar a tankard::


Always brother. Always :wink:


As to a shooty meta, I may not be the best to answer this question but... sorta? Honestly my experience so far has been that EVERYTHING in 8th, from shooting to Psychic powers to assaults is a lot more lethal. And more mobile, which again aids with lethality. Between Hunters Unleashed and Shock Assault, our close combat game seems to be alive and well, provided one utilizes mobility options or CP to get assault troops in close. Bike or jump pack wolfguard, wulfen in various forms, Agressors or similar outflanked via On the Hunt, and so on.

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks guys, sorry, forgot to reply to you two.


Yeah I quite quickly got that impression that everything dies, quickly..! Still not played or even got anything useful - I happened to stumble upon Shadow War: Armageddon and that was my thing! Wow.. :I did start out making Ork Kommandos however and I did geta  few old friends into it too - but they live in my old hometown 500km away, so I´ll need to have a couple of teams here.

And it is the perfect start to get back into modelling Space Wolves! I will make some new Wolf Scouts but I am mainly looking at using the Chaos rules and make some "Chaos marines", about five and they will be my first Space Wolves. Mark of Khorne is a good substitute. With bolters they are like grey Hunters and with bolt pistols and chainswords, Blood Claws!


Having looked at the range these days I probably will go with the Primaris models. Not necessarily use them as such however.. That said, I do like the old Space Wolves plastic sprue a bit more than the current one - I prefer the old heads but this means I just have more bare heads I guess.. ;)


My question is however - you said torsos and arms could be mixed. Or was I mistaken? Old Marines arms and torsos on Promaris. Or are the arms off and the torsos can´t be mixed (the front)? Heads are fine?


As soon as I have started, I know the warband will just grown and soon I have  aproper Great Company..

I have mixed old SW arms with my Primaris torsos and yep they are very slightly shorter but they still work just fine.  I've also used some of the Deathwatch bits and they are a bit bigger than the older SW bits.  It does work, especially if you are going for the arms holding different things (pistol in one hand, blade in the other). 


Alpha1 1

The dude above has Reiver torso and arms from the Deathwatch set - weirdly they almost look to big for him!

Arms are fine, I've used regular power fists and weapons liberally on my Intercessor Pack Leaders. It helps that the pauldrons are the same size, hides the length difference on most arms. I can put up a pick of some of the pack leaders if you'd like to see the comparison? Don't know that torsos would work, regular PA is much smaller and the Primaris torso and legs tend to be not interchangeable (specific legs go to specific torsos).


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