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Da Imperul Gard. Killteam 2 for 1: Guard or Orks

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So it's been a while since I have posted anything here.

I recently started on a kill team project and decided it might help if I post my work here. Hopefully, it will encourage me to actually finish a project and keep the ADD at bay.

The idea came a couple of years ago when I painted the red Gobo for a friend of mine. I thought it would be fun to create a grot commissar for myself.

I give you Da Komisar!


He has since inspired me to create a kill team of grots who have rebelled against their ork overlords and decided to fight in the name of Da Emprer.

First up is my sniper.


Next up, is a work in process for my next soldier


Not sure yet what he will be armed with. Any suggestions?

I don't know if it comes through in my pictures, but I am trying to put the grots in greatcoats.

As always appreciate comments and feedback.


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