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How do you use your Dark Apostle?


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I'm loving putting this guy in my lists, with the black mace wrathful entreaty and omen of potency he can be a so deadly in melee and the added utility of buffing units just makes him even more the better.  Anyone else enjoying fielding him and if so how do you field yours?

I enjoy fielding mine, because he's nice and fluffy for my Word Bearers. Lad has a bolt pistol and crozius, I give him the Cursed Crozius and (if he's the Warlord) Word of Lorgar, and ram him and his Chosen honor guard right into the nearest infantry unit.

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After the recent changes the role of my dark apostle changed some what. I no longer stuff him in a rino with berzerkers as he can't use his prayer if he is in a transport. I now run him up mid field with daemon engines (defiler, venom crawler) praying -1 to hit as he goes along, changing to re-roll hits as I get in cc.

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After the recent changes the role of my dark apostle changed some what. I no longer stuff him in a rino with berzerkers as he can't use his prayer if he is in a transport. I now run him up mid field with daemon engines (defiler, venom crawler) praying -1 to hit as he goes along, changing to re-roll hits as I get in cc.


This could be really good with three Helbrutes running up the field as well if he can keep up. There is always the chance that they run away from him to assault something though lol!

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As a Black Legion player I use mine to either give my single Lord Discordant a -1 to be hit, or to give it to a unit of crucial Havocs or 20 man blob of marines. 

His melee ain't shabby either so he often accompanies melee squads when/wear possible. 


I also tend to use him as a "council of traitors" target as he tends to be safe and relatively long-lived, specifically for the "regen CP" warlord trait! (Council is gaining warlord traits for Sorcerer and Apostle if you have a prince, lord, or abby as your HQ choices in a black legion list) 

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I feel annoyed with myself that I built my helbrutes with lascannons and powerfists (being all 'practical' for my world eaters) when I should have built them with double fists and heavy flamers, or double combis in double fists.



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I feel annoyed with myself that I built my helbrutes with lascannons and powerfists (being all 'practical' for my world eaters) when I should have built them with double fists and heavy flamers, or double combis in double fists.




Khorne doesn't mind Lascannons friend. :D Just don't aim for the heads, you need those skulls.

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