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The AoD Community Monthly Hobby Challenge Thread - Oct 2019


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Love this, and great job painting the thing too! I didn't realise how beefy it actually was with the big eagle on the chest.


Super clean paint job except where it shouldn't be, which is excellent, and I can't help be jealous of those neat, even highlights.

Cheers gents... Got my infantry back out after a months painting slog with my SA... Shooo.... I'm in the process of building my Leviathan-scraping scorpions off Culln as the Fists need the services of a RAD dreadnought.

Also, recognizing my GSfu is lacking with simple things like cleaning up mold lines on fabric ☹️.. Practice is taking a long time.

Annnndddd... That time when you glue a dude together and say, that guy looks awesome... And then realize you need to break him a part a lil too paint him

Man, lionofjudah, I know the feeling behind the abric mold line things (winces at scouts). It ain't my favourite thing but that's what a lot of patience, forgetfulness, and liquid greenstuff seems to be for I guess. OoOoo, looking forward to the not-Culln Fistinaught, that sounds pretty awesome. Can't wait to see it.

Well, Weeeeeeeeell, I have a completion to report!

5 scouts, 5 vets, 5 man command squad, drop pod from a page back (knew I forgot to include something)

... And heavy with an extra moritat, scimitar squadron, and 5 terminators.

gallery_107230_14721_174965.jpg I really gotta update my blog soon.

Now I gotta figure out what to do for next month and where to take the Luna Wolves from here.

Before the scimitars, extra 5 terminators, and moritat. The dark part of me says 'more infantry'!


i FAILED big time. Life aka work & family created some challenges, too big to allow even one more brushstroke. I do hope that there will be another challenge in november so that I can try to redeem myself.


congratulations @Vykes and @The_Bloody

@Megavolt It's way more tempting than it should be, and I'm already trying to nerve myself up for a Stormbird for the next ETL in roughly the same scheme as my SoH Eagles :tongue.:


Ouch, Excessus,  hope a replacement doesn't cost ya much in time or cash there.  

  • 2 weeks later...

So I just wanted to offer my excuses for not participating. In ETL 2018 I managed a 7-man veteran squad for Alpha Legion, just before the deadline. But I was still excited and wanted to keep momentum going, so started a second 7-man squad to go with them. And I thought, well I'll just start with 3 (so I could make a 10-man squad with the existing squad) or maybe 4 (so that I could swap out the flamer for a bolter if I needed them to be a tactical squad ...

Anyway, I just finished them. That's right, it took me 15 months to paint 4 models! So you can see the monthly challenge would indeed be a challenge for me.


The heavy bolter is magnetised, so if I ever need to demote them from veterans to tactical squad I can. But who am I kidding, at this pace I'll never have an army - the heavy bolter guy will at least manage to grace the table in Kill Team!

Stru, so glad you got this rolling. You are my hero! I've had a bad enough case of the post-ETL blues that I haven't even been on here much and missed this thread.


But I'm here now and you can count me in. Kinda late for a November vow, but I'll be all over it for December. Now to go pick through my stash and decide what to paint... *and she wanders of muttering to herself*

Hoping to finish this guy before I go skiing next week.

If things go exceptionally well, I might even be able to assemble my templar brethren and get some yellow on them before christmas.



So are we on for a December challenge? I'm sitting here with too many choices spread on my bench and dithering over what to paint. It would help if I knew whether or not we were doing Loyalty & Treachery again soon. Anybody heard any news?


But no matter. I'll be ready to go when I hear the starting pistol... uh, bolter.

I, Yaaar's Revenge pledge to complete my 3k of Iron Warriors before end of December, ready to smash some Salamanders on the 30k Channel :biggrin.:

Plus work on my new Word Bearers project (Aiming to finish at least one model by then)

Maaaaaang, I had a bunch of stuff I just started on including primarchs like 2 days ago. Oh well, I'll snap a picture and put up a Sicaran Venator pretty quick.

As for my November Landspeeder thing, well...



In the 3 games they've taken part in (all over 1 weekend) units of 2-3 have knocked out 2 contemptors and a Spartan. Fantastic things... pain to convert and put together.

Well that worked out better than expected and Puts ne comfortably at 750 pts painted:





I really need to do an oil wash for All the metal bits on otherwise finished models.

What is everybodies opinion on the power fists colour? That Arm is only temporary, as I forgot the the Dread cc weapon on my last order, because I am apparently stupid. So rather than playing with one arm I kitbashed an arm that I maybe will use in a pinch again in the future. But hey I got to work on my fades.

Marshal Vespasian my dude, the colours on them sure look crackin.  The choice for the checkerboard marble with that tone of grit sells the Fists defenders pretty well.


As for the power fist, call me crazy but it looks magenta and I kinda like it.  It doesn't feel like it would be as clashy as a blue or green glow and a more vibrant red might be too much given its already one of your spot colours.  Got another angle for us, because that does sell it as a Cortus or replacement piece like it had lost its cowling.  


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