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Here we go (again)


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I imagine my story will be familiar to many of you. I originally left Warhammer Fantasy behind as puberty set in and focus was shifted to other parts of life. Now in my late twenties and (slightly) more settled, an old friend had a brilliant idea: why not add another dimension to our weekly evenings of booze and banter by reviving our shared, though sadly long lost passion for having miniature soldiers knocking the living daylights out of each other? 

The enthusiasm was soon quashed however, as we discovered GW had gone and blown up our dear old Warhammer World and replaced it with some bland heresy called 'Age of Sigmar'. After heavy deliberation on our part, we decided to convert to 40K and start from scratch. After spending a lot of time reading up on the various lore, I landed on those swell Third Founding fellows known as The Executioners (I was originally torn between Imperial Fists and Black Templars, and the way I see it The Executioners combine the best of both chapters).

I guess that's pretty much it, I'm looking forward to bother you all with questions about basic tactics, how to counter Thousand Sons (my buddy's choice of chapter) and various issues regarding conversion and painting.


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