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Why the Black Templars?

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I read their 4th ed codex and there were a lot of things that drew me to them, they were described as these remorseless killers that were driven by hate of all that defied their dogmatic views and as opposed to the other chapters they never were truly heroic and that bit of ruthless conviction in their views and almost complete disregard for anything that wasnt victory or things perceived as beneath them really appealed to me. Their rules were also great in terms just pure flavor, they were crap in 5th but they played very differently from every other SM codex, the Vows mechanic was really cool and I liked that with it you could make different army compositions that behaved differently. Also their aesthetic is great, I've always loved medieval aesthetics and Black Templars have that nailed down.

Edited by redmapa
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Much like redmapa, I was drawn to the Black Templars (as opposed to any other marines) by their aesthetics. I mean after a long break from the 90s when I was playing Ultramarines, I walked into a GW intent on resuming a space marine army and chose the Templars literally based on the upgrade sprue art. I mean, knights in space, like ! 


Conveniently, the rest followed, in particular the hypocrisy of hating psykers and mutants but heavily relying on them, as well as the more flexible tactical doctrine compared to ultramarines. Not having to put squad markings on my models was a huge boon. 

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I was playing necrons back when they came out. They were my first army. I kinda didnt get how to play them (I think the rules were strong tho), so I wanted to go for marines. I was pulled to bt by the 4th ed codex as well. Back then I was still in High school and couldn't paint for :cuss. But the knightly aesthetic pulled me in as a DND Player.
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"Always at the forefront of the Black Templars' battle line strides a singular figure, his gleaming blade carving a path of ruin through the foe. This warrior will challenge any enemy, no matter how mighty, for he is the Emperor's Champion and divinity rests upon his shoulders as both mantle and shroud."


This bit right here.

Edited by Sete
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If I had to make one sales pitch, i'd say that if you're collecting Black Templars, your force is always canon. With so many crusades out there every one of player's forces can be real. My crusade? Totally exists in the game. Your crusade? Same. For what it's worth, there may be actual Marshal Laeroth somewhere among the stars. And they are different things, not like 'oh, I'm collecting 3rd company blood angels and you have 3rd company blood angels, let's pretend it's a training combat between lore-wise' or seeing endless Feiros vs Feiros matches.


Black Templars first got me with their aesthetics. Black is cool, crosses are cool, knights are cool. Mix in some red and white there and you know knights templar were so rich. Black knights with crosses in space is beyond awesome. Then there was the Damnation Crusade comic which is beyond beyond awesome. Then the 4th edition codex that is really, really well-written and has been quoted by fellow Templars here.


But that's personal, so here's another thing. BT have this unique idea of being crusaders in a world where the good guys are never on the offensive. This mix of stubborness and determination that breeds a 'never say die' attitude which is perfect for WH40K. Even if you are alone in your crusade, even if you are forgotten. 'I am forgotten, but I haven't forgotten' Sigismund waited a century for Abaddon to emerge from the Eye and was probably called lunatic for that. Grimaldus was left for dead (or to die) in Helsreach and just refused to do so. Black Templars lack the chivalric nobility of Blood Angels or monastic aesthetics of Dark Angels, but compensate with zeal.


Also, The clinical precision of the Space Marine and the savage berserker butchery of the fanatical psychopath fuse to create a breed of warrior like no other.

Edited by Smirnov
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I love the knightly archetypes.


As a kid, I played Dark Angels, again drawn in by the anachronism of knights in the far future. Black Templars gave me an opportunity to explore those themes again, but with a more zealous than secretive bent, and also better fitted the availability of Primaris models. I knew I wanted an all-Primaris force, and the lack of Deathwing and Ravenwing forces was a problem for me, whereas I could have lots of auto bolt rifles, combat knives, power swords and Aggressors, and it feel quite fluffy.


One thing that really drew me in was the old upgrade sprues; yes, it's old, but it still holds up pretty well, and the vast majority of it can be kitbashed onto the new Primaris sprues (even the tabards and chained weapons). It means that for me, my force isn't just different coloured Ultramarines. There are unique parts scattered across them more so that you can manage with the Imperial/Crimson Fists frame.


Add to that their refusal to lay down and die in the face of the ridiculous odds facing the Imperium of Man; they're not a defensive force. They're the ultimate expression of "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night"; their rage against the dying of the light is practically unmatched in the Imperium.

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I had the idea to start with 40k in the end of 2nd Edition where one of my best friends had started a Blood Angel army. I didnt know each race but the fractions i wanted to Play were already played by some friends (orks and Blood angels) I didnt know much about Space Marines at this time and my first look into a space Marine picture in the early start of 3rd Edition ( I didnt had the rulebook and no other sourcebook) where a big amount of different chapters were shown, I explored a Picture with a black Space marine with a White shoulder pad....


this was love at first sight... My friend said then "you are a lucky guy because you will get the Codex Armageddon soon".


I felt in love with the style and the Focus on Close combat which was very strong in 3rd Edition. Even stronger after I saw that they were inspired after medival Knights which I always used to be interested in.


Because of lack of Money and my friends stopped collecting - I had to make a huge pause until I started to study and moved house I explored my miniatures in a drawner. again  I decided to restart in mid 5th Edition. A time were a lot of BT-Players were confused that their Codex was old, for me it was a new one^^


And after a Long time i decided to went on tournemants exactly as "THE" errata came out - the playstyle at this time was EXACTLY how I wanted to Play my army. It takes not too Long as I won my first tournement with them and then in my local area a lot of People copy my tourney lists... but then the 6th Edition came out and Desaster began... and I think this Desaster ended with this Codex and the rumored Supplement.


Time after time I sold all my old models and started back then in 6th Edition to Switch all models and started my collection into amrywide conversations ( a lot of bits from old Bretonia, Grey Knights, Dark Angels but non-GW Knight-styled bitz from Shapeways, Kromlech and others too) and now my Templars should be by ~20,000 Points mixed Primaris and Firstborn Marines. And as Long i Play 40k my main army always will be the Black Templars.


And maybe I will start to Play them in tournaments again.

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Why play Black Templars? Black Templars are an army based on a force of elite super humans, called Adeptus Astartes, the pinnacle of humanity. And more than the pinnacle of humanity, they are inheritors of a prestigious legacy; they are Scions of Dorn, who was one of Loyal Sons during the tragedy of the Horus Heresy. But they are also Heirs of Sigismund, the first Emperor’s Champion, a noble warrior without peer. Whose failure, had him declare a never ending Crusade, against Enemies of the Imperium.


Most Space Marine Chapters follow a book called Adeptus Astartes, and follow in the traditions of Gene-Father. Templar’s uniquely eschew both, for an army that is both in appearance and playstyle unlike many other Space Marine Chapters. In there disregard for regulation and for uniformity. There units lack minimum requirements to unlock weapon options. And additionally their premier unit, allows you to mix both full fledged Space Marines, called Initiates with space marines in training called Neophyte.


This gives you an army with incredible visual diversity, and gives an ad hoc feel. And as a force of Eternal Crusaders, they are among the most pious of the Adeptus Astartes. And whose very hatred of the witch, has had them abandoned Librarians, a keeper of lore and user of the mystic arts in other Astartes armies. Some even claim they worship the Emperor. This gives you a force that invoked Crusader archtype, and lacks certain mechanics, but the Templars losing that flexibility gain some of the most powerful defense against the witch available to any Space Marine force.

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If I had to make one sales pitch, i'd say that if you're collecting Black Templars, your force is always canon. With so many crusades out there every one of player's forces can be real. My crusade? Totally exists in the game. Your crusade? Same. For what it's worth, there may be actual Marshal Laeroth somewhere among the stars. And they are different things, not like 'oh, I'm collecting 3rd company blood angels and you have 3rd company blood angels, let's pretend it's a training combat between lore-wise' or seeing endless Feiros vs Feiros matches.




For what its worth, there may be a Marshal Laeroth out there?  Haha. There better be!  The Emperor's enemies need to be crushed under the boots of "my" forces.  Or blown apart.  Or hacked to pieces.  Whatever suits my fancy that day.  :wink:


In all seriousness though...What draws you to the chapter is the anesthetics.  We do have some cool rules (and more incoming), but what really makes us tick is the lore behind why we do things.  To be truly invested, you have to have a certain personality and the Black Templars will just speak to you.  I hope that in the end you choose the BT, but I honestly don't think that we can convince you one way or the other.  You either feel them, or you don't.  The army will call to you (similar to when my name is mentioned in these forums :D).  Sounds horribly cliche, but its truth.

Edited by Marshal Laeroth
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I read their 4th ed codex and there were a lot of things that drew me to them, they were described as these remorseless killers that were driven by hate of all that defied their dogmatic views and as opposed to the other chapters they never were truly heroic and that bit of ruthless conviction in their views and almost complete disregard for anything that wasnt victory or things perceived as beneath them really appealed to me.


I never collected any loyalist factions and only really played Orks, Chaos Space Marines and Tyranids until 5th edition. I never liked how the Imperium was portrayed as being a nasty oppressive regime but their main tabletop representatives were the squeaky clean good guys whose aesthetic never matched the gothic background art that made the setting unique from other SF brands.


But I always had plans to end up with every army and kind of liked the yellow of the Imperial Fists. When Codex Armageddon came out alongside the Black Templars Chapter approved I liked them because they were related to the Imperial Fists but actually seemed to be the only Space Marine Chapter that actually reflected the setting.


The less organised feel is good for newer hobbyists who might feel intimidated by regulated squad markings but nowadays I like doing those so the Black Templars feel kind of low detail.

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When I first got into W40K, I was on youtube trying to absorb as much knowledge about the lore as I could.  I stumbled across video's by Richard Boylan.  I watched his black and white animations of the Black Templars and practically fell in love with their heroism and with Grimaldus's (Correct plural of Grimaldus? lol) transformation from selfish and undeserving to the hero of Helseach.  I watched them over and over again and checked every day for Richard to release new content.  One of my fellow players told me one day, "You know those are based off of a book, right?"  I immediately listened to Helsreach by our lord and savior ADB.  There was no turning back for me at that point.


It sounds weird, but I have to believe in what I am playing and imagine my actions in game in a narrative setting.  I will never be a meta player because of this.  I have no problem doing this when I play Black Templars.  When my hero's crash into front lines or when my Emperor's Champion calls out the enemy leader in combat, I do it grinning.  

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I joined the hobby in mid 3rd edition, at the time the templars were prominently displayed on the cover art of the rule book and my 13yo self instantly fell in love with their aesthetic and as i read more and more lore i fell more in love. At this point i keep up with my same style of play as i did back in 3rd (a mechanized calvary army) out of tradition over anything but also because i just love the idea of space marines crammed into rhinos leaping out and assaulting into the enemies (even if it's not as viable now as it once was)


The artwork in question, how can you not like this (blanche?) Art masterpiece!


Edited by Marshal van Trapp
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Graham McNeill did a competent job on Codex: Black Templars, as did Dan Abnett on Damnation Crusade. Both authors made the Templars seem like passionate individuals who are willing to die for a cause they truly believe in. In contrast, Matt Ward made his Marines mass-produced racks- indistinguishable from each other, such that you could switch their names and not have anyone else notice- on which to hang the Virtue of the Day, reducing the Marines to IKEA fixtures.
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My mind has gone back and forth and honestly, after thinking on it long and hard I know why:

I love the Knightly aesthetic, which is also why I like the Dark Angels. Whereas the Templars have a much more zealous aspect than the Dark Angels secretive Arthurian Knights, the Templars are the Crusades-era Knights. Their colour scheme and symbols of white-on-black, with red and gold as accents, is just aesthetically pleasing to me. Because it's simple, but very effective and visually distinct. I love the fact that the Templars just simply do not give up (seems to be a trait for the sons of Dorn. Stubborn bastards all of them :lol:). I love the schizoid 'close combat over guns' aspect of Marines, and Templars are the ones who epitomize that the most outside of World Eaters. Speaking of the close combat: Despite the fact that they like it, there's nothing stopping them from using other tactics, which is good for me, because I really, really, REALLY like tanks, flyers and dreadnoughts (seriously: I was contemplating Iron Hands for Loyalists for a while.... Then the new codex came out and torpedoed that idea right quick :lol:, and for chaos it was Iron Warriors because of them focusing on armoured/mechanized warfare).


Their using of unique heraldry gives everyone an individual feel, despite all being Space Marines, who can sometimes come off as generic. It's why there's going to be a lot of bare heads in my army. Both for there to be a individuality amongst the forces, and also to show off the variance of skin tones and appearances because of their wide recruitment pool.


Also, this:

If I had to make one sales pitch, i'd say that if you're collecting Black Templars, your force is always canon. With so many crusades out there every one of player's forces can be real. My crusade? Totally exists in the game. Your crusade? Same. For what it's worth, there may be actual Marshal Laeroth somewhere among the stars. And they are different things, not like 'oh, I'm collecting 3rd company blood angels and you have 3rd company blood angels, let's pretend it's a training combat between lore-wise' or seeing endless Feiros vs Feiros matches.

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