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Forge Defense


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So doing some more planning for the admech force.


The theme is to defend a position, basically a forgeshrine and/or repair bay.


I already plan for three squads of Skitarii with 2x snipers and three squads of destroyers.


My question is that with the new tank what would be a good trio of heavy support?


I'm open for suggestions since I don't have the models yet.


Also suggestions on fast attack would be nice.


Overall I'm looking to build a brigade.

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Deffo the Onagers, in my esteem. 100% agree there.


I also rather like the idea of the Dragoons and Ironstriders as sallying cavalry too.


(Difficult if you subscribe much to the [frankly bizarre] perpetual motion foolishness, but I like it thematically.)


But a solid "Fort" of Skitarii and Onagers would be very impressive. Breaches and/or Secutarii Hoplites for plugging breaches could be a lot of fun too.


Hell, even little squads of six Vanguard as dismounted Dragoons could be fun to paint distinctively from other Vanguard squads!




But a straight-up Skitarii heavy force strikes me as very pleasing. Especially if in Voss-like colours, going for a more heraldic/feudal take than an of-Mars solid coat scheme.


(And in contrast to the other direction that my own brown coats went: radioactive space janitors.)

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Deffo the Onagers, in my esteem. 100% agree there.


I also rather like the idea of the Dragoons and Ironstriders as sallying cavalry too.


(Difficult if you subscribe much to the [frankly bizarre] perpetual motion foolishness, but I like it thematically.)


But a solid "Fort" of Skitarii and Onagers would be very impressive. Breaches and/or Secutarii Hoplites for plugging breaches could be a lot of fun too.


Hell, even little squads of six Vanguard as dismounted Dragoons could be fun to paint distinctively from other Vanguard squads!




But a straight-up Skitarii heavy force strikes me as very pleasing. Especially if in Voss-like colours, going for a more heraldic/feudal take than an of-Mars solid coat scheme.


(And in contrast to the other direction that my own brown coats went: radioactive space janitors.)


Scheme is here, sorry for the poor picture though.


Thinking breachers with the heavy arc rifles. Just need to find the proper spider kit for them.
As for Dragoons I was looking for a reason to design a custom kit for them. so the perpetual motion fluff wouldn't be an issue.
I'd like a squad of Hoplites, but I'd be too tempted to use the lichguard shields. 
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  • 4 weeks later...




I'd like a squad of Hoplites, but I'd be too tempted to use the lichguard shields. 



Ah so you are a fellow Stygies member!



I see nothing wrong with this, use the spears as well and post pics. 



I'll see about kit-bashing one later, right now T'au has my attention. Though I'm looking to gather alternate parts for destoryers and Orngars.

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