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Palanite enforcers as scouts?

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All the Necromunda models are bigger than the traditional 40k line, they're totally doable as scouts if you paint them like your chapter. 


I was considering Enforcers as Inquisitorial henchmen...then I got the female gang whose name I can't remember to make Death Cult assassins for my Inquisitor and they're so much taller :happy.:

I really don't see them in that way. They are a lot closer to my DKK in scale than my space marines. I don't think that's good advice that you've just given. The Goliath gang are huge because they are steroid ridden, and the Escher have some kind of Amazonian thing going on.

Well I bought a bunch of Necromunda stuff and even their hands are bigger as GW model scale is creeping up to fit 32mm bases. 

Orlock and Cawdor are the exact same size as the current Chaos Cultist models.


The Necromunda gangs seem to have scale all over the place because they're actually properly-done humans who have more height variance than GW has ever represented in their models.

If he likes the look of the Enforcers they're fine for scouts if painted the chapter colors, that's my point.  My Deathwing army has the 4th edition Terminator plastic bodies, the old metal Terminator captain (who looks like someone's little brother :biggrin.: ), little Lysander with LCs as Belial who can no longer take LCs, and the new plastic Terminator captain who stands at least a head taller than the old one.   I even have an old Terminator Inquisitor who's positively puny when standing next to his GK allies.  While I'd love for everything to be right it's just a matter of when I bought it.


In the end model aesthetic choice is up to the people buying the models and the scale is the scale. I think Orlocks look like linebackers compared to regular 40k infantry and SM transport models are like half the size they should be. The official art has a Carnifex being the size of a Rhino.


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