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Contemplating Crusade....


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Greetings all. I've always been a fan of the Templars and I'll cut to the chase:

I'm going to be selling off my Nurgle stuff to a friend, and a bunch of Dark Vengeance Marines to another. And with that, I'll be working on my own Crusade.


I've currently got 10 Auto-Bolt Rifle Intercessors and 5 Stalker Bolt Rifle Intercessors.


For a start, I'm going to be making a.... big order with PopGoesTheMonkey in December

60x Maltese Cross : Shoulder Insignia pack
60x Maltese Cross : Shoulder Insignia pack
10x Maltese Cross - Prime:1 PACs
10x Maltese Cross - G:4a Shoulder Pads
10x Maltese Cross - G:4a Shoulder Pads
10x Maltese Cross - G:4a Shoulder Pads
11x Energy Sword: Templar Crusader
Maltese Cross - Flat Vehicle Insignia pack
Maltese Cross: Atlas Pattern Full Kit
10x Templar Mech - G:3a Shoulder Pads
But with that I'll have enough to do the 10 Assault Bolt Rifle Marines and 5 Stalker Bolt Rifle in the proper manner, and I'll have enough to do SIXTY more Marines with the symbols, along with 10 Techmarines/Vehicle Crew and a Redemptor
Aside from that, I was thinking of getting the FW The Mark III Legion Starter Collection along with the 15 Intercessors I have as a starting point, as I like Mark III armour's aesthetic and it fits the Knightly theme of the Templars.

Also, my FLGS still has a brand-new, sealed, Space Marines Heroes case. So I could also get that


Essentially, I'm asking recommendations.


What do you all think I should look into for a Crusader who's looking to get his boots onto the battlefield? ASIDE from the obvious (Helbrecht, Grimaldus, Emperor's Champion and Land Raider Crusader) I mean :laugh.:

Edited by Gederas
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Welcome to the Eternal Crusade, brother!


Not the most prolific player here, but I'd say that after clearing the few essentials (which you already mentioned), the next thing to pick up would probably be something to give you some anti-tank, there's a few options open to us these days. I'd also get get a dreadnought. Or two. Or eight. You might also want something to ferry your Primaris marines around since they can't use any LRC's.... Lastly I'd say you might want to consider some kind of swordbrethren veterans, which realistically means sternguard or vanguard or terminators. 


Oh, and it may or may not be the case that the essentials list has been expanded by the time you make your PGTM order :wink:

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Thanks! With anti-tank, I was thinking of Hellblasters, or a Devastator Squad. Maybe Eliminators with Las Fusils....


And yeah, I was thinking of getting a Repulsor for the Primaris Marines.


Also, funny you mention Dreadnoughts Reinhard, as I found a model today that I was intending as a present for a friend, but he moved to Baltimore before I even started it. So it looks like my Templars are getting an Autocannon Deredeo for the Crusade :lol:

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Iam excited to see the shapeways redemptor kit in all its glory

For at I am a Fan of dreadnoughts. But I am just a weirdo who loved big stompy gothic robots.


Welcome to the eternal Crusade, brother!

It'll take me a while, as I likely won't be doing that order with my friend until December-ish.


And as am I. My friend told me a Night Lords list I showed him for our 1500 point league looked more like an Iron Warriors list than a Night Lords list :laugh.:


But thank you!


Also, I haven't gotten the codex. Did they change the colours for Black Templars battlefield roles? Because the "Primaris Space Marines" booklet from Dark Imperium shows Battleline as Black Symbol on White Field & Black Border, Close Support as Black Symbol on White Field & Red Border and Fire Support as White Symbol on Black Field & Black Border.

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They did change the colours between the booklet and the latest codex, yes.

Both 8th edition codex's actually. The odd man out is the Dark Imperium Booklet.


Way back in the 4th edition codex, White symbol on Black Field and Black border was reserved for Chaplains, which is what I still use it for.

Well that's not confusing at all... :laugh.:


So what's the current 'official' (in so much as the idiosyncrasies of Templars allow for :laugh.:) colours for Battleline/Close Support/Fire Support then?

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Ahhh, okay. Thank you for the visual Reinhard. Though it seems I DO have the first version of the Space Marines codex for 8th edition, it was just buried under other codices. Whoops :laugh.::blush.:


My Templar shoulder pads are always white with a red cross (3rd Edition) and golden have golden edge.... shapeways is always a great Thing for us btw...

I know it is. It's why I'm planning on dropping near-200 dollars on PopGoesTheMonkey's store in November/December :laugh.:

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