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Dark Angels Heresy Test Mini

Son of Rawl

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Hey all, so I have been thinking of starting a new Heresy force to compliment my Imperial Fists and after a few different choices, I went and did a test mini for the Dark Angels.


This is the sarge for a small tactical squad I'm prepping. I really like the direction FW are taking the Heresy Dark Angels so far with the model previews, and wanted this dude to match the space knight theme they have decided with.

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I love the use of the Black Templars robe! Can we get some closer shots?


I 100% concur, excellent usage, looks awesome! 



Cheers, all and not the best with pictures but here is fully finished.








It's really cool seeing something you have been thinking about for awhile come to life, so this thread may become a big Legion building experiment. As I want to see a whole collection like this tbh.

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