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Blood Angels in ITC


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Many of my current group take part in ITC tournaments and as such, are well versed in such things and appreciate the rule tweaks therein.


I've done a couple of the missions with my Troop spam list (2k, see sig) but always seem to mess up 1/2 of the secondary objectives.


We will be having a league soon that to my annoyance, uses ITC rules. How should one go about building a predominatly BA list for it? What pitfalls are there? What secondaries are good for us? Any general advice?


Thanks in advance.

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Check out Frontline Gaming. Love ‘em or hate ‘em their take on things tends to be useful for the kinds of balls-out lists and mindsets that can be found in the ITC circuits.


If you google ITC rules you can start get a handle on the differences. In short, you can’t go into them with Eternal War or Maelstrom lists and expect to do smashingly well. I mean, you can do well, but it could be an uphill battle. What’s nice about ITC rules are that you have way more influence over your games than GW rules ever allow. Basically you pick what secondary objective types are active for a game and then try to achieve those. This plays a big role in list building; ie you can stack your list with a billion lascannons and plan on always picking the Big Game Hunter style objectives. Of course, you could face off against an all genestealer list, but thems the breaks in any form of 40k.


Think of it as different leagues of football/soccer where the core rules of the game are the same, but what will draw a red card vs yellow card, how many minutes the halves are, how lenient the refs are, and how big/fast the players tend to be are all different and can have serious effects unless you’re prepared ahead of time.

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Take a look at the secondaries available and try to make sure you don't have any that give up all 4 points easily.


The secondaries are entirely dependent on your opponent, but thanks to smash captains we can usually snag kingslayer pretty consistently.


Scouts are *amazing* in ITC.

Early board presence is key to most of the missions, and can also be some of your secondaries


But primarily, make sure your holding at least 1 objective, and kill at least one complete unit every turn.

You might not be able to kill or hold more, but make absolutely sure you get at least the 1 point for each.

The bonus points for each mission is nice but not critical.


And don't lose hope if someone else takes an early lead over you, I've seen games come around turn 5/6 several times.

Similarly, don't get sloppy just because you think you've already won for the same reason.


Play to your objectives and score those points, don't focus on killing the enemy unless it's going to get you points or set you up to do the same

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Hey buddy.  I've been playing exclusively ITC rules for the last year or so.  Absolutely love it. 

I think there are a few things that work for us, and a few that work against.  

Firstly, different ITCs run with different amounts of secondaries.  "Standard" i think is 3.  Here in China (and in SA) we rock with 2 secondaries. 

Obviously your choice will change based on opponent, but the following are the obvious ones:


Reaper for orks and gribbly nids/GSC. 

Kingslayer + Titan Slayer for knights. 


Big Game Hunter is a definite if the opponent has a lot of vehicles (Just requires 7wounds or more).  It's good because if the opponent has more than 4 vehicles, you are spoiled for choice and unlike many of the others, you dont need to pre-select units to kill. 

Next one is the PL7+ "Marked for Death" - this is great for enemies with lots of powerful units, but avoid this with anvil units that are tough to kill, or units that can be split.  Makes things very difficult. 

I would say do NOT take Engineers in a BA list, because we really need every bit available to us- unless you've spammed scouts, and can afford 2x 5mans at the back doing nothing. 


Butchers Bill is another very common one, but the danger here is that it doesnt stack, meaning you can kill 2 units but one of them is a marked unit (PL7, or W7) and then you dont get butchers!! Most of the time, with BB, you need to be killing 3 units.  


I tend to go for "Old School" a lot - im an aggressive player, and first blood is easy. I need to get the WL though, which is sometimes tough, but make sure to gun for him.  


If you're aggressive as a player and have a very mobile list, then consider "Recon" too- especially if you're rocking scouts or phobos. 




In terms of OUR stuff, keep attack bike squads under 3 (so, 2) if you're using.   Go 5 or 10 for infantry squads - nothing in between.  A unit of 6 scouts or 8 scouts for example makes for a very easy PL7+ target.  

The invictor is PL6 ! As is Smashy. These give opponents headaches.  Contemptor Mortis dreads are higher, but theyre tough to focus on when there are angry marines up ahead. 

If your strategy and tactics dont rely on big squads of 10, then consider combat squadding if theyre chosen as targets.  Makes things really tough for the opponent. 

 What's your current build? 

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There are 2 main paths to ITC secondary points.


Active secondary objectives require you to be somewhere and do not require opponent interaction. Recon, Behind Enemy Lines, Engineers are examples. These are easy to plan for and therefore easier to score.


Reactive secondary objectives are available only if there are appropriate targets. Big game hunter, reaper, titan slayer are examples. These are harder to plan for and will need to be chosen as opportunity arises. They usually rely on killing power and have the added issue of allowing opponents to play in such a way as to deny you access to the units you need to kill.


Scoring reactive objectives requires knowledge of both your opponents list and the offensive capabilities of your list. It can be difficult to find the juicy 4 point secondary in a list built with ITC in mind especially under tournament time pressure. This takes practice and research into other armies and play styles. I have taken to bald face asking opponents what secondaries are good against them after making recommendations to low hanging fruit in my list, even in tournaments. Is that collusion? Hmmmm. . .


I reccomend building your list with secondary objectives in mind. First decide which objectives suit your playstyle from the active objectives. I reccomend choosing at least 1 active objective you are looking to go for every game. An MSU army will score recon fairly easily for instance. Lots of deep strike can make Behind enemy lines easy. After you have what you need to score build the rest of your army and look at it from the perspective of the enemy choosing optimal secondary objectives. Trim to provide less easy objectives to score. I often find it is impossible to build 2k and not present at least a few 3 point options so I will lean into 1 major possibility to deny most others. An all infantry list would give up Reaper easily but may cut off most other secondary choices.


Great players with great lists include backup options and suss out the easy points in your list. It takes practice and research to do well at ITC.


Hope I helped!

Edited by tychobi
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Sorry for the late reply, been afk. Thank you for all the advice so far, it's been a very interesting read.


 What's your current build? 


This is what I've ran in the my previous attempts at ITC missions. Prior to this I was running The Sanguinor in lieu of Astorath. (I have also tried jump DC and Lemartes in BRB missions but I'm not built towards low drops and exploiting the chance to steal first turn.)


2000 "Troop Spam" TAC list v1.4


Blood Angels Battalion Detachment





~ Thunderhammer, stormshield, jump pack

~ Angels Wing



~ Storm bolter, power fist

~ Veritas Vitae




Scouts (5)

~ Sniper rifle, chainsword

~ Sniper rifle (4)


Tactical Squad (5)

~ Bolter, chainsword

~ Lascannon


Tactical Squad (5)

~ Bolter, chainsword

~ Plasma cannon


Heavy Support


Devastator Squad (5)

~ Armorium Cherub

~ Bolter (3)

~ Missile Launcher

~ Heavy bolter


Devastator Squad (5)

~ Armorium Cherub

~ Bolter (3)

~ Missile launcher

~ Heavy bolter


Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought

~ Two twin lascannons


Blood Angels Battalion Detachment





~ Bolter, force stave, jump pack

~ Unleash Rage, Shield of Sanguinius, Smite

Sanguinary Priest

~ Boltgun, chainsword, jump pack




Scouts (6)

~ Bolter, power sword

~ Combat blade (4)

~ Shotgun (1)


Scouts (6)

~ Bolter, powersword

~ Combat blade (4)

~ Shotgun (1)


Scouts (5)

~ Stormbolter, chainsword

~ Bolter (3)

~ Shotgun (1)


Fast Attack


Attack bike (1)

~ Heavy bolter


Blood Angels Vanguard Detachment





~ Warlord




Company Ancient

~ Bolter


Terminator Squad (6)

~ Storm bolter, power sword

~ Assault cannon, power fist

~ Storm bolter power fist (3)

~ Storm bolter, chainfist (1)


Sanguinary Ancient

~ Angelus boltgun, power fist, death mask

~ Standard of Sacrifice


Sanguinary Guard (6)

~ Angelus boltgun, power fist (3)

~ Angelus boltgun, encarmine sword (2)

~~ Angelus boltgun, power axe (1)



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You have great map control tools and a strong fire base. Practice your scout midfield tactics to nab recon points. Sanguinary guard are a scalpel that need a patient and savvy general to get full use of but can cut the heart out of a foe. You have the tools to tear down priority targets go kick some butt!


ITC is going to be a grind for you at the moment I fear. The meta has moved past us. The new elf rules are really really nasty not to mention various five fingered or slimy astartes releases. Our new book better have primaris death co on jetbikes or some such.

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I’ve been having success with this :



++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Blood Angels) ++


+ No Force Org Slot +


Battle-forged CP


Detachment CP


+ HQ +


Captain: 2. Artisan of War, Jump Pack, Storm shield, The Angel's Wing (replaces jump pack), Thunder hammer, Warlord


Chief Librarian Mephiston


+ Troops +


Infiltrator Squad: 5x Infilltrator, Infiltrator Sergeant


Scout Squad

Scout: Boltgun

Scout: Boltgun

Scout: Boltgun

Scout: Boltgun

Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Boltgun


Scout Squad

Scout: Boltgun

Scout: Boltgun

Scout: Boltgun

Scout: Boltgun

Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Boltgun


+ Elites +


Aggressor Squad

2x Aggressor

2x Auto boltstorm gauntlets and fragstorm grenade launcher: 2x Auto boltstorm gauntlets, 2x Fragstorm grenade launcher

Aggressor Sergeant

Auto boltstorm gauntlets and fragstorm grenade launcher: Auto boltstorm gauntlets, Fragstorm grenade launcher


++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Blood Angels) ++


+ No Force Org Slot +


Detachment CP


+ HQ +


Sanguinary Priest: Bolt pistol, Jump Pack, Power sword


The Sanguinor


+ Troops +


Intercessor Squad: Auxiliary grenade launcher, Bolt rifle, 4x Intercessor

Intercessor Sergeant: Chainsword, Melee weapon replaces rifle


Intercessor Squad: Auxiliary grenade launcher, Bolt rifle, 4x Intercessor

Intercessor Sergeant: Chainsword, Melee weapon replaces rifle


Intercessor Squad: Auxiliary grenade launcher, Bolt rifle, 4x Intercessor

Intercessor Sergeant: Melee weapon replaces rifle, Power fist


+ Fast Attack +


Inceptor Squad: 3x Inceptor, Inceptor Sergeant

Two assault bolters: 2x Assault bolter


++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Blood Angels) ++


+ No Force Org Slot +


Armoury of Baal: 1 additional Relic of Baal


Detachment CP


+ HQ +




+ Elites +


Death Company: Jump Pack

Death Company Marine: Boltgun, Chainsword

Death Company Marine: Boltgun, Chainsword

Death Company Marine: Boltgun, Chainsword

Death Company Marine: Boltgun, Chainsword

Death Company Marine: Boltgun, Chainsword

Death Company Marine: Boltgun, Chainsword

Death Company Marine: Boltgun, Chainsword

Death Company Marine: Boltgun, Chainsword

Death Company Marine: Boltgun, Chainsword

Death Company Marine: Boltgun, Chainsword


Sanguinary Ancient: Angelus boltgun, Power fist, Standard of Sacrifice


Sanguinary Guard

Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Encarmine sword

Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Encarmine sword

Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Encarmine sword

Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Encarmine sword

Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Encarmine sword

Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Power fist

Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Power fist

Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Power fist

Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Power fist



Lots of troops for the objective games and enough punch for alpha and beta strike, lots of bolters for eliminating squads, can go second which I actually prefer, loads of synergy with characters, 13 command points for captain and rapid redeployment, we can still compete


As for new rules I’d like the death company to get fnp 5+++ again

Edited by redshadow
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You have great map control tools and a strong fire base. Practice your scout midfield tactics to nab recon points. Sanguinary guard are a scalpel that need a patient and savvy general to get full use of but can cut the heart out of a foe. You have the tools to tear down priority targets go kick some butt!


ITC is going to be a grind for you at the moment I fear. The meta has moved past us. The new elf rules are really really nasty not to mention various five fingered or slimy astartes releases. Our new book better have primaris death co on jetbikes or some such.

Cheers, perhaps I just need to refine my tactics then.


I'm starting the character blob and entourage on the board due to its resilience (and it draws fire away from elsewhere) and I'm rushing my Scouts forward to do do damage.


The former can be tweaked with deep strike - especially if I'm going second, and the latter I need to learn about board control, obviously.

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Sorry for the late reply, been afk. Thank you for all the advice so far, it's been a very interesting read.


 What's your current build? 


This is what I've ran in the my previous attempts at ITC missions. Prior to this I was running The Sanguinor in lieu of Astorath. (I have also tried jump DC and Lemartes in BRB missions but I'm not built towards low drops and exploiting the chance to steal first turn.)


2000 "Troop Spam" TAC list v1.4


Blood Angels Battalion Detachment





~ Thunderhammer, stormshield, jump pack

~ Angels Wing



~ Storm bolter, power fist

~ Veritas Vitae




Scouts (5)

~ Sniper rifle, chainsword

~ Sniper rifle (4)


Tactical Squad (5)

~ Bolter, chainsword

~ Lascannon


Tactical Squad (5)

~ Bolter, chainsword

~ Plasma cannon


Heavy Support


Devastator Squad (5)

~ Armorium Cherub

~ Bolter (3)

~ Missile Launcher

~ Heavy bolter


Devastator Squad (5)

~ Armorium Cherub

~ Bolter (3)

~ Missile launcher

~ Heavy bolter


Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought

~ Two twin lascannons


Blood Angels Battalion Detachment





~ Bolter, force stave, jump pack

~ Unleash Rage, Shield of Sanguinius, Smite

Sanguinary Priest

~ Boltgun, chainsword, jump pack




Scouts (6)

~ Bolter, power sword

~ Combat blade (4)

~ Shotgun (1)


Scouts (6)

~ Bolter, powersword

~ Combat blade (4)

~ Shotgun (1)


Scouts (5)

~ Stormbolter, chainsword

~ Bolter (3)

~ Shotgun (1)


Fast Attack


Attack bike (1)

~ Heavy bolter


Blood Angels Vanguard Detachment





~ Warlord




Company Ancient

~ Bolter


Terminator Squad (6)

~ Storm bolter, power sword

~ Assault cannon, power fist

~ Storm bolter power fist (3)

~ Storm bolter, chainfist (1)


Sanguinary Ancient

~ Angelus boltgun, power fist, death mask

~ Standard of Sacrifice


Sanguinary Guard (6)

~ Angelus boltgun, power fist (3)

~ Angelus boltgun, encarmine sword (2)

~~ Angelus boltgun, power axe (1)




Few units there with 6 models- which I think is the biggest issue, as it pushes the units into the PL7+ category. Defs change the scouts. 

I'm not sure about the PL threshold for the SG or the Terms off the top of my head- so you may be over with 7 already.  If not, definitely drop one or the other (or both), and consider buffing the one you dont drop. 


For info sake, if i was facing up with your list, Id choose head-hunter (you have 8 characters) and PL7+ (2x Scouts, SG, Mortis) and then if we're playing 3 objectives, possibly Old School. 



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Sorry for the late reply, been afk. Thank you for all the advice so far, it's been a very interesting read.



What's your current build?

This is what I've ran in the my previous attempts at ITC missions. Prior to this I was running The Sanguinor in lieu of Astorath. (I have also tried jump DC and Lemartes in BRB missions but I'm not built towards low drops and exploiting the chance to steal first turn.)


2000 "Troop Spam" TAC list v1.4

Blood Angels Battalion Detachment



~ Thunderhammer, stormshield, jump pack

~ Angels Wing


~ Storm bolter, power fist

~ Veritas Vitae


Scouts (5)

~ Sniper rifle, chainsword

~ Sniper rifle (4)

Tactical Squad (5)

~ Bolter, chainsword

~ Lascannon

Tactical Squad (5)

~ Bolter, chainsword

~ Plasma cannon

Heavy Support

Devastator Squad (5)

~ Armorium Cherub

~ Bolter (3)

~ Missile Launcher

~ Heavy bolter

Devastator Squad (5)

~ Armorium Cherub

~ Bolter (3)

~ Missile launcher

~ Heavy bolter

Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought

~ Two twin lascannons

Blood Angels Battalion Detachment



~ Bolter, force stave, jump pack

~ Unleash Rage, Shield of Sanguinius, Smite

Sanguinary Priest

~ Boltgun, chainsword, jump pack


Scouts (6)

~ Bolter, power sword

~ Combat blade (4)

~ Shotgun (1)

Scouts (6)

~ Bolter, powersword

~ Combat blade (4)

~ Shotgun (1)

Scouts (5)

~ Stormbolter, chainsword

~ Bolter (3)

~ Shotgun (1)

Fast Attack

Attack bike (1)

~ Heavy bolter

Blood Angels Vanguard Detachment



~ Warlord


Company Ancient

~ Bolter

Terminator Squad (6)

~ Storm bolter, power sword

~ Assault cannon, power fist

~ Storm bolter power fist (3)

~ Storm bolter, chainfist (1)

Sanguinary Ancient

~ Angelus boltgun, power fist, death mask

~ Standard of Sacrifice

Sanguinary Guard (6)

~ Angelus boltgun, power fist (3)

~ Angelus boltgun, encarmine sword (2)

~~ Angelus boltgun, power axe (1)


Few units there with 6 models- which I think is the biggest issue, as it pushes the units into the PL7+ category. Defs change the scouts.

I'm not sure about the PL threshold for the SG or the Terms off the top of my head- so you may be over with 7 already. If not, definitely drop one or the other (or both), and consider buffing the one you dont drop.


For info sake, if i was facing up with your list, Id choose head-hunter (you have 8 characters) and PL7+ (2x Scouts, SG, Mortis) and then if we're playing 3 objectives, possibly Old School.


I do get Headhunter but I suppose I have to give up something :p there's definitely a few things I can work with but I find the SG and TDA need the large numbers to actually do anything - even if that something is just to survive.


In the above I like having Astorath as the Warlord for the extra deny and the SG re-rolls but may consider switching on occasion to my Lieutenant (to make use of Orbital Strike - he often has a good vantage point) or perhaps an SG member?


Librarian spells is another pain. He takes Rage but Shield is often wasted. Maybe Blood Boil for sniping if he's running with the SG?

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Blood Boil is just worse than smite.

So I'd go with literally any other power except blood lance, cause it's even worse.

Why the force stave rather than axe/sword?

If he had one of those, quickening in your back pocket is always nice.

And I would just not bring the termies at all.

Take more sanguinary guard if you want.

Sanguinary guard are just better than basic termies, and theyre only marginally ok.

And making Astorath your warlord is generally worse than giving it to your captain, unless your up against some serious psyker lists.

He already let's SG reroll all failed hits in the fight phase, because he's a chaplain.


And definetely drop the scouts to 5 man units, Marked for Death triggering on 6 scouts is brutal for you.

those are basically just free points for your opponent.


I also think your company ancient is a little strange.

2 ancients in one list feels wasteful, just because you can only have one Standard of Sacrifice.

The company ancients aura alone doesn't really buff anything significant, it's good when you've got say, dev squads full of plasma cannons, or several primaris squads I know you won't run, which is fine.

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Librarian has a staff for points, but I can free some up for ITC and change to any of the others. Never considered Quickening on a jump Librarian but it could be a nasty surprise...


Trouble with the Smash Captain being Warlord is that he is always a casualty.


Company Ancient is a hangover from banner shenanigans early this edition. It sits with my Devastators and Plasma Tacticals just for that proc seeing as my Devastators are always targeted (and PL8). Anything that does free hits is a must imo.


Terminators are there for a secondary target/heavy unit. They are there as I can't get DC to work with my list (yet) and I haven't any VAS yet.

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Captains do have a tendency to die, but I give mine the FNP trait and stack it with Visions of Sanguinius. So Captain is rocking a 3++, and a 5+++ rerolling 1s. He can soak a terrifying amount of firepower if you can roll 3 ups. But I'd recommend any of the other characters over Astorath, as his warlord trait is meh, and he already gives the guard the re-rolls.


Most people won't rate a regular old jump libby with an axe all that highly, unlike say a librarian dread or Mephiston. But it only takes one time for a jump librarian to pop wings, quickening, and red rampage for a 3+2d3 attack blender that just moved 24" with fly, and has a 2d6+3 charge. Makes a great character assassin or backfield unit hunter. He isn't a smash captain, he'll bounce off vehicles, but against T4 characters hes very similar. I sometimes run mine with an inferno pistol just to be cheeky. He's popped more than a few characters just with that. If they don't have an invuln save, they tend to vaporize when you point a meltagun at their face.


For the company ancient, your probably better off just.. buying more heavy weapons? Relying on a 4+ to shoot again is worse than just having more guns most of the time, unless you go 2nd and your opponent has enough firepower to just shoot them all to death easily. But in that case, put your devs behind the 1st floor of a building. In ITC that'll keep them from being seen by anything other than indirect fire weapons, which none of which kill MEQ in cover all that well. Then just move them up to the 2nd floor. Yeah, you'll be shooting at -1 to hit that turn, but its better than being dead.


And if you want to keep the termies in there, I understand. I love them, but they consistently under-perform. It's sub-optimal, but so is playing pure BA anyway.


DC are in a weird spot right now. Forlorn Fury is amazing if your going first, but fairly poor going 2nd, but BA do best as MSU, so we rarely get the bonus to going first if that's the mission. They make great use of Descent of Angels with Lemartes though, that full charge re-roll is clutch.

Though in ITC using Forlorn Fury to get your DC behind a big enough ruin to get them out of LOS is really good when it works.

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Sorry for the late reply, been afk. Thank you for all the advice so far, it's been a very interesting read.



What's your current build?

This is what I've ran in the my previous attempts at ITC missions. Prior to this I was running The Sanguinor in lieu of Astorath. (I have also tried jump DC and Lemartes in BRB missions but I'm not built towards low drops and exploiting the chance to steal first turn.)


2000 "Troop Spam" TAC list v1.4

Blood Angels Battalion Detachment



~ Thunderhammer, stormshield, jump pack

~ Angels Wing


~ Storm bolter, power fist

~ Veritas Vitae


Scouts (5)

~ Sniper rifle, chainsword

~ Sniper rifle (4)

Tactical Squad (5)

~ Bolter, chainsword

~ Lascannon

Tactical Squad (5)

~ Bolter, chainsword

~ Plasma cannon

Heavy Support

Devastator Squad (5)

~ Armorium Cherub

~ Bolter (3)

~ Missile Launcher

~ Heavy bolter

Devastator Squad (5)

~ Armorium Cherub

~ Bolter (3)

~ Missile launcher

~ Heavy bolter

Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought

~ Two twin lascannons

Blood Angels Battalion Detachment



~ Bolter, force stave, jump pack

~ Unleash Rage, Shield of Sanguinius, Smite

Sanguinary Priest

~ Boltgun, chainsword, jump pack


Scouts (6)

~ Bolter, power sword

~ Combat blade (4)

~ Shotgun (1)

Scouts (6)

~ Bolter, powersword

~ Combat blade (4)

~ Shotgun (1)

Scouts (5)

~ Stormbolter, chainsword

~ Bolter (3)

~ Shotgun (1)

Fast Attack

Attack bike (1)

~ Heavy bolter

Blood Angels Vanguard Detachment



~ Warlord


Company Ancient

~ Bolter

Terminator Squad (6)

~ Storm bolter, power sword

~ Assault cannon, power fist

~ Storm bolter power fist (3)

~ Storm bolter, chainfist (1)

Sanguinary Ancient

~ Angelus boltgun, power fist, death mask

~ Standard of Sacrifice

Sanguinary Guard (6)

~ Angelus boltgun, power fist (3)

~ Angelus boltgun, encarmine sword (2)

~~ Angelus boltgun, power axe (1)


For non doctrine chapters such as BA I think we are better off with drop pods lists to block lanes and capture objectives.


I love TDA, but not for ITC missions unless I'm just taking TDA. Bikes are also a better option. You really want speed and resiliency on your side.


What I find to be strong units others might not. Being able to drop in pods with grav is strong. As is plasma vets with storm shields.


Just some thoughts from DBH.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Played my first ITC game tonight - some thoughts. Death company might not be worth it in ITC. They are too squishy. Sang guard might be the way to go - but I feel like we should use one or the other. Too much melee backfired on me (granted I was also running a gallant and against raven guard...). I’ve changed up my list to add some Sicarans and suppressors in lieu of invictors and death company. We’ll see how that plays out
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Played my first ITC game tonight - some thoughts. Death company might not be worth it in ITC. They are too squishy. Sang guard might be the way to go - but I feel like we should use one or the other. Too much melee backfired on me (granted I was also running a gallant and against raven guard...). I’ve changed up my list to add some Sicarans and suppressors in lieu of invictors and death company. We’ll see how that plays out

VanVets are very, very good now and have the same amount of attacks as old DC. 


I found that if its one or the other, VV may be better on account of usually using Forlorn on the Smashy. 


FWIW, I've seen the SG used very, very well - but then dropping down or deploying with the Ancient and banner is a must.  

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