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Inspired by many of your  incredible projects here, i start my own WIP tread. The great impulse for make this, was the amazing sceno of Jolemai and true scale Marines of Brother Dallo, and my totally failure uploading Ultramarines successor chapter in a Ultramarine post...


I will post here my scenography from both tipes i own: orginal from GW and homemade. And my works whit my miniatures, Space marines. Whit this last sentence i must tell, from now im dedicated only in the building and some conversions part, i let the paint for a future for now. And maybe some of my art if its related to warhammer. 


Well, my first photos will be this, hope you like it pals!.


My barbed whires for defense positions and let the enemies of the Emperor have troubles to advance. Cheap and easy to do.


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+Mk1 barbed whires i make some time ago, to much crude and primitive, this was mi first attempt to build one, but looks efective i think, looks cool on the table.+

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+Mk2, improved whit more detail and ambition, inspired in the WW1.+

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+Mk3, i make this whit more materials and a better idea of what must be made.+
And for the last, another proyect im working on now, im trying hard to make an homemade Contemptor whit a Redemptor from Conquest magazine, my idea its must look more like a Castraferrum whit the hight of a "Contento" ( happy in spanish ).

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For more of this you can find me on Instagram whit my name, Sargeant Centurion. Thank you for your time,  critics and advise are ever really welcome.

Edited by Sargeant Centurion
  • 4 weeks later...

2ª run brother and sisters today i have a bit of everithing!!!


Long time i dont work hard in any project, and i have a little rest this days so its time for hobby.


+First part of  the menu its Poxwalkers, one of them near to be finished, but needs a little more lights in the worm arm and some green glowing eyes, the rest of the crew are simple conversions to make everyone different.

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+The second part its a mix of sceno, The Classic Bunker ( hard, tedius to build but a funny experience) and part of Alchomite Stack, the Sisters of Battle tranfers are great for  esoteric flavour in everything Imperial.

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+The last part its a half painted Space Marine Heroe whit storm shield and Hammer, painted in Ultramarine colours, and a more worked Lucifer Patter Dread.

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Its done for now, have a nice day!.

  • 3 months later...

Long time whit no posting here,lot of work in real life, some medical issues and making a comic... well... time to restart again, i have some works to show, but i need to make better pics of it.


-In first i little conversion i make to this pal: i changed the auto bolt rifle whit a bolt rifle from the Ancient model and i put the bare head bit from the Land Speeder. This bad boy was degradated from Liutenant to normal Intercessor, i can make 15 Intercessors from conquest magazine ( instead the 13 from the collection ) if i change a bit both Liutenants.


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In second: i dont like so much the Impulsor, special factor its the money price, but i have luck and found one in a second hand shop, this one originally have some demage in the chasis and the antigravital pallets, but nothing to much hard to repair, working on it make me love the model a bit more, now my Hellblasters have a personal transport.

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Have a nice day! see you soon.

Edited by Sargeant Centurion

Really glad you found my stuff inspiring. :)


I’ve been meaning to get back to my Badab stuff for a while now. Maybe this will be the nudge to get me back in the saddle.


Some cool stuff here. As has been mentioned before, your barbed wire looks really good.


Keep up the good work.



Really glad you found my stuff inspiring. :smile.:


I’ve been meaning to get back to my Badab stuff for a while now. Maybe this will be the nudge to get me back in the saddle.


Some cool stuff here. As has been mentioned before, your barbed wire looks really good.


Keep up the good work.



Lot of thanks Dallo, im working in another barbed wire, there its never enought of it!. I hope to see more of your proyects, if my post give you strength for it, im happy for that.

  • 2 weeks later...

Another day of posting, im still working in my Impulsor in my free time, maybe the long hours i spend in the rebuild and some paint its making me now look whit good eyes this big boy.


+I still dont like so much the extended roof for the weapon options, and i dont want to expend my magnets in this vehicule, so i make it modular thanks to the natural desing of the miniature. The hatch port has enought space to put some of the options and keep it in place whit no need of glue. I change the barrel of the stubber for one of the bolters from the Land Raider Crusader kit, for me Space Marines dont carry machineguns, they are made to shoot bolters, and in my head cannon this gun its a "long barrel auto boltgun Calw mkIII 1/3". The orbital comms array and the shield dome share the same base, so i glue it in the first one and glue the shield generator in the extended roof.

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+And the actual base whit the jungle theme i want for my Space Marines. Maybe a little bit of green tones and some moss will be added.

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In a few days more, hope you have a great day, and keep faith in this hard days, my brothers and sisters.

Edited by Sargeant Centurion

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