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Got a couple questions..

Kolgrim DeathHowl

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So I've been reading up on some rules and stuff excuse me if this is in the 8th rulebook I got one on ebay should be coming in with in the week. I've got a SW army at my house down in FL (currently living with my grandfather in another state), planning on going down there around Thanksgiving to get it. My first question is can they be apart of the DW I do have cause of the keywords? And my second question is if they can't would it be considered a 2nd Detachment if I used them along side them? Just curious cause if I can do that it saves me from having to buy more models or maybe I can convert some of the unpainted ones to DW.

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You can use quite a few units from SW but not all will be usable, namely the heavy weapons, we only get Missile Launchers, so no Las or Grav. We also can't use most of the tanks/artillery that SW can. You would have to use the corresponding unit entries in the DW codex, now it depends on your opponent whether you can use them without at least painting the left arm grey.


As separate detachments you can take a DW and a SW detachments together, that's perfectly fine.  You cannot mix stratagems etc so you can only use DW tools with the DW detachment and SW with the other.

Ok that's cool, I plan on buying (probably from ebay) the newest SW codex after I get back with them. How many command points would I get for having the 2 Detachments? That actually works out pretty good cause I always loved SW, but after reading the Ordos Xenos and Eisenhorn Books I always wanted to do DW and have an Inquisitor. Think I have like 1.5-2k point SW army but they were from the early 2000's not sure what edition the rules were from so might have to do some tweaking, but I'm excited!

Should be able to still paint some things to fit the DW as well and just have your force have higher than normal numbers of members from a single chapter.

Most games are 1750 to 2k and that gives you 3 detachments to play with.

There are a few sites that can help with rules in the meantime whilst your waiting on your books to arrive.

I'll post a link below, if your thinking about units with the relic rule, it means you can't take more than of that than any non relic unit.

So take a relic leviathan for instance you have to take a none relic choice like hellblaster a your force stays legal.




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