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Blood Slaughterer and Lord Dischordant


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Ran 3x Blood Slaughterers and a Lord Dischordant in a game last night against Guard.


Each BS cost about 50 points more than a Venomcrawler, however - at top bracket, they hit at S 10, at the lowest S 8. The VC is 2 less. With the +1 to hit from the LD, they were dicing Infantry, tore up some Ogryns and did okay against tanks.


Both Demon Engines are there for melee, the Blood Slaughterer just gets there more reliably and the additional strength / AP makes it more versatile. Feels like that's enough of a bonus to make them worth it. Thoughts?


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In my area, forgeworld can be a tricky thing and lead to undesirable after effects. Back in 7th/30k it led to a hellacious arms race which was less space marine legions fighting space marine legions and more Big Resin Tanks that Aren't Superheavies Really We Promise rolling hits and erasing armies.


So we don't do forgeworld anymore, because it leads to one guy breaking out his tigersharks (yes, as in multiple. He is getting a manta too)

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He is getting a manta too)

Seduce him, marry him, divorce him, take half his stuff. He can afford it if he can afford a Manta.



A true soldier of the long war. *salute*



Heh guess I should watch out if I ever get a stormbird. :teehee:

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He is getting a manta too)

Seduce him, marry him, divorce him, take half his stuff. He can afford it if he can afford a Manta.

Only if I can be dressed up as Bennet from Commando like, the duration of the marriage. Chain mail vest and impractical trench knife and all.

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I like the Blood Slaughterers. I don't own any (yet), but I'm looking into getting some. Good to know they're good with a Disco Lord.


In my area, forgeworld can be a tricky thing and lead to undesirable after effects. Back in 7th/30k it led to a hellacious arms race which was less space marine legions fighting space marine legions and more Big Resin Tanks that Aren't Superheavies Really We Promise rolling hits and erasing armies.

So we don't do forgeworld anymore, because it leads to one guy breaking out his tigersharks (yes, as in multiple. He is getting a manta too)

See.... This is something that bugs me. If you don't use Forgeworld, why even comment on a thread where someone's asking about Forge World? Especially since the reason you do so ISN'T VALID anymore.


It's like saying your group banned Grey Knights because of the Matt Ward codex.... From 5th/6th Edition.


Sorry, sorry OP. I didn't intend to make this a Slaaneshi thread. My bad.

You should know better Mister Moderati :P ;). Give us an inch, we'll take an entire 8x8 table :lol:

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I like the Blood Slaughterers. I don't own any (yet), but I'm looking into getting some. Good to know they're good with a Disco Lord.


Pretty sure the Disco Lord is the only thing that makes them worthwhile over a Venomcrawler.


I've only used them in one game but I can see the potential. With 3 Disco Lords, you could really overwhelm an opponent's front lines.

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Were you running them in a soul-forged pack to get the extra 2" move WL trait and advance and charge? Why does the BS get to combat more reliably than the VC?


BS seems to be more equipped strictly for melee, while I think the Venomcrawler gives you some more overall flexibility.


Triple Venomcrawler with a Discolord and Greater Possessed is a decent way to get some mobile anti-armour shooting in a melee list for similar points as the triple BS. 6D3 S9 -2 D2 shots a turn hitting on 4s even when you advance is not terrible. Then they hit hard as well if they get into combat.


The problem will always be that the Discolord generally gets shot off the table 1st turn as it's such a difficult model to keep hidden and everyone now knows how good they can be when they get in combat, and it can be a challenge to have the Possessed keep up with the spiders and lord if you end up with some bad advance rolls.


Plus you can get 3 of them for the price of one Blood Slaughterer.  Good ole Forgeworld!

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