McElMcNinja Posted October 26, 2019 Share Posted October 26, 2019 Took the following list to a tournament today... I will give a better detail of the matchups afterwards. ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Chaos - Death Guard) [71 PL, 1,197pts, 7CP] ++ + No Force Org Slot + Battle-forged CP [3CP] Detachment CP [5CP] Gifts of Decay (1 Relic) [-1CP] + HQ + Chaos Lord with Jump Pack [6 PL, 108pts]: Combi-plasma, Plaguebringer, Power sword Daemon Prince of Nurgle [9 PL, 180pts]: 4. Blades of Putrefaction, 6. Arch-Contaminator, Malefic talon, The Suppurating Plate, Warlord, Wings + Troops + Plague Marines [13 PL, 186pts] . Plague Champion . . Codex: Plaguesword, Plasma gun . 5x Plague Marine w/ boltgun . Plague Marine w/ melee weapons: Flail of Corruption . Plague Marine w/ Special Weapon: Blight launcher . Plague Marine w/ Special Weapon: Blight launcher Plague Marines [13 PL, 170pts] . Plague Champion . . Codex: Plaguesword, Plasma gun . 4x Plague Marine w/ boltgun . Plague Marine w/ melee weapons: Flail of Corruption . Plague Marine w/ Special Weapon: Blight launcher . Plague Marine w/ Special Weapon: Blight launcher Poxwalkers [6 PL, 120pts]: 20x Poxwalker + Heavy Support + Hellforged Leviathan Dreadnought [16 PL, 289pts]: 2x Butcher cannon array, 2x Hellflamer + Dedicated Transport + Chaos Rhino [4 PL, 72pts]: Combi-bolter Chaos Rhino [4 PL, 72pts]: Combi-bolter ++ Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment (Chaos - Chaos Knights) [25 PL, 491pts] ++ + No Force Org Slot + Detachment CP + Lord of War + Knight Despoiler [25 PL, 491pts]: Dreadblade, Heavy stubber, Iconoclast Household, Twin Icarus Autocannon . Rapid-fire battle cannon and heavy stubber: Heavy stubber, Rapid-fire battle cannon . Rapid-fire battle cannon and heavy stubber: Heavy stubber, Rapid-fire battle cannon ++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Chaos - Death Guard) [18 PL, 312pts, 1CP] ++ + No Force Org Slot + Detachment CP [1CP] + HQ + Sorcerer [6 PL, 98pts]: 1. Miasma of Pestilence, 5. Putrescent Vitality, Bolt pistol, Force stave + Elites + Biologus Putrifier [4 PL, 60pts] Foul Blightspawn [4 PL, 77pts] Foul Blightspawn [4 PL, 77pts] ++ Total: [114 PL, 2,000pts, 8CP] ++ First round I went up against iron hands, he had, 2 tactical war suits, 1 leviathan, 2 scout squads, an infiltrator squad, the iron father, a librarian, a thunderfire cannon, a sicaron, and a super heavy tank. We had a the spearhead deployment and I seized. I took my busses up the right side, my knight took his leviathan, and my lord jumped forward and killed a scout squad. His turn he put a lot of shots at my knight and killed a rhino and then the squad in it. My next turn I got out of the other rhino, plague bombed one warsuit with 28 mortal wounds and 2 normal (he saved all the others with his 1/2 damage buff) and I charged the other with the same unit, killing it. I had clouded them and my lord was in a building between them and most of the rest of his army. His next turn I saw more shots at my knight and he killed off my other rhino. Turn 3 I sprayed both Blightspawn at his smaller tank, shot his last two squads off the board, and was able to reach the iron father in combat, but failed to kill him. His turn he got my knight down to 1 wound and killed off the rest of my marines. Turn 4 I killed off his librarian and iron father and put some wounds on the super tank. He had target practice on all my characters, killed off both Blightspawn and the Putrifier and he finally destroyed my knight. He was left his wounded tank and his thunderfire gun that was hidden way in the back. Final score: 24-16 Plague busses for the win. Second round loss against knights, 18-23. He went first, but I lost due to my mistakes. I forgot a psychic phase, I moved my engineers off an objective, and I played that stupid 3CP Nurgle Rot... I need to tear that card up. The only shining moment for me was my lord, I had cast blades on him and used VotLW. Charged one of his knights along with my DP. Then rolled 3 6's to hit; to wound I rolled 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, & 6 (10 mortal wounds). He saved 3 of the normal hits so I got 4d3 wounds from the sword which I rolled for a total of 9. So he had a FNP for the 19 wounds and only made 2. My DP had 8 attacks, proct'd twice and he ended up having to make 10 FNP rolls, he made it through with 1 wound left. He split his attacks and the DP reflected 2 back, killing the knight. Besides that I was pretty much shot off the table, well all but a squad of marines and the Putrifier. Last round vs Raven Guard, won 22-16. Vanguard Strike deployment, I got first turn. His list was 2 HQ, 3 units of eliminators, a repulsor (some variation), 3 hellblasters, 3 interceptors, 3 intercessors, 3 suppressors. First turn I was able to charge my lord (with Blades) into a squad of 5 intercessors and did 10 mortal wounds plus normal damage. I also shot my knight an into his repulsor, taking it down to 10 wounds while my leviathan killed off a unit of hellblasters. He destroyed a rhino and then killed the Putrifier inside, plus wounded my knight. Second turn I didn't get much accomplished, moved up more and took a few more wounds off his repulsor. I was now holding 3 of 4 objectives. He shot more into my knight, took 4 wounds off my leviathan, and wounded both Blightspawn and my lord. Third turn I disembarked in his lines and had moved up the rest of my Marines and characters into position. My knight moved up destroying his repulsor and later failed a charge into a unit of intercessors. My leviathan killed off another unit of hellblasters. My Marines were able to shoot and wound a couple units then charge and killed off 2 units of suppresors. A Blightspawn killed off a unit of eliminators and my DP charged into another along with his Lt which I failed to kill off. His turn saw him finish off my and my lord, but in combat I finished off his lt. Turn 4 I was able kill off everything but his capt and a squad of hellblasters, he shot at my leviathan but I was able to save enough to keep him alive. Time was called. Took 3rd overall. Take away's: put the gatling cannons back on my knight or replace him with another leviathan (or a pair of deredeos). Cloud of Flies is probably the best strat in the whole game, it was definitely the MVP for me. Being able to stop overwatch is just so good. I know their are those that say it doesn't, but every judge/TO at all my tournaments have agreed that it does. I had been running a dual knives unit, I switched it up after I realized with Hateful Assault they get plenty of attacks to remove units in combat. Having the extra shooting, even though it's not game changing, is nice to have when they are to far away for combat. I might switch from 2 blight launchers/1 flail to 1 bl/2 flails. With the exception of facing knights I think my list is well balanced. I was able to score my secondaries against them, but getting kill more is not going to happen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted October 26, 2019 Share Posted October 26, 2019 Damn that's quite a match up, and such a disappointing write up! you gotta go into detail on a win like that. Did you get the sense the Iron Hands guy was new to them? Or did you just out play him that much? Details? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McElMcNinja Posted October 27, 2019 Author Share Posted October 27, 2019 He had been running Iron Hands for some time, he stopped when GSC dex got released, but now he's back to his IH. Not that it matters as a player, but he is the TO of an ITC Major tournament every year and is associated with the Iron Halo/Lord Marshals group. I mention all of this just to point out he understands the game and the tournament scene. The last time we had played he was running his IH's (pre-dex) and he beat me in the last round and won best overall general. After this game we discussed his army, which he said he was still playtesting a few things preparing for a tourney next weekend. He thinks he needs to drop the librarian for a tech priest along with a few other minor changes. Now having said all of that, he said he was most surprised by how many mortal wounds I could put out in a turn. One unit of 9 PMs were able to do almost 50 mortal wounds in one turn. 28 in shooting and 19 in melee, in addition to the normal damage. With his FNP and his halving damage, being able to put out that much damage was needed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted October 30, 2019 Share Posted October 30, 2019 That’s fantastic. How do you get 28 shooting mortal wounds? The Plague Grenades? That’s something I loved using last time I took my Death Guard to a tournament. I was just a sucker for Mort and couldn’t win a tournament with him in the list. It sounds like you have a great, balanced list. A lot of damage potential up close to mid range. Funny I was thinking about a dual RBC Knight. I hear a lot of varied feedback on it. I do really miss my Deathguard. They made me work hard for wins but I usually felt a win was possible in most match ups. Also I had no idea you could cloud of flies a unit to prevent overwatch. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MegaVolt87 Posted October 30, 2019 Share Posted October 30, 2019 The IH guy, by super heavy what was it out of interest? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McElMcNinja Posted October 30, 2019 Author Share Posted October 30, 2019 I had a unit of 9 PM's throwing Putrifier grenades with VotLW, that allows mortals on 5+. I also had Arch-contaminator in range and rolled very well. Cloud of Flies prevents a unit from being shot unless its the closest unit, so I just position another unit in between them and the target(s) of my charge. The RBC is just to random for me, I tried it because I sold my other knight with dual gattlings. As a secondary loudout while running more then one knight, sure. He was running a Astraeus Super-heavy tank. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MegaVolt87 Posted October 30, 2019 Share Posted October 30, 2019 That super heavy missed the point tax the other old legion ones got to sell more plastic knights. Not suprised. Also waiting for it to go to 900+ points like the others, then it can sit on the shelf like my Falchion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McElMcNinja Posted October 30, 2019 Author Share Posted October 30, 2019 I ignored it until I had nothing else to shoot at, he had it buffed up most of the game and I wasn't going to waste my shots. It shot at my knight and I used rotate to help, it took most of the game for him to take it out. In the mean time the rest of his army was disappearing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jgascoine011 Posted October 30, 2019 Share Posted October 30, 2019 Interesting battle. I love the plague busses but rarley find them to actually be able to grenade something usefull. Usually my opponent just keeps 8" away from them :/ Did your pox walkers do anything? Also, how did you kill the Iron Hands leviathan? Your Knight should only being doing at most 1 damage per failed wound. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McElMcNinja Posted October 30, 2019 Author Share Posted October 30, 2019 I forgot to mention that's what my Leviathan also shot at his turn 1, between the 2 of them I took it out. He was only subtracting 1 from the damage so the 3's were 2D. I have a low drop count, so going first more often helps. First turn I advance both Rhinos, use smoke and Miasma 1. I average losing 1 during their first shooting phase. Now that they all have bolters it doesn't matter which 1. But they are both on avg 10-12" away, and disembarking within 3" and with are larger basses it's about a 4" move, plus their 5" move and now you are 1-3" away. I force them to either move back (in which case I stay embarked and move again) or they die. Most times they don't move because they think they can handle 8-9 1W Marines. Either grenades and/or melee and I got them. They are also usually focusing on my knight and leviathan first turn, they have to choose. I make my Poxwalkers engineers and they hold 2 or 3 objectives and preventing deep strikes. I cast putrecent vitality on them and no one wants to shoot at them knowing they won't break. If they do I make sure I take off models not securing objectives so I still get that bonus till they've killed them to a model. It works for the most part, still having troubles with knights. Still trying to figure them out, I really want to go pure DG so thinking of dropping the knight and getting some FW units. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted October 30, 2019 Share Posted October 30, 2019 That's how I played my troops too. However I never had Leviathans and I think that makes a huge difference. :) Good job though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McElMcNinja Posted November 4, 2019 Author Share Posted November 4, 2019 So I've changed my list up by taking out the knight and leviathan and in their place added 3 deredeos and another lord. I was also at an odd place with remaining points, so I'm going to try summoning. I have enough points for a 10 PB unit with icon, some Nurglings, some more Poxwalkers or even a Poxbringer. I'm thinking either the lord sitting back with the deredeos could summon a screen to help protect them or if my DP needs some heals I could bring in the Poxbringer. My other thought was maybe use those points on Blightbringer for some advancing help, or maybe a Tallyman to assist with combat and the occasional CP regain. That would leave a few points to swap out the combi-bolters for combi-meltas on the Rhinos. Thoughts? ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Chaos - Death Guard) [55 PL, 915pts, 7CP] ++ Gifts of Decay (1 Relic) [-1CP] + HQ + Chaos Lord with Jump Pack [6 PL, 108pts]: Combi-plasma, Plaguebringer, Power sword Daemon Prince of Nurgle [9 PL, 180pts]: 4. Blades of Putrefaction, 6. Arch-Contaminator, Malefic talon, The Suppurating Plate, Warlord, Wings + Troops + 9 Plague Marines [13 PL, 190pts] 1x Plague Champion w/ Plaguesword, Plasma pistol 4x Plague Marine w/ boltgun 2x Plague Marine w/ melee weapons: Flail of Corruption 2x Plague Marine w/ Special Weapon: Blight launcher 8 Plague Marines [13 PL, 169pts] 1x Plague Champion w/ Plague knife, Plasma gun 4x Plague Marine w/ boltgun 1x Plague Marine w/ melee weapons: Flail of Corruption 2x Plague Marine w/ Special Weapon: Blight launcher Poxwalkers [6 PL, 120pts]: 20x Poxwalker + Dedicated Transport + Chaos Rhino [4 PL, 74pts]: Combi-bolter, Combi-bolter Chaos Rhino [4 PL, 74pts]: Combi-bolter, Combi-bolter ++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Chaos - Death Guard) [18 PL, 324pts, 1CP] ++ + HQ + Malignant Plaguecaster [6 PL, 110pts]: 1. Miasma of Pestilence, 5. Putrescent Vitality + Elites + Biologus Putrifier [4 PL, 60pts] Foul Blightspawn [4 PL, 77pts] Foul Blightspawn [4 PL, 77pts] ++ Spearhead Detachment +1CP (Chaos - Death Guard) [47 PL, 676pts, 1CP] ++ + HQ + Chaos Lord [5 PL, 82pts]: Balesword, Combi-bolter + Heavy Support + Hellforged Deredeo Dreadnought [14 PL, 198pts]: Butcher cannon array, Greater havoc launcher, Twin heavy bolter Hellforged Deredeo Dreadnought [14 PL, 198pts]: Butcher cannon array, Greater havoc launcher, Twin heavy bolter Hellforged Deredeo Dreadnought [14 PL, 198pts]: Butcher cannon array, Greater havoc launcher, Twin heavy bolter ++ Reinforcements [85pts] ++ Reinforcements [85pts]: 85x Reinforcement Points ++ Total: [120 PL, 2,000pts, 9CP] ++ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wolf Lord Loki Posted November 4, 2019 Share Posted November 4, 2019 You know what. I say go for the summoning. Nobody expects it Can I suggest planning for everything tho. Take enough daemons to do what ever you want. The rules (iirc) say you can chose what you summon after you make the roll. So take all the choices with you. So you can summon a veritable tide of nurglings or maybe 2/3 heralds Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McElMcNinja Posted December 15, 2019 Author Share Posted December 15, 2019 Changed my list up some (see below) and went to another tournament today. Finished 3rd with a 2-1 record, I messed up big in the last turn of the final match. I moved my DP badly and he got king slayer in the last turn beating by 1 point, I should have hid him, but lesson learned. First game was against Nurgle Daemons/Death Guard. Mostly Daemons and 3 deredeos, end of turn 2 it was pretty much over. Win 34-12. Second game was Death Guard, mostly vehicles, 3 PBC's, 3 haulers, mower drone, with some Blightlords. Went 5 rounds with another win 21-13. Last game, Raven Gaurd. This was a close game the whole way. The round I was up by 3 and made a mistake exposing my DP, I had also made to other critical mistakes giving up points when I shouldn't have. First went to AdMech/scouts, second to Raven Guard, third Death Guard, fourth knights and loyal 32, and fifth went to GSC. I made a last minute change to my list, I dropped Typhus and some combi-meltas for a second unit of Poxwalkers and a second Plaguecaster. I chose recon and engineers every game and maxed those all 3 games. In game one I chose pick you poison selecting his DP for fly, a deredeo for vehicle, a poxbringer for psyker, and Slimax for monster. I was able to get all four. Second game I chose gang buster on his haulers, I was able to complete that one as well. Against Raven Gaurd I chose butchers bill (kill 2 units in a player turn) and was even able to score this one during his turn when my Blightlords took out 2 units in combat. So over all 3 games I was able to max out my secondaries. Just need to cut out my stupid mistakes. ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Chaos - Death Guard) [77 PL, 1,258pts, 8CP] ++ + [8CP] + Battle-forged CP [3CP] Detachment CP [5CP] + HQ [15 PL, 275pts] + Daemon Prince of Nurgle [9 PL, 180pts]: 4. Blades of Putrefaction, 6. Arch-Contaminator, Malefic talon [10pts], The Suppurating Plate, Warlord, Wings [1 PL, 24pts] Malignant Plaguecaster [6 PL, 95pts]: 1. Miasma of Pestilence, 5. Putrescent Vitality + Troops [38 PL, 560pts] + Plague Marines [13 PL, 190pts] . Plague Champion [22pts] . . Codex [6pts]: Plaguesword [1pts], Plasma pistol [5pts] . 4x Plague Marine w/ boltgun [64pts] . Plague Marine w/ melee weapons [26pts]: Flail of Corruption [10pts] . Plague Marine w/ melee weapons [26pts]: Flail of Corruption [10pts] . Plague Marine w/ Special Weapon [26pts]: Blight launcher [10pts] . Plague Marine w/ Special Weapon [26pts]: Blight launcher [10pts] Plague Marines [13 PL, 170pts] . Plague Champion [28pts] . . Codex [12pts]: Plaguesword [1pts], Plasma gun [11pts] . 4x Plague Marine w/ boltgun [64pts] . Plague Marine w/ melee weapons [26pts]: Flail of Corruption [10pts] . Plague Marine w/ Special Weapon [26pts]: Blight launcher [10pts] . Plague Marine w/ Special Weapon [26pts]: Blight launcher [10pts] Poxwalkers [6 PL, 100pts]: 20x Poxwalker [100pts] Poxwalkers [6 PL, 100pts]: 20x Poxwalker [100pts] + Heavy Support [16 PL, 289pts] + Hellforged Leviathan Dreadnought [16 PL, 289pts]: 2x Butcher cannon array [80pts], 2x Hellflamer [34pts] + Dedicated Transport [8 PL, 134pts] + Chaos Rhino [4 PL, 67pts]: Combi-bolter [2pts] Chaos Rhino [4 PL, 67pts]: Combi-bolter [2pts] ++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Chaos - Death Guard) [45 PL, 742pts, 1CP] ++ + [1CP] + Detachment CP [1CP] + HQ [6 PL, 95pts] + Malignant Plaguecaster [6 PL, 95pts]: 1. Miasma of Pestilence, 5. Putrescent Vitality + Elites [39 PL, 647pts] + Biologus Putrifier [4 PL, 60pts] Blightlord Terminators [27 PL, 433pts] . Blightlord Champion [42pts]: Balesword [6pts], Combi-bolter [2pts] . Blightlord Terminator [44pts]: Flail of Corruption [10pts] . Blightlord Terminator [44pts]: Flail of Corruption [10pts] . Blightlord Terminator [49pts]: Blight launcher [10pts], Bubotic Axe [5pts] . Blightlord Terminator [49pts]: Blight launcher [10pts], Bubotic Axe [5pts] . Blightlord Terminator [41pts]: Bubotic Axe [5pts], Combi-bolter [2pts] . Blightlord Terminator [41pts]: Bubotic Axe [5pts], Combi-bolter [2pts] . Blightlord Terminator [41pts]: Bubotic Axe [5pts], Combi-bolter [2pts] . Blightlord Terminator [41pts]: Bubotic Axe [5pts], Combi-bolter [2pts] . Blightlord Terminator [41pts]: Bubotic Axe [5pts], Combi-bolter [2pts] Foul Blightspawn [4 PL, 77pts] Foul Blightspawn [4 PL, 77pts] ++ Total: [122 PL, 2,000pts, 9CP] ++ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ammonius Posted December 16, 2019 Share Posted December 16, 2019 When you say you "made them engineers" what does that mean? Is that a new Chapter Approved thing, or an ITC thing or another Tournament organization thing? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr_Ruminahui Posted December 16, 2019 Share Posted December 16, 2019 It's an ITC thing - its one of their secondary objectives. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McElMcNinja Posted December 16, 2019 Author Share Posted December 16, 2019 I choose both units of Poxwalkers and they usually just camp objectives and keep units from Deep Striking in my deployment zone. Engineers: Select two non-character/non-fortification units from your army to be Engineers. Starting from Battle Round 2, if one or more of these units starts and ends your turn within 3” of an objective marker you control, and it did not make any attacks or manifest any psychic powers during your turn, earn 1 point at the end of that turn. These units may not score this objective if they join other units during the course of play or split into multiple units. Units chosen to be Engineers may never benefit from a rule that keeps them from being the target of attacks, Cloud of Flies, for example. They can benefit from terrain blocking Line of Sight to them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McElMcNinja Posted January 5, 2020 Author Share Posted January 5, 2020 I was able to get in a couple games yesterday, first against orks and then against grey knights. Orks, so much dakka and a lot of rerolls. I wanted to play him aggressively to keep him in his deployment as much as possible. We each had an objective in our deployment and the other two were in no mans land. He won the roll and I failed to seize. Luckily I had hidden all my units except the rhinos, which were within reach of an open objective, the other I was going for with a unit of Poxwalkers hiding in some ruins. He didn't move much, trying to line up shots on my rhinos. He tried to jump a unit and rolled 1's, followed by a command point reroll of another 1. Shooting he took out a rhino and his turn was over. My turn I unloaded my remaining rhino and advanced everything at that objective while my Poxwalkers grabbed the other. I used the leviathan to take out 1of his grot shield wall while the plague marines took out a big gun. End of first round I was up 4-3. Round 2 and he moved towards my Marines and he managed to jump a 30 man squad near the objective I had moved my Poxwalkers to and killed them all dead. He also shot my last rhino and leviathan off the board. My turn I positioned a unit of PMs to shoot at more big gunz and grotz while keeping the other hidden but still on that objective. I brought in my Blightlords in a ruin out of line of site from that 30 man unit. I then killed another gun and another unit of grotz. I was able to get Blades onto the Blightlords and made my charge. The 2 flails killed off 27, which was nice, but I felt like I had wasted their potential. They did secure an objective and helped me score my recon points, so it did work out well in the end. My DP had made it into the last zone so I could start scoring recon and I made sure he couldn't be targeted. End of the round 2 score 11-7, still in my favor. Round 3, he failed to jump another unit and with my positioning he was forced to shoot all his heavies at my last unit of Poxwalkers. He did manage to finish off all my PMs and a Blightspawn. I was able to just keep him off that objective, but had to start retreating the other Blightspawn, a Putrifier, and Plaguecaster or he would start scoring more head hunter points. End of the round and I was up 17-11. At this point he was so far back on his edge of the board and didn't have a clear LoS to anything. He was only able to kill off my Putrifier while I didn't kill another thing. The final score was Death Guard 24, da Orks 15. The grey knights game lasted 2 rounds, he deployed his whole army first and was spread out thin across a long table. I deployed heavy to my left and I failed to seize. The only thing he could shoot was Poxwalkers (killing a unit) and a rhino which he failed to damage. I moved up but could only shoot at a strike squad. The score was 4-3 my favor. Round 2 he shot the other Poxwalkers killing all but 3 and brought my leviathan down to 1 wound. Now he had left an opening just big enough for my Blightlords to deepstrike inside a ruin in his back line. I was able to double Blightspawn spray a dread knight while a PM squad killed of a dread. Then I managed a charge into his 3 characters and a strike squad while my leviathan and a great smite took out his 10 man squad of paladins. At this point I owned more 3/4 of the table, 4 of the 5 objectives, and he didn't have much left on the table while I had only lost the unit of Poxwalkers. The score was 12-5 and he would have to charge into ruins to get my Blightlords and DP off an objective and move across the board towards everything else to get another. I was well hidden and he would have to expose himself to all my firepower before he could get an open shot on anything. We talked out best case for him and I still would be scoring hold more, recon, engineers, and the bonus even if I didn't get another kill. So he conceded and we all had a few beers. I will say that it's been a while since the Plague Bus has unleashed it full potential, but I credit that to most people I have been playing know what it's cable of. They stay the heck away from it, which I have used to my advantage. I have a major GT next weekend and then in a couple more weeks it's off to LVO. Next weekend will be a good test, list submissions for LVO are due right after and at this point I don't want to have to change anything for lack of play testing opportunities. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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