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Imperial Fists supplement

Closet Skeleton

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Picked the new supplement up to day and can't find where it says Black Templars don't count as a Imperial Fists successor chapter regards to getting access to the rules in it. It doesn't mention the Templars in the rules like it does the Crimson fists but says that if a chapter is known to be an Imperial Fists successor then it has access to the stuff.


Maybe an errata is coming.

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Then why not just play IF?

To get access to the naughty bits ofc. You can construct BT chapter tactic with successor traits and then go wild.

Provided, IF are a stand-and-shoot army and it makes every reason for BT to not be in there, but still, a possibility per RAW

Edited by Smirnov
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Then why not just play IF?

Because Templars have a different personality but are still sons of Dorn.


Templars can absolutely make use of the supplement and there is no reason for this to change. My reading of it thus far makes me think that some of the warlord traits and special issue wargear will be the most valuable part of it as many of the stratagems and the doctrine bonus don't mesh with most Templar lists as well. Useful but not super effective.


The question is how will the Imperial fist book work with the Templar rules when they come out.

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I dunno, having your warlord not be able to be wounded on anything than a 4+ sounds pretty awesome and Templar to me. Or using the Fleetmaster one that lets you call down orbital strikes. Or halving the damage to your warlord.


Looking through the rest now, but just the Warlord traits alone give us some nice additional options. 

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BTW, If I remember right, the suppliment is worded that way so Crifson Fists have access to their own stratagems and relics AND IF ones, so they somehow get more options then IF themselves. That would be the same with BT I think. But don't take me on my word here, don't have the book right now to doublecheck

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Yes, all Successor chapters get access to the IF strats, and special issue wargear. Everyone except CF get access to the IF warlord traits. Relics are IF only unless you take the strat that lets you take one


We also get access to their super doctrine as well because we are a successor chapter. Depending on how our rules are worded when we get them this means that we get two super doctrines. 

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It sound like playing IF but with extra steps lol.


But whatever im not the fun police.


With the space marine codex supplements every chapter gets too bonuses.


1. Their chapter tactic which is either pre-set or designed by combining 2 successor traits.


2. The supplement that gives stuff based on first founding chapter.


So its not the same as playing Imperial Fists, it just means you share some rules with Imperial Fists but not the chapter tactic.


As written Black Templars have their own chapter tactic, warlord trait and unique units. As an Imperial Fists successor they then get special issue wargear, a bonus in heavy doctrine, additional warlord traits and stratagems.


Black Templar characters don't have set warlord traits at present so you could give Grimaldus an Imperial Fists warlord trait, that's something Imperial Fists don't have as an option.



Dont get too used to using these rules. Rumors have solidly stated that we will be banned from using the IF supplement once the PA2 comes out.


Basically three possiblities.


1. BT get banned from using the supplement in an errata before Psychic Awakening 2.


2. BT get banned in PA2 or in a subsequent errata.


3. BT get ruled to have to choose one or the other but keep the option.

Edited by Closet Skeleton
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Picked the new supplement up to day and can't find where it says Black Templars don't count as a Imperial Fists successor chapter regards to getting access to the rules in it. It doesn't mention the Templars in the rules like it does the Crimson fists but says that if a chapter is known to be an Imperial Fists successor then it has access to the stuff.


Maybe an errata is coming.

I don't have either book, so I can't say for sure, but have you checked what the Codex : Space Marines says on that topic ? In previous versions the clarifications that BT had their own rules was there.
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Picked the new supplement up to day and can't find where it says Black Templars don't count as a Imperial Fists successor chapter regards to getting access to the rules in it. It doesn't mention the Templars in the rules like it does the Crimson fists but says that if a chapter is known to be an Imperial Fists successor then it has access to the stuff.


Maybe an errata is coming.

I don't have either book, so I can't say for sure, but have you checked what the Codex : Space Marines says on that topic ? In previous versions the clarifications that BT had their own rules was there.

Neither book bars BT from using the IF successor rules. When the FAQ drops we'll find out if GW erratas it

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I've picked up my copy today. I must say, I found the way in which these rules very clearly apply to Templars, whilst omitting any mention of them quite odd, (but not unwelcome...)


You can definitely do some pretty Templar things around this stuff, the relic banner gives +1 to hit for melee to units within 6" of an ancient. That's pretty useful! (Also, I'm working on the basis that that stacks with the normal profile of an ancient, so you can fight again?)


Note, you need to use the Champion of Blades Stratagem to use the banner.

Edited by Brother Adelard
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You may have to treat the other relic as your second, then pay a CP for that one using the other stratagem?

I think the particular sort of fluffy BT list that will really benefit from IF rules will be a tank focussed one. With the bonus on heavy weapon damage, the tankhunters stratagem and praetorian's wrath you have a pretty full on anti-vehicle devastator phase.


Edited by Acebaur
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Can someone with the supplement graciously provide us other brothers with a list of potential relics/stratagems that we can use?


The banner alone, +1 to hit for units within 6”?, at the cost of 1CP sounds fantastic. It would be +2CP then if we already have a relic?


Thank you kindly


Yes a list can be provided however, it can contain names of the strats/relics/traits only. We do not violate GW's IP by providing rules of published material. 



I feel certain Templars are going to get some new amazing rules and hopefully some plastic crack too. IF CT do not synergize with the Templar theme.


We don't have to use their CT and can't actually, because we have our own. However, we do have access to all the other things that successors normally do in the supplements. 

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