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Interesting new Goonhammer Article on Smash Captains, a BT Marshal comes out second to only the Scars when you combine all of the shenanigans we have access to currently. (And that's without any rules specifically designed for us beyond Vigilus)



Edited by Brother Adelard
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Interesting new Goonhammer Article on Smash Captains, a BT Marshal comes out second to only the Scars when you combine all of the shenanigans we have access to currently. (And that's without any rules specifically designed for us beyond Vigilus)



A bit pricey though. Compare to actual White Scars (not Successors) who don't need any stratagems and clock at 52%.

But I'm curious now about the wording we get in PA. Right now we can use all Imperial Fists Stratagems, trheir Warlord traits (unlike Crimson Fists) and relics with the usual stratagem tax. If PA doesn't specifically state that 'use these rules or the the rules in IF supplement', then we would get new stuff and keep the older new stuff with potentially still being able to tap into not-really-old-but-actually-old new stuff in Vigilus

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No question that there should be a rules clarification if we get our own write-up, but coming from the people who gave us Iron Father Feirros and invulnerable dreads, I very much expect this part of the rules to be a copy/paste from successors entry in supplements

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Interesting new Goonhammer Article on Smash Captains, a BT Marshal comes out second to only the Scars when you combine all of the shenanigans we have access to currently. (And that's without any rules specifically designed for us beyond Vigilus)



Teeth or Relic Fist is better for a Templar Smash or a Sigislash/Law variant. Because additional attacks proc better.

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Yeah, so you can arguably improve upon those results. That was just a straight comparison of like for like, without relics.


(They also haven't factored in things like having Grimaldus nearby, or the new relic banner)

Edited by Brother Adelard
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Let's stay on topic please. What if any of the new IF rules (which may be temporary depending on PA) will you guys be taking? I think a couple of the warlord traits are stellar and will definitely consider using them in my games. 

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So could we use BT CT as a random successor (not bt specifically) and still get access to IF stuff?

If PA2 blocks BT from using it, could we still use BT CT but without acess to BT WT relics and strats?

in terms of lore - YES. rule-wise  RAI AND RAW - NO

Edited by Medjugorje
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So could we use BT CT as a random successor (not bt specifically) and still get access to IF stuff?

If PA2 blocks BT from using it, could we still use BT CT but without acess to BT WT relics and strats?


No, because BT are not a first founding players are not able to use BT CT via the Inheritors of the Primarch successor tactic. 

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Wait, I think you can. Why couldn't you use the BT chapter tactic and the IF stuff? We play exactly the same as CF essentially.


Oh wait, is this for someone trying to play another IF successor with BT rules? I.e. Red Templars? (White Templars are now not of Dorn's lineage.)

Edited by Brother Adelard
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Wait, I think you can. Why couldn't you use the BT chapter tactic and the IF stuff? We play exactly the same as CF essentially.


Oh wait, is this for someone trying to play another IF successor with BT rules? I.e. Red Templars? (White Templars are now not of Dorn's lineage.)


He was asking if you could chose the BT tactic but via the IoP tactic which you can't do because we aren't listed. Basically looking for a way around a potential ban from PA of us using IF stuff. 

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I am just wondering about our CT and restrictions.

As it stands it's no use to run BT rules in the PA supplement as a chapter with unknown founding maybe.


We don't really know anything for sure about PA other than we're in it. So I think it's a little early to worry about that ;)

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