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I Have Finally Fallen

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Hey, all!


So, thanks to a (sort of) unexpected financial windfall, I went to my local GW today and decided to start a new project and I finally fell to the lure of Chaos!


Also, being new to 8th Edition, I bought the Dark Imperium starter box, so the stuff in there is also available to be included in the force that I bought I suppose.


Anyway, aside from the starter box, I have:


New Chaos Codex

Chaos Knight Codex

Daemon Prince (as I've long wanted to see what I could do with the kit)

2 Boxes of Chaos Space Marines

1 Box of Chaos Space Marine Havocs

1 Chaos Space Marine Dark Apostle

1 Chaos Space Marines Master of Executions

1 Chaos Space Marines Chaos Lord

a whole mess of paints...


[Edit: ...and a Chaos Knight. somehow I forgot to mention him.]


So... I guess I'm a Chaos guy, now?


Anyway, the guys at the store helped me select everything but I'd love to hear from everyone here as to if I made a terrible mistake or not.



Edited by The Mad Hermit
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This looks like a great start, welcome to the dark side! Chaos are a bit heavy on HQ but it is fun to play with your dastardly villains. The Daemon Prince is a nice kit I also long thought of so it didn't take me long to get one for my Chaos and start work on it ;)


Have you thought about what Legion/Renegades you'd like to play as? Official or craft your own DIY? Don't forget to keep us updated with your progress :D

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This looks like a great start, welcome to the dark side! Chaos are a bit heavy on HQ but it is fun to play with your dastardly villains. The Daemon Prince is a nice kit I also long thought of so it didn't take me long to get one for my Chaos and start work on it :wink:


Have you thought about what Legion/Renegades you'd like to play as? Official or craft your own DIY? Don't forget to keep us updated with your progress :biggrin.:


Thanks for the comments and replies, brothers!


As for what Legion?


Knowing me? It'll probably be something DIY.


Oh, yes! Somehow I forgot something in my original post so I edited it in... a Chaos Knight Desecrator!

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Thanks for the comments and replies, brothers!


As for what Legion?


Knowing me? It'll probably be something DIY.


Oh, yes! Somehow I forgot something in my original post so I edited it in... a Chaos Knight Desecrator!

The Desecrator can work fine if you give it the relic gun. Makes it way more reliable.


Also, I you want to use some of your Dark Imperium stuff with your other purchases, I'd suggest using Black Legion rules, though you might want to wait and see what the next Psychic Awakening book will give us instead.

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