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Vindicators now?

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Hey Frater! 


As the title. Do you folks think that Vindicators are actually worth using now? (this goes for all chaos factions, 1k, DG, CSM) 


Given the cost of the Vindicator in comparison (125 + Havoc Launcher + a potential combi) do you guys think they are worth it? 


Changing to D6 shots certainly helped a great deal and it hits relatively hard and the point cost isn't to bad. 

Edited by Sonoftherubric21
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I’ve been saying this is a decent unit for chaos. I’ve said in the past I want to use 3 since even though loyalists might use them slightly better, Chaos still retains the mortal wound strat and loyalists lost that.


I like the idea of three with Abaddon for full rerolls and he has a T8 Shield around him. But Thousand Sons would work as well, as I imagined I wanted to get them near a Noctlith crown for a 5++. (Thousand Sons can make slightly better use out if the Noctlith Psyker function).


I’ve made lists with 3 using Combi flamers for scrubs and defensive fire. I still haven’t used it though. (I only own one vindicator)

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I like the idea of three with Abaddon for full rerolls and he has a T8 Shield around him. But Thousand Sons would work as well, as I imagined I wanted to get them near a Noctlith crown for a 5++. (Thousand Sons can make slightly better use out if the Noctlith Psyker function).


Don't forget Gaze of Fate from the Sons to reroll one of the shot count or damage dice. :)

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I think the long overdue improvement to the number of shots helps the Vindicator quite a bit. It's still up to the roll of course, but the chance to get twice as many as before is nice. It's perhaps more of an indicator of how poor it was before. Helps it be more viable against the bigger and tougher units it wants to be shooting that are usually in small or single model units. Ideally it'd be a bit more improvement but beggars can't be choosers :tongue.:


The problem is it is an investment to get them going (you need at least two) and they seem to vary widely in effectiveness due to the fell hand of GW's rule changes over time :confused: I think Chaos would benefit from some hard hitting, high toughness armour scooting about especially if you have a decent armoured element to your list. I don't think it's enough for anyone to go out and add Vindicators to an army though, just a good reason to try them out again if you have them (as I will for my Marines) :mellow.:

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Oh, another thing I forgot to mention, Vindicators are possibly the cheapest way to access T8 unit. They are annoying to shift, as they're not threatening enough to warrant serious heavy weapons to take down however equally they are harder to shift than a standard Rhino Chassis unit.


So you can use them as a cheap(ish) mobile cover alternative that has a random but decent gun.


Word of warning, this is not optimised by any stretch. Nothing is optimised or "good" about the CSM codex, we are, save for a couple of units, one of the worst codexs in the game right now. Our same units cost more than SM and do less so nothing is really "competitive". 

We're just not a Tournament/competitive army now.

So with that said the above advice is intended to be for casual/friendly games

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Mine was shot to pieces in a single round by 2 units of Eliminators (buffed by some support characters which offered reroll ones on hit and wound) - that demonstrates how good T8 is. :wink:


But isn't that more then 200 points (I want to say elims are 110 a squad or something?) taking a full turn of firepower off characters to nail a tank? 


Doesn't seem terrible for what it is stats wise and points wise. Low enough to compete with the daemon engines for slots on table (with havoc its 131, 1 point less then a mauler with tendrils. 1 point over venomcrawler) 



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Are you suggesting that whatever else you would get for 200 points would survive the eliminators all game?  Somehow I find that unlikely....


No, but I am suggesting that matching opposing units shooting at each other point for point is useless.

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I was playing around with some ideas after my last tournament- one thing that came to my mind was a deredeo providing a5++ for several Chaos tanks.

How about 3 vindicators, T8, -1 to hit from smoke launchers, 5++ from the Veil, no Rolls required, no way to block it Bar destroying the units.

You can advance, fire off the smoke launchers, use the stratagem. You just have to make sure the deredeo keeps up, so either they advance into his aura, or advance him with them and lose his shooting, or move up at the Deredeo‘s speed.

If you use a Dark Apostle, you can have a T8/-1 to hit( one unit)/5++ castle even if the opponent goes first.

Edited by EL_duderino
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