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Chrome Grey Knights

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Let me begin by saying I haaaaaate painting metallics, so I wanted a cheat. I used rattlecan silver (the only way to roll, in my opinion) and then futzed with wash layers and medium. Initially, I washed the entire mini with nightshade and medium, but I felt it took away from the chrome metallic effect, so I switched to just strategic line placement, which was simple, thanks to the Primaris legs on the Strike Squad. End result: shiny and chrome! 



Obviously, they're still WIP considerably. And yes, the barrels will all be drilled at once, as the ritual final step. 

Thanks for looking! 

Hopefully, I'll squeeze in an update here and there. I intend to finish them with lava bases, adding a very subtle OSL effect to emphasize the chrome effect.









Close up of the two techniques on the greaves. Left is thinlined, right is all over wash. 



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