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Scorpius, worth it? And conversion ideas.


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So I’m looking to boost my effectiveness against NuMarines, as currently my local meta is mainly this. I’ve started to load up on 2W weapons like Autocannons in my infantry squads and havocs. But I’m finding like most that chaos infantry just doesn’t last on the table, I’ve had some mild success with berserkers and chosen but only if you manage to get up in their face, and then that normal only lasts a turn or two before it’s destroyed. So trying to change tactic to staying in the 36”-48” range bracket and staying out of range with a solid few units that can take out a solid number of Primaris each turn.


I’ve seen the Scorpius banded about as a good multi shot 2W weapon, just wondering about people’s experiences using these?


I’m also not particularly a fan of the FW model, I like the chassis but don’t like the look of the launcher on top, so I was thinking of using a SM Stalker/Hunter as a base as it is £20 cheaper than the FW model and then converting/mixing the two turrets it comes with to create something that resembles a newer version of the Scorpius. (With added spikes of course ;) ) anybody else converted their own Scorpius?

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This is the best PEQ killer in the Chaos arsenal. I've been using them off and on throughout 8th edition and have had to take them out of lists to keep things friendly.


A Scorpius is like having 3D3 autocannons that shoot twice when they stand still. Since it ignores LOS, it can sit behind a building and never be targeted. At 48" range, you can put them wherever you want and expect them to kill stuff.


Through auras, prayers and psychic powers, It's pretty easy to get 2++ to hit and 2+ to wound versus PEQ with S6 AP -2 D2.


The downsides are cost and list building. A Scorpius is expensive and it works best in groups of 3. When you roll for number of shots, there will be times you get 6, there will be times you get 18. If you want to win games, the number of shots per vehicle needs to average out to 8 or better. If you just have one sitting around, there will be turns where it gets the low end and you can't kill a key unit that eventually charges you. With 3 of them, that doesn't happen, you just wipe out units left and right.


For list building, you need to plan around keeping your Scorpius in the game. They need screening, you can't have them getting caught up in melee and expect to win games. There's a math to how you want to place your screens, 18.5" bubbles seem to be ideal. You want to eliminate the possibility something can charge the turn after it lands, so you don't need to disrupt what you were doing before the deep striker came on.


Saying this because the best defense PEQ have against a Scorpius is disruption.


I played a game against Blood Angels where someone dropped a big Death Company on me at 9". They charged all 3 tanks in the Scorpius battery and took an awful lot of wounds on Overwatch. Abaddon was able to Heroically Intervene and clear out the models, but they lost a turn of shooting. It was totally worth it for my opponent, it meant the rest of his army could get into place.


You will see a lot of tactics like that, suicide missions meant to take out these crazy guns. Defend against them and you should be solid.

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Yeah, echoing what Techsoldaten said. The Scorpius is just GOOD. It's not overpowered, broken or anything like some would say. It's just good because it's the singular unit in the Chaos Arsenal (barring one other thing that costs nearly twice times as much) that gives artillery fire.


And with 3d3 shots firing twice..... It's a total Macross Missile Massacre if you have three of them. That's a grand total of 18d3 shots of S6 AP -2 D2 doom.



My plan for my Night Lords 2k list actually runs 3 of them, preferably surrounded by ruins, with a Chaos Lord and Contemptor for deep-strike deterrent. The other drops a single one for a Sicaran to run interference

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Thanks for the sound advice all of you, I shall look to pick up 1 ASAP then, and push to hopefully field 2.


Anybody had a go at converting one of just stuck with the Forge World model? Also if I was to convert one from a Stalker/Hunter you think that would acceptable at a GT or similar event?

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Thanks for the sound advice all of you, I shall look to pick up 1 ASAP then, and push to hopefully field 2.


Anybody had a go at converting one of just stuck with the Forge World model? Also if I was to convert one from a Stalker/Hunter you think that would acceptable at a GT or similar event?

I mean, the Forge World model is nice. As MegaVolt said though, the main issue is the cost, as converting a Scorpius, you might end up spending more time/effort than just buying the actual model.


And echoing MegaVolt, with tournies, ask the organizers. Though, seeing as how Chaos Marines don't get the Stalker/Hunter, it might work as a counts-as?

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For anyone thinking about a proxy: the Scorpius is a Rhino with a multi-launcher stuck on top. A Whirlwind would be a fine replacement.


But Kromlech sells a turret that looks like the multi launcher, stripped of some armor plating. It's available cheap on eBay.




If your Rhinos are magnetized to swap bits with Predators, this might be the cheapest option.


All that said, the actual Scorpius model is very cool, it looks like a real-life missile defense system. Look at the real one before buying.

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If non-GW is a problem but scratch built isn't, you can make something similar using the valves inside kitchen/bathroom taps (the ones with 2 taps and 1 faucet - the valve(s) when the faucet and the taps are all one piece likely don't work).  Here's pictures of my scratch built exorcist turrets, which were made before there was an official model:




They are two tap valves, connected by a turret made from cardboard then mounted on a large hexegonal washer, with an old rhino hatch on top.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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The only problem with the Kromlech stuff is as it’s not GW or FW it’s not allowed at GW GT’s I don’t think. But I like the look of it for sure.


I thought the rule for conversion was 75% of the model must be GW, they didn't care where the rest came from.


Big cheers for scratchbuilding with plumbing supplies. Don't see that enough anymore.

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The only problem with the Kromlech stuff is as it’s not GW or FW it’s not allowed at GW GT’s I don’t think. But I like the look of it for sure.

I thought the rule for conversion was 75% of the model must be GW, they didn't care where the rest came from.


Big cheers for scratchbuilding with plumbing supplies. Don't see that enough anymore.

It is. But at official tournaments/Warhammer World (where they're actively taking pictures as product advertisement), that's when third-party bits are an issue.

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They are two tap valves, connected by a turret made from cardboard then mounted on a large hexegonal washer, with an old rhino hatch on top.

Whoa that is awesome and I will have to go check out the plumbing supply here. I have some giant skull erasers I wanted to mount launchers on either side of for a Scorpius.

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The only problem with the Kromlech stuff is as it’s not GW or FW it’s not allowed at GW GT’s I don’t think. But I like the look of it for sure.

I thought the rule for conversion was 75% of the model must be GW, they didn't care where the rest came from.


Big cheers for scratchbuilding with plumbing supplies. Don't see that enough anymore.

It is. But at official tournaments/Warhammer World (where they're actively taking pictures as product advertisement), that's when third-party bits are an issue.



Yeah this is my problem Warhammer World is the closest place I would do proper tournament play and not FLGS tournaments.


From their event packs.



Playing exciting, atmospheric games with painted miniatures is a big part of our events at Warhammer World. With this in mind, all miniatures in your collection must be 100% Citadel or Forge World miniatures, and be fully assembled, painted and based.

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From their event packs.



Playing exciting, atmospheric games with painted miniatures is a big part of our events at Warhammer World. With this in mind, all miniatures in your collection must be 100% Citadel or Forge World miniatures, and be fully assembled, painted and based.



See, that doesn't answer the question for me.


I could have a 100% Citadel or Forgeworld miniature and convert it to something slightly different. Would that model be illegal? I assembled it, just not following their instructions.


If I put a third party part on a 100% Citadel or Forgeworld miniature, does that mean I now have a 90% Citadel or Forgeworld miniature? The miniature still came from an official source, it's just been made better.


I get it, GW recognizes there are some clever alternatives out there and doesn't want to advertise for them. I don't see what's in it for them restricting what people do with models they bought from Games Workshop.

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From their event packs.


Playing exciting, atmospheric games with painted miniatures is a big part of our events at Warhammer World. With this in mind, all miniatures in your collection must be 100% Citadel or Forge World miniatures, and be fully assembled, painted and based.


See, that doesn't answer the question for me.


I could have a 100% Citadel or Forgeworld miniature and convert it to something slightly different. Would that model be illegal? I assembled it, just not following their instructions.


If I put a third party part on a 100% Citadel or Forgeworld miniature, does that mean I now have a 90% Citadel or Forgeworld miniature? The miniature still came from an official source, it's just been made better.


I get it, GW recognizes there are some clever alternatives out there and doesn't want to advertise for them. I don't see what's in it for them restricting what people do with models they bought from Games Workshop.

1: No.

2: Yes


And think of it like this: Do you go to a restaurant with food from a different restaurant? A car show for Mustangs with a Corvette?


It's the same principle. Games Workshop doesn't want to ADVERTISE THEIR COMPETITION at their official events that they make money off and use pictures of people's armies as advertisements.

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