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BCC's Big bad Alai-Toc thread: Farseers & Milliput!

battle captain corpus

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Ok.....this is big for me...here we go....I'm officially collecting Craftworlds Eldar....:happy.:


....cast your minds back to 1993...I was a wee chap of 10. I saw Eldar for the first time and swore one day I would be 'that guy' at some point. :teehee:


....wind forward and here we are in late 2019. Following our bi-annual Mod Meet at WHW I have dived straight in. initially I wanted to go with Biel Tan...but a number of other factors have led to me going with Alai-Toc. Firstly...they were always my favourite colour scheme. Secondly I wanted to try out the 'blur camo' effect also.


So initial purchases have been made...I rarely treat myself at WHW so I went a bit crazy. :blush.:


7361808D 97AA 43D7 85FA EA0E99C011DD

I have made a start on the Guardians squads straight away, first up the weapons platform. Ignore the wraithbone weapon thats in progress. But the blue camo is finished.

347BE7C5 A3D2 4975 AA10 560C4E69CF65



Lots more coming, first game will be on 14th against maybe WarriorFish :yes:




How does Abaddon feel about this? :P The mottled scheme turned out well on the platform, I reckon you could replicate it on infantry also - you wouldn't have that many Guardians and it'd really make the army pop :)

How does Abaddon feel about this? :tongue.: The mottled scheme turned out well on the platform, I reckon you could replicate it on infantry also - you wouldn't have that many Guardians and it'd really make the army pop :smile.:


I'll give it a go. It will certainly work well on larger infantry such as the Wraith guard too. Basic Guardians maybe heading for spray and drybrush then wash to get them done for sure.


I've been looking through some of the older artwork and Alai-Toc infantry had pure blue and yellow as main colours. So maybe thats worth exploring too and save camo for big stuff. 




How does Abaddon feel about this? :tongue.: The mottled scheme turned out well on the platform, I reckon you could replicate it on infantry also - you wouldn't have that many Guardians and it'd really make the army pop :smile.:


Abaddon may have to get over it I think...I've been wielding him in anger (before it was cool) for many years and he's earned a rest....mostly from dying from bolter and las fire (smokebomb!).


I'll give it a go. It will certainly work well on larger infantry such as the Wraith guard too. Basic Guardians maybe heading for spray and drybrush then wash to get them done for sure.


I've been looking through some of the older artwork and Alai-Toc infantry had pure blue and yellow as main colours. So maybe thats worth exploring too and save camo for big stuff. 





So here's the original artwork I was chatting about from 2nd Edition. The black "soft" armour is something I'm going to try out on a test mini for sure as i love the contrast of black, blue and yellow. I'll be sticking with wraithbone weapons though for sure.


B530E13D 49E2 4F5D A60B E7750935E850



Love the old Alaitoc colour scheme. My personal take on it is Kantor Blue highlighted with Lothern Blue and White Scar. The weapons are generally Yriel Yellow with tips of laser weapons picked out in Wild Rider Red.




That's a good looking scheme! I like the depth you gave the blue I think it'll really look great on all the Guardians, not to mention some vehicles once you get around to them. I can remember that artwork too, the classic era for art for 40K if you ask me :tu:


Karhedron those are some epic old school Dark Reapers :D I need to get more of them as I prefer them over the newer ones.

Love the goblin green bases! Reminds me of the 90's when I made my first army  of blood angels.

My Primaris Blood Angels are rocking goblin green bases. I think I am still using the same pot of flock as well. I bought a fairly big bag of the stuff from a railway modelling shop. It is surprising just how long it lasts when you are only spreading it on 25mm bases. :wink:

Hehe, yes, back in the days of gobling green and 25 mm bases, basing was not even an issue, goblin green and flock goes without saying, not much to decorate since the space marine feet took up much of the space.


Nowadays it is a project of itself to do the bases, what theme (mars landscape, swamp, urban etc), and how to decorate the 32 mm base with water effects, mud, cracking earth etc.

That's a good looking scheme! I like the depth you gave the blue I think it'll really look great on all the Guardians, not to mention some vehicles once you get around to them. I can remember that artwork too, the classic era for art for 40K if you ask me :thumbsup:


Karhedron those are some epic old school Dark Reapers :biggrin.: I need to get more of them as I prefer them over the newer ones.



Cheers! Yeah hopefully they will be some Guardians coming this week with paint on!


@Karhedron; lovely work bud! Very inspiring!



C'mon ... we need to see more models here and less words!! :tongue.:




p.s. that was a big outlay spend there from the first pic :ohmy.: ...you better make em look pretty!! 


....bought some more Guardians this week too.... :blush.:


I'm in a hobby challenge with WarriorFish for an upcoming event in early 2020 so I'll be kicking it up a gear for sure this week! I cannot fail! The penance would be too great!


Looking at a webway bomb of 20 Guardians with a Wraithlord escort/bodyguard with sword and shuriken cannons. Then Wave Serpent with Banshees and Jain-Zar. Firepwower will come from Falcon with Wraithguard and Farseer inside and the War Walker.



Agreed, if you want character support, you need someone one on a jetbike to zoom up to their position. The Shiftshroud Relic for Alaitoc will also do the job but Guardian bombs work better with Ulthwé (Black Guardians strat) or Iyanden (only lose 1 model to failed Morale).

Agreed, if you want character support, you need someone one on a jetbike to zoom up to their position. The Shiftshroud Relic for Alaitoc will also do the job but Guardian bombs work better with Ulthwé (Black Guardians strat) or Iyanden (only lose 1 model to failed Morale).

Further to the above, you can give an Alaitoc character the Shiftshroud AND the Puritanical Leader Warlord trait to convey immunity to Morale. Your Guardian bomb can then deploy with the Warlord, shred a target and then trigger the Celestial Shield stratagem for a 4++ in the enemy shooting phase. This will make them hard to remove with shooting and ensure you don't lose more to Morale.




That is a Warlord, Relic and stratagem for what is just a bunch of S4 shooting at the end of the day, and they can only turn up on T2 onwards. That is a lot of Resources to invest in squeezing damage our of Guardians and most opponents can simply assault them in melee without too much fear of reprisal.

  • 1 month later...

Yeah baby!


-cough- Sorry but really happy I got these guys all done! WarriorFish has frankly been embarrassing me in our little challenge of late so I needed to pull something out of the bag. This unit is pretty much 3 hours to finished tabletop standard for me. Next week will be Wraithguard and Farseer.


Sprayed then drydrushed before wash applied:


5D7212E0 5771 4A6D B4AE 0E03DA4A6D06

Getting ready for the actual real session!

02FD1960 AB8B 4669 BC5B 10686283F7D8

...about an hour and a half in..

0C41719E C791 44F1 9240 FFD9D2B6FB22

And the finished squad!

C8A16D5E AEAB 4738 8875 6CAA8994C8DC


Also, just want to say a big thank you to Prot. I know you have a love/hate/thing going on with your Eldar of late, but genuinely I wouldnt have even looked at these if I hadnt been inspired by yours! Also to Karhedron who's given me some great advice too!



I can’t take any credit for any of this but you gotta be honest with yourself.... that is a tremendous result for a couple of hours on a large squad of dudes. 

they look great. I’ve been reluctantly really impressed with what you can do with a blob of these guys. I think you may find the work you just put into this squad has some long term dividends. Good for you for just sitting down, dedicating the time, and getting it done.  I’ve always said I truly admire completion of squads and armies as opposed to a single character with a thousand hours poured into it. Awesome job.  

Another quick update folks! :happy.:


My Wraithguard unit is assembled and base coated for a painting session this weekend at some point. Work been very hectic for the last week so I'm probably around 2 days behind schedule for the 9 weeks that I've got. :down:

But I should be able to catch up!


Anyway, Wraithguard unit below. I went for D-Cannons because although the axe/sword combo visually looks amazing, and the twin swords are more competitive I think, the guns are their classic look. Though I did alter this with the addition of the close combat helm fins as frankly they're rad! The bases have some extra details (hard to make out I know!) from an older GW basing kit.


23770BEC 5CE7 4FC7 90E0 7CC3819DF208

I have also almost finshed Faseer Zonayen. Zonayen is an Alaitoc Farseer mentioned in funnily enough Codex Tyranids and he explores the concept that the Tyranids are a punishment sent to the galaxy to make them atone for their sins. As its literally just a single throw away line I can do what I like with this character now! The base will have Milliput to fill the gap and build it up slightly. The head is a spare guardian one and the floating rocks are from a Stormcast character I had lying around. :biggrin.:

FF6C5D74 E4C0 4423 AC94 B7C24F5F4EC2


In the fluff for my army Zonayen will be a far more aggressive Farseer, using the battlefield itself as his main weapon, hence the nod to this with the rocks being drawn and cast by him. I will also have a Farseer on jetbike to add at some point but I love this plastic on foot mini and he had to be my Warlord! I've put him on a slightly larger 32mm base as befits his status and for the fact that he should be slightly taller and stand out.


As always thanks for reading and comments etc always welcome!



Nice update and good work. I've had my guardians since these molds came out...and not even primered! So 2 thumbs up for your effort. Also, I don't, or actually haven't in a long while, use them in my lists. Since 8th dropped and losing jet bikes as a troop, I will take rangers and avengers for the troop tax just for cp, hmph, but now with custom craftworlds ability I just might. Anywho, good job, I do love the colors.


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