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BCC's Big bad Alai-Toc thread: Farseers & Milliput!

battle captain corpus

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Nice update and good work. I've had my guardians since these molds came out...and not even primered! So 2 thumbs up for your effort. Also, I don't, or actually haven't in a long while, use them in my lists. Since 8th dropped and losing jet bikes as a troop, I will take rangers and avengers for the troop tax just for cp, hmph, but now with custom craftworlds ability I just might. Anywho, good job, I do love the colors.


Thanks brother!


Yeah, I have 2 full Guardian squads with Wraithlord in my list as the main spine of the army to grab objectives and to harass! To be honest fluff wise and mini wise I have always loved the humble guardian so it was a no brainer to have them! But I'm sure I will add some rangers with Ilyic Nightspear at some point! :biggrin.:



In the ongoing saga of BCC VS WarrioFish!...


Wraithguard are coming along. I'm taking longer on them because frankly?.... They're excellent minis to paint they truly are! So I went with the Alaitoc camo scheme on their helms and I'm really happy with it to be honest!


5B89990F 69A7 4E93 98FE 7E067EC2C1C9


The yellow needs working up another couple of layers and adding to the cloths but other than that its almost time for flock etc!



Painting the heads camo works really well, nice work! I'm a bit traditional with helmet colours so I wouldn't have thought it would work but it looks amazing so good choice :D


What's next after these?

-blush- Thanks bud! I was going to go yellow helms but just thought I wanted an excuse to use more of the Alaitoc camo pattern across the army!


Next? Farseer “Zonayen” & some more Guardians. Then I will have a very very basic legal army. I have a game lined up mid February so really want to get them nailed for that. To be honest it should be pretty easy.



I look forward to seeing the Farseer :tu: A basic legal army is a good, solid foundation for a new army - plus it means you've got the grunt work done so your next project can be something fancy :D As much as we might like Guardians you don't want to be painting them all the time!

Another quick update! Managed to wedge in some hobby time today and caught up with WarriorFish over the phone just to check he's not cheating in the challenge! :teehee:


So Wraithguard are finished and now snuggled up with the Guardians in the cabinet. I wont post a finished pic of them as frankly you've all seen them enough! They just have grass tufts now!


"Zonayen" the Farseer got some love today in the shape of Milliput to fill in the base and build it up nicely. Theres some twisted metal in there also to add some "pop". Also dug out the mini objective thingy that you get with the new Banshee's. I wanted to add some detail so theres a broken Guardian helm next to it and some rocks. Maybe the previous defenders demise?


4C51B69E 73C0 4A10 9D77 FDB90A5904D0

If you've never used Milliput before I cannot stress enough how amazing it is for bases etc! Get some today!




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