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Death themed slaanesh warband?

Lord Kallozar

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Hey help me here please. Would it be possible to have a slaanesh army that are obsessed with death? If so help me with ways it could work please.


I like skulls and that kinda imagery a lot and I also like slaanesh so I was just thinking of a way to tie them together as a theme? Cheers.

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It could definitely work. Slaanesh is all about excess. They could be an extreme death cult, where they view themselves as the antithesis of life. All their symbolism is death related. Instead of the heady musks of other warbands, they smell like the grave. The noise marines play a black metal/dark ambient style funeral dirge.
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I think apart from khorne the chaos gods dont quite like the death theme (in both settings lore Slaanesh even has a strong dislike for followers of gods of death... as she considers the concept boring.) If you want to go all out on undead thematics and chaos (space marines), thats night lords thing.

The question is more about the details, what do you like about Slaanesh, what slaaneshy elements do you want to represent etc. (skulls and death themes is generally the easiest part in GW games ;))

A slaanesh worshipping space marine warband could find joy in excessive display of the remains of their enemies, carrying around their heavily decorated skulls and bones (and skin ofcourse.) if its regarding thematics.

If you want to combine death elements on spacemarines to fit in with the Slaanesh daemon range interesting sources for conversion could be Harlequin masks as more fancy skull decorations, I also think the new ossiarch bonereapers have some interesting bits, the strange (often smiling) Skulls I think wouldnt look out of place on Slaanesh space marines.

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There’s French expression for orgasm, “Le Petit Mort”... the little death! And yeah as for the Unmade type of thing, maybe they are just recruiting from a particularly morbid death world? You could also go with a Nighlords warband that have given themselves over to Slaanesh.
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Slaanesh is easy to fit in to a theme - if it can be taken to excess it can be Slaaneshi :wink: As mentioned while death itself might not be a direct fit it's not hard to give it a suitable slant. It should be simple to develop this idea into something more encompassing for the core beliefs of the warband :smile.:


They could gallivant around granting exquisite deaths - the lives of all victims merely the moribund build up to their true purpose in dying for Slaanesh! There's lots of scope for you to embellish and take in other directions if you please, if you want to delve further into lore ideas the Liber is the place to go :thumbsup:

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There’s French expression for orgasm, “Le Petit Mort”... the little death! And yeah as for the Unmade type of thing, maybe they are just recruiting from a particularly morbid death world? You could also go with a Nighlords warband that have given themselves over to Slaanesh.

Related: This makes me wonder, how would Noise Marines in the Night Lords Legion look?

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There’s French expression for orgasm, “Le Petit Mort”... the little death! And yeah as for the Unmade type of thing, maybe they are just recruiting from a particularly morbid death world? You could also go with a Nighlords warband that have given themselves over to Slaanesh.

Related: This makes me wonder, how would Noise Marines in the Night Lords Legion look?



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I think a death-focused slaanesh band could express its self in a couple ways, but the symbology would be tied to the concept of Memento Mori (remember that you must die).  

1) "Celebrate today, for tomorrow you may die." This would be skulls and bones interspersed with riotous colors and imagery, a 40k corrupted twist on Mexico's day of the dead celebrations. So it would involve more trophies displayed and blood splashed about. It would also likely use the carnival imagery associated with demonettes. 

2) "Cut myself to see if I'm Alive."  This would be where using the Unmade as their cultists would fall, I think. Flagellation and other ways of trying to get as close as possible without dying. They only feel alive when their life is in danger, so they constantly take risks and use bones to emphasize how close they are to death just to feel something. They might worship demons as the souls of those who got so close without dying that they ascended instead, their soul immortalized as demon. (whether or not that's actually the case...)  


I think Night Lords Noise Marines would go for Jump scares and point-blank screaming. Sneak close, then doom siren their faces off. 

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There are accounts of medieval and renaissance leaders watching as prisoners are killed, trying to spot their soul's leaving their bodies.  That's something that you might incorporate into the cults rituals - that with the perfect kill, the killer can observe the victim's soul going to the warp, and if they fail to see that happen its either because their senses aren't honed enough or their killing technique was flawed.

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I think a death-focused slaanesh band could express its self in a couple ways, but the symbology would be tied to the concept of Memento Mori (remember that you must die).  

1) "Celebrate today, for tomorrow you may die." This would be skulls and bones interspersed with riotous colors and imagery, a 40k corrupted twist on Mexico's day of the dead celebrations. So it would involve more trophies displayed and blood splashed about. It would also likely use the carnival imagery associated with demonettes. 

2) "Cut myself to see if I'm Alive."  This would be where using the Unmade as their cultists would fall, I think. Flagellation and other ways of trying to get as close as possible without dying. They only feel alive when their life is in danger, so they constantly take risks and use bones to emphasize how close they are to death just to feel something. They might worship demons as the souls of those who got so close without dying that they ascended instead, their soul immortalized as demon. (whether or not that's actually the case...)  


I think Night Lords Noise Marines would go for Jump scares and point-blank screaming. Sneak close, then doom siren their faces off. 

There are accounts of medieval and renaissance leaders watching as prisoners are killed, trying to spot their soul's leaving their bodies.  That's something that you might incorporate into the cults rituals - that with the perfect kill, the killer can observe the victim's soul going to the warp, and if they fail to see that happen its either because their senses aren't honed enough or their killing technique was flawed.

-scribbling down notes-


Hmm... You know, a Day of the Dead-esque theme could actually fit Noise Marines of the Night Lords. They use their stealthy tactics, and then when they do a jump scare it's suddenly skeletons and colour.

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I think a death-focused slaanesh band could express its self in a couple ways, but the symbology would be tied to the concept of Memento Mori (remember that you must die).  

1) "Celebrate today, for tomorrow you may die." This would be skulls and bones interspersed with riotous colors and imagery, a 40k corrupted twist on Mexico's day of the dead celebrations. So it would involve more trophies displayed and blood splashed about. It would also likely use the carnival imagery associated with demonettes. 

2) "Cut myself to see if I'm Alive."  This would be where using the Unmade as their cultists would fall, I think. Flagellation and other ways of trying to get as close as possible without dying. They only feel alive when their life is in danger, so they constantly take risks and use bones to emphasize how close they are to death just to feel something. They might worship demons as the souls of those who got so close without dying that they ascended instead, their soul immortalized as demon. (whether or not that's actually the case...)  


I think Night Lords Noise Marines would go for Jump scares and point-blank screaming. Sneak close, then doom siren their faces off. 

There are accounts of medieval and renaissance leaders watching as prisoners are killed, trying to spot their soul's leaving their bodies.  That's something that you might incorporate into the cults rituals - that with the perfect kill, the killer can observe the victim's soul going to the warp, and if they fail to see that happen its either because their senses aren't honed enough or their killing technique was flawed.

-scribbling down notes-


Hmm... You know, a Day of the Dead-esque theme could actually fit Noise Marines of the Night Lords. They use their stealthy tactics, and then when they do a jump scare it's suddenly skeletons and colour.


For my EC warband (which is actually composed of multiple smaller warbands under one banner) I'm planning on doing some Day of the Dead themed Noise Marines called the Destroying Angels, complete with brightly coloured death imagery (including some sugar skulls in the form of those nail art transfers you can get for dirt cheap on eBay). I've even given them a (very short) writeup:

A peculiar cult of Noise Marines, the Destroying Angels worship Slaanesh as “The Great Destroyer” and believe that there is no purer form of adoration than the debasement and desecration of the mind, body and soul to the point of annihilation; theirs and the enemy's. Their beliefs are esoteric even by Slaaneshi standards, and they refer to the Warp as “The Death Dimension”. They make extensive use of combat drugs, and decorate their armour with gaudily coloured imagery of death.


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There are accounts of medieval and renaissance leaders watching as prisoners are killed, trying to spot their soul's leaving their bodies.  That's something that you might incorporate into the cults rituals - that with the perfect kill, the killer can observe the victim's soul going to the warp, and if they fail to see that happen its either because their senses aren't honed enough or their killing technique was flawed.

That I like! :tu:


My Psychopomps have a machine they call the Infernal Engine which, hooked up to two sentients (usually one of them and an unwilling victim) allows them to experience the emotions (and with an attending sorcerer, the memories) of one. Torture the one and the other is along for the rollercoaster ride.

I haven’t yet (in Inspirational Friday) gone into what one experiences when the other dies.

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