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Unto the Anvil of War! XVIII Legion


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After getting a large order from Popgoesthemonkey.com I am working hard to assemble everything I have currently for my Salamanders Heresy Army. Once all infantry are assembled I will start painting. Color scheme will be metallic green, black and gold.


So what I have and it's status:

30x MkIV Tacticals (assembled)

10x MkIII flamer support (assembly in progress)

5x MkIII melts support (unbuilt)

10x MkIII breaches (assembly in progress)

5x Tartaros w/ lightning claws (assembled)

5x Cataphractii w/ heavy flamer (assembled)

5x Fire Drakes (unbuilt)

5x Pyroclasts (unbuilt)

1x Chaplian (built)

1x PA Praetor (built)

1x Terminator Praetor (built)


2x Contemptor Dreads (unbuilt)


5x drop pods (3 built)


So my first Row will be drop pod assault because I already own 5 drop pods that will probably never see 40k use again. So the only major purchases for that will be 2x dread pods, 2x Anvilus pods and a Kharybdis.


Below is some pictures of what I have been putting together.






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Nice - that first image has a particularly nice helmet there. I am not familiar with the pre-heresy/heresy era things as much. How are you going to do the metallic green? Silver base with multiple green washes, or another type of metallic? I am looking forward to see what you do there.

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Nice - that first image has a particularly nice helmet there. I am not familiar with the pre-heresy/heresy era things as much. How are you going to do the metallic green? Silver base with multiple green washes, or another type of metallic? I am looking forward to see what you do there.


That helmet is from Spellcrow. The green will be silver metallic base and layers of Tamiya clear green over that.


I really like the pose of the first guy, cool conversions!


Thanks. That's the Betrayal at Calth chaplian model.

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So making breaches out of Plastic MkIII marines and 3rd party shields isn't 100% ideal. The arms don't quite give you the pose you really want. They can't hold the shields directly in front of themselves with the plastic left arm.


Also the right arm will need a little green stuff in the joint to position it correctly through the shield.





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