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New to Chaos


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A friend of mine who no longer plays generously gave me his collection of Chaos Space Marines, so I guess I'll soon be painting and learning how to play a new faction in the coming months. Honestly never thought I'd be playing anything but loyalist armies. The codex I got wasn't 8th edition (must be either 6th or 7th) but I've still had a good time reading the lore in it. I'm planning to run them as Black Legion when the time comes to actually use them in a game.


A few models I got with the lot:


x3 Chaos Rhinos (+1 unbuilt, still in the box)


x1 Chaos Land Raider


x2 Daemon Prince (one regular, on of Nurgle)


x~15 Khorne Berserkers


x~15 Chaos Space Marines (most with Bolters, a few with Meltas)


x5 Chaos Bikers


x1 Defiler with autocannons, twin flamer, and battle cannon 


x~10 Raptors


x5 Chaos Terminators


There's definitely some stuff I'm forgetting, but that should be most of it. Looking forward to this unexpected turn in the hobby. 

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That's quite the collection! You have all you need to get gaming already, but as it's not everything room to grow if you wish :thumbsup: How completed are they, will you need to strip any down? Don't forget pictures :wink:

Most of the army is already built but unpainted. Mostly plastic, but there's a few of the older, metal models. There's also plenty of extra bits and few other things still sitting on the sprue. Hope to post some progress with them soon.  

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