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Top Ten Kits to be Replaced:


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While I pluck away at painting another squad, I figured it'd be fun to ask:



Here's a fun one for everyone. I'm curious, what would the top ten kits be for everyone for GW to replace with new sculpts in the Chaos Space Marine range? Has to be a current model that's available from GW for sale in its own box.


With 1 being the most wanting to be replaced, and 10 being the least on the list.


I'll start with mine:


10: Fabius Bile - In general, I'm not huge on Special characters, but he makes the list for being amazing.

9: Aspiring Champion: matches the Dark Vengeance box, and the scale, it's a bit too small compared to the new guys. Maybe replace with the "Chaos Lieutenant"?

8: Chaos Terminator Lord - Old, the new kit looks better. :(

7: Warpsmith : Would be nice to have in plastic, I'll be honest.

6: Chaos Possessed: Old scale. Were cartoony and ugly before, now they're just sad.

5: Chaos Bikes: 2nd edition models. C'mon GW, lol.

4: "Noise" marines. The upgrade sprue really should be a unit.

3: Chaos Lord with a Jump Pack

2: Khorne Berserkers. One of the oldest kits ever made.

1: The Daemon Prince. Despite being relatively new it's... pretty bad. Compare it to the old 3rd Edition metal Daemon Prince and it's not even funny how much superior that model looks, despite its age, and despite the fact it's scale is off.


For yourselves, what's your list? I look forward to seeing it. :)

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Possessed, Chosen (what kit), Khorne berserkers, Noise marines, cultists (seriously GW)...


To be fair, blackstone did make some new Cultists.


Fair enough, I suppose...still waiting on Vraks style...

Edited by Ugolino
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5: Chaos Bikes: 2nd edition models. C'mon GW, lol.

1: The Daemon Prince. Despite being relatively new it's... pretty bad. Compare it to the old 3rd Edition metal Daemon Prince and it's not even funny how much superior that model looks, despite its age, and despite the fact it's scale is off.


I think Chaos Bikes are actually 3rd ed, eg a 2nd ed release that came so late the 3rd ed rulebook launched within a week of it but that's just from me looking over old white dwarfs.

I'm not a fan of the daemon prince but I'm not sure who you'd judge the scale as being off. Nothing says daemon princes are a set size.

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5: Chaos Bikes: 2nd edition models. C'mon GW, lol.

1: The Daemon Prince. Despite being relatively new it's... pretty bad. Compare it to the old 3rd Edition metal Daemon Prince and it's not even funny how much superior that model looks, despite its age, and despite the fact it's scale is off.


I think Chaos Bikes are actually 3rd ed, eg a 2nd ed release that came so late the 3rd ed rulebook launched within a week of it but that's just from me looking over old white dwarfs.

I'm not a fan of the daemon prince but I'm not sure who you'd judge the scale as being off. Nothing says daemon princes are a set size.



I meant the old prince wasn't to scale, but looks better.

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The chaos communtiy has always been throwing kitbashes and conversions together since the RT days, and I love that aspect of us.


GW is like: We sell this 20-year-old model so it's a legal entry in the codex.

We: :censored:  that, we'll convert our own and make it 125% more awesome!



Personally, I'd put the basic kits and special characters on top.


Khorne Berzerkers are old enough to vote, drink and drive (though not at the same time :wink: LAWFUL evil, hehe), they should have new models.

Noise Marines aren't as old but in the same boat.

Bikers needs a new sculpt, it's old and wonky...but part of me thinks they're gonna get phased out so I don't think they're getting one... :sad.:

Special characters: Lucious, Bile & Huron

Warpsmith: still finecast.


The rest, like possessed, chosen and the DP are on the bottom for me since we have alternatives/kitbashes/or ok-ish models.

Edited by Excessus
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How about the old Night Lords or Iron Warriors (warsmith) lord models? They have not aged well at all haha.


The IW one is still good for a base for conversions. The NL one is beyond help though. I am working on the old metal one actually myself, its coming along nicely. I am ready for a new dark apostle, heck I would settle for Erebus/ Kor just to have another alternative. The new one is terrible IMO

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I'd be prioritising units over special characters.

I'd hope they release a New fabius (remember the teaser that looked like his coat?) along with new Noise Marines and a new Lucius together.


God yes the Khorne Berzerkers.


Persoanlly I would wish that all the Cult forces got the level of treatment that Death Guard got. I can understand why not ofc. as they and Thousand Sons are more unified than World Eaters and Emperors Children (but hell there is no reason why that could not change in the fluff.

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I'd be prioritising units over special characters.



God yes the Khorne Berzerkers.


Persoanlly I would wish that all the Cult forces got the level of treatment that Death Guard got. I can understand why not ofc. as they and Thousand Sons are more unified than World Eaters and Emperors Children (but hell there is no reason why that could not change in the fluff.


Whilst I do like my Death Guard, overall I'm not a fan of other Chaos Marines in 40k.  However, I am all for balancing out the main Chaos range and not just singling out Death Guard - basic troop types and HQ Characters would be a good start.  It would be great to see what they could do with the likes of Khorne Berserkers, Night Lords or Noise Marine troop types for example (especially after that recent guitar model).

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Khorne Berzerkers absolutely need a new kit. The current one is absolutely ancient. Noise Marines need a kit as they're stuck with an old upgrade kit with one measly Sonic Blaster sculpt. Bikers could do with a new kit too as the current ones don't match the aesthetic of the new models.


Fabius definitely needs a new model, but how about Lucius? As cool as his current sculpt is, he's the only one of the four Legion characters with his old model and it's tiny. Plus he's such a cool character he deserves some time in the limelight. I'd be tempted to throw Huron Blackheart in there but he'd need literally upscaling slightly and making in plastic, the current mini is iconic.


I can't hate on the Possessed because they're such a good source of kitbash parts but they are rather old now and could do with being upscaled. I also rather like the Daemon Prince model, it's not as nice as the old metal/resin one but it's still a nice kit and a good base for conversions too. Though I personally am lamenting the loss of metal/resin models from "mainstream" 40K; It'd be cool if they had the plastic kit and also had multiple metal or resin alternative sculpts available for specific Legions, like they used to back in the day with character models (you'd have your multi part plastic jack-of-all-trades and then loads of "specialist" sculpts in metal). Granted they could do that with plastic, but because metal and resin models are much cheaper to make than plastic, there's no way you'd get the same variety.


I kinda want a new plastic Terminator Lord but at the same time it wouldn't have the sheer amount of options as the current one.

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I mean, 10 kits is a lot, but anyway in no particular order beyond Possessed as my #1:


1. Possessed: top of the list for me, they deserve a kit equal to the Greater Possessed in quality. I hate the old one.

2. Terminator Lord: I'd take less/no options for a new one

3. Daemon Prince, more like the classic Juan Diaz model

4. Chaos Defiler

5. Noise Marines

6. Khorne Berzerkers

7. Obliterators/Mutilator dual kit

8. Warpsmith

9. Chosen

10. Cultists



Persoanlly I would wish that all the Cult forces got the level of treatment that Death Guard got. I can understand why not ofc. as they and Thousand Sons are more unified than World Eaters and Emperors Children (but hell there is no reason why that could not change in the fluff.


They will eventually - don't forget that when the DG came out GW specifically said that this was the model they wanted for future dedicated TL releases. As for being united/not united, the Thousand Sons weren't united at all before Magnus returned, Angron has already reunited his Legion temporarily for Armageddon #1 & the EC are supposedly more united than any time since the great war, so "the Primarch is back" kind of waves away any concerns about being united enough to justify a book

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Fabius definitely needs a new model, but how about Lucius? As cool as his current sculpt is, he's the only one of the four Legion characters with his old model and it's tiny. Plus he's such a cool character he deserves some time in the limelight.


Maybe when they make his new model they can give him a 4+ invuln save. Makes no sense why he is only 5+. I always thought he was pretty cool. I was torn between Emperor's Children or Death Guard when I came back to the hobby in 8th, all the Death Guard releases though made the decision for me.

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I'd kill for an actual sorcerer with a jump pack. As much as I love my converted Master of Possession w/ Crypt flayer wings, it's really weird that an actual codex choice doesn't have model support.

On the same hand... Looking at you chosen.


Even then though, if the models were amazing I still might prefer my conversions, because as was said above chaos marines are basically Ork level of conversion potential, we really are a modeler’s paradise army.

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  1. Possessed - Good LORD are these things :cuss ugly.
  2. Berzerkers - These things are at least as old as I am (sprue says © GW 1994)
  3. Noise Marines - Need an actual KIT, not an upgrade sprue, just ask Plague Marines
  4. Bikers - These things are so derpy looking now....
  5. Mutilators - Dual Kit with Obliterators please?
  6. Finecast/Metal Characters - Aside from Lucius (for some reason), these guys are midgets compared to everyone now. Especially jarring with Huron, as all the fluff states him to be MASSIVE.
  7. Chaos Lord/Sorcerer with Jump Pack
  8. Terminator Chaos Lord/Sorcerer - Smaller than new Terminators, sad
  9. Defiler - It doesn't fit in with the current Chaos aesthetic
  10. Daemon Prince - Not replaced, but we definitely need one that's a dedicated 40k kit. As I liked the Juan Diaz model way more because it LOOKS like it belongs in 40k. It's why I love the Nurgle Daemon Prince. Because they're wearing proper ARMOUR.

I'm not listing Chosen because they never got a proper kit release, being exclusive to Dark Vengeance as monoposed & specific loadout models.

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Pretty much anything that's pre-Dark Vengeance for me. Sorted by priority I'd say:

1. Zerkers

2. Noise Marines

3. Rhino/Predator/Vindicator (look at that lack of trim)

4. Land Raider (same as above + the tank tracks still have aquilas!)

5. Defiler

6. Mutilators (I'd rank them higher if they had better rules)

7. Possessed

8. Lucius

9. Fabius Bile

10. Spawn

Edited by Lay
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For me I'm not gonna lie I love the noise marines but never use them as the models are gash so in this list i wont include the Cults including bezerkers as i think its a given that supplements or codexes are coming for those factions eventually and that's when well see them. that said


I think Chaos is about to head in a different direction, Look at shadowspear. Space Marines got a lot of :censored: in that box with a heavy emphasis on phobos, which really didn't make too much sense until they got that codex


i see the same thing for chaos. Clearly there will be a chaos wave 2 because they seriously cannot let that start collecting box be the only way you get oblitrators(although these days i wouldn't be surprised )


so i think with the phobos heavy direction the SM codex went i think were gonna see a more Demonic side to CSM especially with units like the MOP, greater possessed psychic powers and warlord traits so with that in mind what i like to see  :


1# Demonic Chosen (not necessarily possessed but demonic, further along the corruption scale with Chosen / Character specific demonic or hell forged weaponry)


2# Possessed self explanatory a bit of explanation to these models to give them interesting options other than just charge, maybe warp bolters or anything along those lines)  


3# the Rhino its old and i think a demonically possessed spidertank APC would be sweet.


4# Mutilators people forget these use the same kits as oblits if there's a new oblit kit coming that means there's a new mutilator kit coming lets hope they're not as over costed and just as powerful


5# the defiler one of my original big draws to chaos hasn't aged well, I would love to see how a re-sculpt would look


6# Demon prince. i want a plastic model of the old one w/options id be 100% happy with that also separate the kits :cuss allow for some originality CSM DPs would most likely very different from normal Chaos DPs


7# not even remotely demonic but bikers they need some TLC especially after the redesign i find it shocking that it wasn't released with wave 1


8# a new character kit. very unlikely now but seems the days of multi parts are done, but id like to see new Power and terminator variants of lords/sorcerers or an upgrade packs for existing kits would be awesome


9# Warpsmith could be so much cooler and NOT resin


10# old upgrade kits. those upgrade kits started with chaos, night lords & iron warriors at the very least having upgrade kits at some point would love to see this like the new SM ones shoulders and heads would be amazing (and some of the missing weapons options) 

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1) Possessed for obvious reason

2) Daemon Prince, like a lot of people here I think the actual model is a disaster, the old one was better (not only because of the DoW I nostalgia).

3) Biker, what a shame they didnt follow the huge chaos release, now they look silly next to the new CSM sculpt

4) Spawn. Don't like their look, the kits is great because you can personnalise it, but the sculpt are way too old.

5) Mutilator, they are absoluty hideous (in the wrong way). But as no one use them they arent on top of this list. Well maybe its because they are hideous ? In my Word bearer army list i didnt intend one second to get them, didnt even take a look at their stats and point cost..

6) Defiler : Defiler IS CHAOS. Not the Fiends, not the venomcrawler, not Land raider or predator : DEFILER. The old kit still does the job so it's only 6.

7) Upgrade kit for Land raider and rhino : Forgeworld release new one and they went OOP in, what ? 3 month ? :censored:

8) Warpsmith, coz failcast

9) Terminator HQ, they are in 9 only because right now they arent good in games

10) Hellblade ? Yeah can we have a plastic flyer which is actually a flyer ? (not a turkey). Eldar got 2 non FW flyers (not counting the Exarch Hemloch as a different one), Ork got.. lots, Space marines... so so so much.


Didnt include Noise and Berzerk as I am certain they will be out of CSM and in a different EC/WE codex as the DG/TS. 

Edited by DreamIsCollapsing
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