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Hello folks, I hope all is well.


I am planning a new army for the new year (nothing to do with my local stores new army, new year drive) just fancied a new army.  I collect/play DG, BA and Chaos Knights mainly although I do have a little Nurgle daemon army also - but it doesn't get out much.


So, I figured I would start Custodes to run with my BA from time to time and to play as a standalone army.  I tend not to mix and match and prefer mono armies....I also do not play competitively in any way, shape or form.  I am drawn to the low model count (I have had enough of painting 60 poxwalkers, 60 plague bearers, 50 cultist in my armies) and the fact the army is relatively new (not likely to be invalidated in a short time).


I have around £250 to spend and figured I would buy the following units:


  • Captain-General Trajann Valoris
  • Allarus Custodians x 1
  • Custodian Wardens x 1
  • Vertus Praetors x 2
  • Custodian Guard Squad x 3


This should give me enough to build an army to start with, but my question to you more knowledgeable folk is....are these units such as wardens etc worth buying?  What would you purchase if you were starting out?  Your advice/guidance may save me buying things that aren't worth it you see.


Also, I love FW models are there any tanks/dreads (Telemon looks awesome) that could be added?


Thank you in advance.




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Welcome to Custodes first off.

I've had the army for maybe 6 months now.


From your Custodian Guard box, make sure you make 1 as a Vexilla

Ive noticed that in regards to wardens, some people run them in lieu of the Allarus Custodes, as they both still have the axes, but the wardens are 20ish points cheaper, with a 6+++FNP. Just use a CP to put them in deep strike. That being said, i've never used a Warden. My Allarus have been *ok* in my games with them. They struggle from having to make a 9 inch charge unless you make use of the Vexilla Teleport Homer Stratagem to get closer. Once they get in, they do quite a lot of damage, and have some nifty stratagems to support them. They're also gorgeous models.

At the end of the day, i'd buy either Allarus, or Wardens, but not both to save some money.


Custodes gain a lot from their Jetbikes. They're arguably our best unit. We live and die by our Jetbike play. Hurricane Bolters are better against everything that isn't a T8 vehicle.

Now for the downside. A good number of the best units we have available are Forgeworld.

Saggitarum Guard are slightly better than Custodian Guard since they contribute from 30+ inches away. The Telemon Drednought (I own two of them for my '3 Musketeers' list in the list forum), and the Caladius Grav Tank are also very good.

Edited by BaconCouch

Something to note about the Allarus people often forget, they have some really DECENT shooting when they arrive from Deep Strike. For 2CP they can target characters even if they are not the closest too.


At 12" each Allarus puts out two S4 AP-1 D2 from the Axe and d3 S4 AP-3 D1 shots from the Grenade launcher. You'll easily splatter anything without a tough invulnerable save like Ork/ Guard special characters to cripple their line.

Edited by Charlo

Welcome to Custodes first off.


I've had the army for maybe 6 months now.


From your Custodian Guard box, make sure you make 1 as a Vexilla

Ive noticed that in regards to wardens, some people run them in lieu of the Allarus Custodes, as they both still have the axes, but the wardens are 20ish points cheaper, with a 6+++FNP. Just use a CP to put them in deep strike. That being said, i've never used a Warden. My Allarus have been *ok* in my games with them. They struggle from having to make a 9 inch charge unless you make use of the Vexilla Teleport Homer Stratagem to get closer. Once they get in, they do quite a lot of damage, and have some nifty stratagems to support them. They're also gorgeous models.

At the end of the day, i'd buy either Allarus, or Wardens, but not both to save some money.


Custodes gain a lot from their Jetbikes. They're arguably our best unit. We live and die by our Jetbike play. Hurricane Bolters are better against everything that isn't a T8 vehicle.


Now for the downside. A good number of the best units we have available are Forgeworld.

Saggitarum Guard are slightly better than Custodian Guard since they contribute from 30+ inches away. The Telemon Drednought (I own two of them for my '3 Musketeers' list in the list forum), and the Caladius Grav Tank are also very good.


Yes I had read about the -1 to hit banner which sounds useful - any preferred loadout, axe or shield, etc?


I was planning on running two SC on JB with the other 4 bikes as normal.  Are the rockets worth adding to the mix, perhaps on the captains?


I can see a trip to FW coming soon....feed the resin addiction lol


Thanks for your reply

Thank you all.


I was planning on making my guard with one sword and shield in each squad to take the heavy -ap shots.  Seems a common tactic on youtube anyway.  3 boxes gives me 15 bodies.  So enough for 3x3 guard, 1 banner guy and one SC with a few left over.


My local meta is just me and my son and a few mates.  Usually up against marines, tau castles (hate those) and imperial knights.

Might want 2x wardens and 2x custodian guard.


Gives you:


9x Warden super blob

1x Vexillia 


3 x 3 Custodes (1 sword/2 halberd)


1x Shield Captain

^This is solid advice right here^


I know you're not competitive, but the FW models are a hard avoid right now since they all got nerfed into obscurity. The one FW model very much worth taking however, are the Aquilon Terminators. They are straight up better in every way than the Allarus, since they get more shots (lastrum bolter) and they're more effective against infantry, and their (solarite)fists are far superior at killing knights and T7+ vehicles.


Always have 1 Vexilla, and also Trajaan is just a thing of beauty for us. The man goes toe to toe with a knight provided you uses his Moment Shackle ability for an extra round of attacks.


I'd suggest:


Bike Captain: 1-3

Bikes: lots


Aquilons: 3-4

Wardens: lots

Vexilla: at least one

Guard: 9 - (3 x 3, one sword and board in each squad of 3)


DO NOT run your bikes with the Salvo Launcher - it's hilariously bad. Hurricane bolters are downright scary for anyone downrange of them.

Trajann has 5 attacks, so fighting twice gives 10. Against a T8, 3+ (assume no invulnerable) he’ll do:


10* 0.97 * .78 * 0.83 = 6 successful attacks, doing on average 12 damage.


Kill a leman Russ I suppose.


Trajann is a good buff, and good against elite infantry. But doesn’t seem anywhere near a smash captain when it comes to hunting the big stuff. (We desperately need a fixed 3 damage melee weapon)

So, I'm going to buy my army this weekend and will start to build it over the next few months


I'm going to get 3 boxes of guards which gives me 3x3 troops with one sword n shield in each.


I can build a Vexilla - what's best loadout here? I was thinking a spear?


I will also build a captain with sword and shield...should make him pretty tanky??


But what should I do with the remaining models?


Are my thoughts along the right lines?

You only need two boxes for 3x3 and a vexilla.


Maybe grab two guard and one other box of your choice?


So drop a box of guard and replace with another set of bikes you think?


I was still going with my original list - just to give me a spread of models to play with (in about a year when I have made/painted them lol).

The banners are great, the -1 combined with the toughness of your troops make them quite hard to dog out. You van also use a good stratagem for deepstrikers. I love the allarus, but I take them as hq choices and run aquilons most of the time. I'm building my wardens as my current project, they have 4 base attacks +1 for their prison shanks, so for cc they're probably the more efficient (and cheaper) option.

I also run a boatload of forgeworld, though plastic models can work fine with a lot of planning, bikes certainly help, but there are ways around it if your local meta isn't too wild.

Well I went with the following to start with:


  • Captain General Valoris x 1
  • Allarus Custodians x 1
  • Wardens x 1
  • Praetors x 3
  • Guard x 2

I will be heading over to FW to pick up a telemon and a tank also - so figured this should give me enough to be happy with for the time being :-) As I can field a couple of different things/point levels then (plus can mix them with my BA if I get desperate).

Sorry folks another question if I can.


Looking at building my first box of guard but it appears you only get the Vexilla with storm shield option. I can't see an option to arm him with a spear or an axe.


Am I missing something obvious?

Edited by happyslugger

:cuss lol


I realise there are left hand options in Wardens box, but I would then be short an arm for one of those......


Shield it is and counts as I think


Sorry admin didn't realise the three letters I added were against the rules. Won't use them again :-)

Edited by happyslugger
Don't dodge the swear filter

I have been reading this topic as I´m also in the progress to start a new custodes army.


What do you think would be best, a large unit of 9 warden or a similiar unit (but ofc with less models) of allarus terminators? Right now I got 3x3 guardians, Trajann and a vexilius (around 750p). What would be a good next step?

I have been reading this topic as I´m also in the progress to start a new custodes army.


What do you think would be best, a large unit of 9 warden or a similiar unit (but ofc with less models) of allarus terminators? Right now I got 3x3 guardians, Trajann and a vexilius (around 750p). What would be a good next step?


I've said as much in other places, but I can talk here as well. I prefer the Allarus.

Wardens cost 61 pts. Allarus Cost 79.


Those 18 points get you.

Free Deep Strike (No CP Needed, Not to be underrated in a CP-starved army)

An extra attack base

An extra wound

A host of support stratagems involving characters and denying overwatch



You lose

The free misericordia

The 6+++ FNP


3x3 might be quite a lot outside of casual play, but I sometimes get solid mileage out of a squad of 3 or 4 Allarus


I have like 20 guard, two boxes of of terminators, a box of wardens, and two boxes of jetbikes to work on. Should I bother with a LR or just footslog it? 


The Custodes Land Raider is criminally overpriced. Use from golden light they come to get your dudes where they need to be, and play the positioning game as best you can. I'd say pass.


I have been reading this topic as I´m also in the progress to start a new custodes army.


What do you think would be best, a large unit of 9 warden or a similiar unit (but ofc with less models) of allarus terminators? Right now I got 3x3 guardians, Trajann and a vexilius (around 750p). What would be a good next step?


I've said as much in other places, but I can talk here as well. I prefer the Allarus.

Wardens cost 61 pts. Allarus Cost 79.


Those 18 points get you.

Free Deep Strike (No CP Needed, Not to be underrated in a CP-starved army)

An extra attack base

An extra wound

A host of support stratagems involving characters and denying overwatch



You lose

The free misericordia

The 6+++ FNP


3x3 might be quite a lot outside of casual play, but I sometimes get solid mileage out of a squad of 3 or 4 Allarus


I have like 20 guard, two boxes of of terminators, a box of wardens, and two boxes of jetbikes to work on. Should I bother with a LR or just footslog it? 


The Custodes Land Raider is criminally overpriced. Use from golden light they come to get your dudes where they need to be, and play the positioning game as best you can. I'd say pass.



You do realise the Wardens have the same number of attacks at the Allarus right?


Competitively speaking while the Aquilon exist, the Allarus aren't great. The real choice is between Aquilons and Wardens.

Edited by rcoon

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