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Like a few others, back after 5-6 years out of the hobby...


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Hello everyone, back after a 5-6 year absense. I have been posting a bit in the ork forums already as that is my main army and first army, but figured I should do a new members thread as well since I own a few armies and intend on doing build threads in each respective sub forums. So I thought I would introduce myself here as well. 


Started playing at the beginning of 3rd edition and played quite heavily up until the beginning of 7th edition. At that point *life* happened and I was diagnosed with a chronic degenerative disease, which completely upended my life. I wont bore anyone with the details of that except to say my physical health and my career went totally sideways, causing amongst other things my complete halt in playing 40k. Fast forward to now, I ended up seeing the new kill team game, and it has hooked me back in. I am VERY interested in kill team and playing it, I will get the box set as soon as I can (which might be a while, I currently no longer work so money for me is insanely tight now). After kill team hooked me I opened up my 40k boxes, which has hooked me back into 40k. I have even gotten my friends who used to play starting to get back into it. We have the new boxed set with rules now as a group so good times!


I have been sifting through my 40k stuff for roughly the last couple weeks. EVERYTHING is destroyed, mangled, broken and mixed up, the only things that made it are my ork troops (180 boyz), a few ork hq units, and my craftworld iyanden wraith army (which was packed away properly, so everything in that army is fine). Absolutely everything else is now just parts and bitz, so I am having to sort a TON of stuff. Still doing this. 


This is what I am working with-

Ork army (everything but my basic troops and a couple HQ's destroyed)

Craftworld Iyanden Wraith army (fully intact)

Black Templars army (destroyed, a couple HQs are ok)

Chaos Thousand Sons army (completely destroyed nothing but parts left)

Chaos Khorne Berserker army (completely destroyed nothing but parts left)

Chaos Undivided army (completely destroyed nothing but parts left)

Chaos Lost and the Damned army (bought and built when the eye of terror codex came out, completely destroyed)

Tau army (mostly intact)


Every one of those armies are/were 1500-2000 point armies except the Tau, which is tiny around 500ish points.


I also was able to save 50ish paints, washes and inks out of over 150 paint pots. I just saved up and got a couple of the new contrast paints. 


So there it is my 40k life and where I am at in it haha... I guess it is a good thing my favorite part of the hobby is building models, because I have ALOT of rebuilding to do. We will see what I can salvage.






Welcome to the B&C and back to the hobby WYRME :tu: Sounds like you have a lot to be busy with restoring your many models... it must have been bad for there to be so much damage :confused:


Kill Team is a nice little game and a great way to break back in to the hobby - added advantage is that you don't need many models to start gaming :)



Yes it did hurt my heart, especially as up until that time I was always careful with them. At least I have time to fix them now lol. It will be interesting to see what I can bring back to life especially considering the lack of funds now. I am looking at the task as a fun challenge.


Yeah the size of kill team is attractive to me, I will be setting some models to the side from my armies for kill teams. I can't wait to get the box set and start playing it.

Welcome to the B&C, WYRME!

I do feel for you with the losses sustained, hopefully you can muster a successful Operation Reclamation campaign to restore and improve a handful of them and utilise the bitz for new projects. :D



It is a good opportunity - a thin silver lining but it's there! Maybe the chance for you to repaint your models if you feel you can do better for example :smile.:


As I said earlier my favorite part of the hobby is modeling and converting models, so I am not totally displeased. I already have everything soaking for stripping right now. I have done about 4 sandwhich bags so far and have about another 3-4 bags worth of once painted stuff to go!


Welcome to the B&C, WYRME!


I do feel for you with the losses sustained, hopefully you can muster a successful Operation Reclamation campaign to restore and improve a handful of them and utilise the bitz for new projects. :biggrin.:




Thanks! I will reclaim a lot of it, I literally have over 10k in points across all the armies, probably closer to 15k, not including my orks. It will just be a lot of work. I will be doing build blogs for them all, doing those helps with input from others as well as keeps me motivated, and I like tracking the progression. So be on the lookout if build blogs interest you. 

- Throws a bolter - 


Welcome to the fight brother! Kill for the living and kill for the dead!


.....KillTeam is very cool indeed and the perfect gateway hobby mode too!




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