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Techmarines are back!


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Thanks to Faith and Fury we might just have one of the best generic characters. He requires a 1CP upgrade, the unique relic and Warlord trait.


A 50 point techmarine can now have:


Automatically repair 3 wounds

+1 to BS aura for vehicles

Toughness 5 and a 4++


Considering he costs less than 50 points or there abouts this is very useful.

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Guest MistaGav

He's great utility to just stick as a cheap HQ in a spearhead or other detachment now which is great. I'll definitely be running one but shame there's no primaris one (yet!). I'd also be wary of running too many relics/WLT's on characters now as it seems quite easy to burn out on CP before the game even begins.

  On 11/17/2019 at 1:42 AM, SkimaskMohawk said:

I feel like leaving the relic out is probably for the best. It's really easy to over-invest CP in characters in the new book, so cutting extra costs is important.

It's only 1 cp for the character, unless you're intending to bring further additional relics?

That warlord trait is mad. There’s no other +1 to hit aura in the game, is there? It seems like kind of a mad boost, especially near something like a deredeo aura.


For my fists, plasma executioners will now be a seriously tempting option.

  On 11/17/2019 at 9:23 AM, Ishagu said:


  On 11/17/2019 at 1:42 AM, SkimaskMohawk said:

I feel like leaving the relic out is probably for the best. It's really easy to over-invest CP in characters in the new book, so cutting extra costs is important.

It's only 1 cp for the character, unless you're intending to bring further additional relics?

I know you're looking at things through the lens of Ultramarines, but some of the other chapters have a selection of very good relics and warlord traits; master of ambush for raven guard is near mandatory. Chapters that can leverage smash captains also tend to spend on imperiums sword and/or mastercrafted for them too. So the techmarine is looking at 1-3 cp investment for that full build.

  On 11/17/2019 at 6:05 PM, Mandragola said:

So can you. Take these warlord traits using the strat, or does the guy have to be your actual warlord? The various stratagems specify where the traits have to be chosen from.


Using Hero of the Chapter? Yes, you can.


If they are your actual Warlord, then you can give them a F&F trait, and then use Exemplar of the Chapter to give them a UM trait (but EotC does specify that it must be a UM trait).


Hero of the Chapter allows it, because the model is treated as the Warlord for the purposes of that Warlord Trait.

  On 11/17/2019 at 10:28 AM, SkimaskMohawk said:


  On 11/17/2019 at 9:23 AM, Ishagu said:


  On 11/17/2019 at 1:42 AM, SkimaskMohawk said:

I feel like leaving the relic out is probably for the best. It's really easy to over-invest CP in characters in the new book, so cutting extra costs is important.

It's only 1 cp for the character, unless you're intending to bring further additional relics?
I know you're looking at things through the lens of Ultramarines, but some of the other chapters have a selection of very good relics and warlord traits; master of ambush for raven guard is near mandatory. Chapters that can leverage smash captains also tend to spend on imperiums sword and/or mastercrafted for them too. So the techmarine is looking at 1-3 cp investment for that full build.

Ahh if only the Ultras had any traits as good as the ones RG get.

Ahh yes, cool. I thought hero of the chapter said it had to be a trait from codex: space armies, but it doesn’t. You can go nuts with these traits if you want.


I quite like the look of most of these. The techmarine is extremely good but most of the others are at least worth considering. I quite like the chapter champion as a beatstick, though he won’t be easy to get into combat.

  On 11/17/2019 at 6:22 PM, Ishagu said:


  On 11/17/2019 at 10:28 AM, SkimaskMohawk said:


  On 11/17/2019 at 9:23 AM, Ishagu said:


  On 11/17/2019 at 1:42 AM, SkimaskMohawk said:

I feel like leaving the relic out is probably for the best. It's really easy to over-invest CP in characters in the new book, so cutting extra costs is important.

It's only 1 cp for the character, unless you're intending to bring further additional relics?
I know you're looking at things through the lens of Ultramarines, but some of the other chapters have a selection of very good relics and warlord traits; master of ambush for raven guard is near mandatory. Chapters that can leverage smash captains also tend to spend on imperiums sword and/or mastercrafted for them too. So the techmarine is looking at 1-3 cp investment for that full build.

Ahh if only the Ultras had any traits as good as the ones RG get.



Calm under Fire is AMAZING.  Especially when you're up against an opponent who is going to push aggressively into your lines.

  On 11/18/2019 at 1:16 AM, Cruor Vault said:

Calm under Fire is AMAZING.  Especially when you're up against an opponent who is going to push aggressively into your lines.


It's match up dependent (eg, 'traditional' gunline Tau often do not charge you or hang around in melee), but yes it can be very powerful.


Aside from CUF and Adept of the Codex, the others are not particularly impressive, however. That's not to say that they are terrible or without situational merit, but I feel that they tend to be a lot more conditional on how useful they are: Nobility Made Manifest for a Successor Chapter with Born Heroes and some strong melee threats could be quite nasty; Master of Strategy with an army composed of linchpin units that don't want/need to switch away from Devastator Doctrine (eg, Land Raiders, Repulsors) can be useful for the other unit/s that might benefit from Tactical Doctrine/Scions of Guilliman (eg, a unit of Aggressors, or a large unit of Intercessors). They're not, however, universally and easily applicable while being potent. That's probably a good thing, from a game balance perspective, however!

  On 11/18/2019 at 4:58 PM, crazyterran said:

The Second Relic will cost, because Seal of Oaths is practically mandatory for a UM army...

Not always. It's great against an army with a Knight, but often there's no clear target. I recently played an infantry heavy RG list, no obvious target. The guy with the Relic was killed T2 before the nominated target even hit the table.


If the opponent doesn't have a Knight, as an example, what will it have that I need those full re-rolls to destroy? Seal of Oath doesn't defeat an Iron Hands Leviathan.

Right now, until the near-inevitable FAQ, Black Templars can do an absurd repulsor castle.


Grab a master of the forge with the +1 to hit trait and the BT relic to give a 4++ bubble once per game. Stick him in the middle of a bunch of tanks, which currently (due to standard terrible GW rules writing) get to benefit from the Fists +1 damage super doctrine as well as their own.


The 4++ bubble only lasts for a turn, but you should do so much damage in that time that it’s worth it. Good times.


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