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I don't post much in the HOH threads, but figured I might just leave my finished Space Crusade Ultramarines here for your interest. Painted them up with no hope of ever getting a game in again, but in much appreciation of the characterful models - and with a lot of nostalgic feelings and good childhood memories. (All models are rescue projects, partly in terrible shape when I got them. All are fully magnetised now and have found a good and loving home.)



The CSM had been finished at an earlier stage, like the Dreadnought that goes with them.






Had an absolute blast painting them. Feel free to add to this if you happen to have any of the old Space Crusade models kicking around. Cheers!

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Fantastic work! I never owned or played Space Crusade so I'm not intimately familiar with the models. I think it's interesting to see a set of mk7 power armour different from the (in)famous 2nd edition 40k push fit marines. The designs look a bit odd to me but I like them.

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Thanks, everybody. Glad there are still a few enjoying the old models from back in the days. 


Fantastic work! I never owned or played Space Crusade so I'm not intimately familiar with the models. I think it's interesting to see a set of mk7 power armour different from the (in)famous 2nd edition 40k push fit marines. The designs look a bit odd to me but I like them.

Dude, all of these models were 'odd' at best, and of terrible design and quality compared to modern standards. Characterful, yes. I have a very soft spot for them, being an 80s child who got into boardgames and things in the mid-90s and having grown up with what little Warhammer I could get my hands on in Germany at the time ... Objectively, almost all of the models from that epoch were terrible. Subjectively though - I love everything about them. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...

It's probably not appropriate to update this thread this way, but, anyway. Look what happened.


It'll be a loooooooooooooong time before I get it done to a good standard. Looks mostly intact though - only a snapped dreadnought leg (and an appaling paint job to strip off it) and a few android bajonets that had had a rough time. I'll keep you updated in here.

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  • 1 month later...

Done with the Genestealers. Figured it'll be easiest to go for the smallst set of models first, and there's only 3 of them. As expected, they were a lot of work and not easy to do up: terrible mould lines in difficult places - had to strip the first basecoat down again when I realised how many I missed -, overall poor detail and contour, and the push-fit parts having been assembled with very average skill and attention to detail, but involving copious amounts of plastic cement.

Good challenge though, and they taught me a lot. I keep thinking I could have done a bit of a better job on them, but with another 47 models to go I need to be realistic. Can't afford to paint every single model to the best of my abilities at the time. Rather, to the best compromise I can justify, and I think I've done that with the Genestealers. I think they're good.



It'll be a while before I can post another complete set of models. Currently thinking to pull out the Androids next, but I want to tie them in with the CSM, so probably a good idea to do them first or both sets together at the very least. Only logical to do up the Dreadnougt after that. We'll see. I'll keep you posted.

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