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New Chaos Models on Preorder!


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The let's start collecting models aren't actually new - they are all the chaos models from the Shadowspear set.  That said, they are great models.


But it is the first time you can order them outside the Shadowspear set. Which is awesome. Because I didn't want anything from the otherside of Shadowspear and selling those models didn't really make up the difference. Still, I think it is important to let the few people that still play Chaos know.

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Love the Sorcerer and the Start Collecting.


The start collecting is a great buy for any new player as would be assumed. Glad to see Shadowspear stuff got repackaged and I hope that future big popular kits follow this precedent!

I'm surprised it's taken them this long to figure out put one team on its own sprues and the other team on their own sprues and then sell them separate after the hype dies down on the battle box. It sucks for someone who currently only wants obliterators or a venomcrawler but it's so much value for $95. It will also ensure that people/places will still sell some of the models individually.

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Love the Sorcerer and the Start Collecting.


The start collecting is a great buy for any new player as would be assumed. Glad to see Shadowspear stuff got repackaged and I hope that future big popular kits follow this precedent!

I'm surprised it's taken them this long to figure out put one team on its own sprues and the other team on their own sprues and then sell them separate after the hype dies down on the battle box. It sucks for someone who currently only wants obliterators or a venomcrawler but it's so much value for $95. It will also ensure that people/places will still sell some of the models individually.



Agreed. Luckily the kits are fairly easy on second market, one of the advantages of those huge beloved boxes is the price gets driven down. 


Its also relatively easy to find the Start Collectings for between 20-25% off some times of year *stares at black Friday* driving that value even higher. A win-win for GW and the fanbase. 

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I think the most interesting part is that this is the first Start Collecting that's entirely monopose, isn't it?  All the rest have full multipart kits.


So in a way, Chaos gets shafted again :) since we don't get the fantastic multipart CSM kit in our start collecting.

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I think the most interesting part is that this is the first Start Collecting that's entirely monopose, isn't it? All the rest have full multipart kits.


They did the same for the old starter box set for age of sigmar. They broke up the stormcast and bloodhound halfs into separate start collecting boxes. Both are mono build.


Great way to extend the life of those sculpts, and still a good starting point for an army, as you get a bunch of models for cheap. You only can tell models are mono pose, when you have multiple sets. I have two shadow spear primaris halts, and I'm not bothered by having two duplicate infiltrator squads. The position of the heads, and mild bits swaps can make them all feel different.

Edited by killersquid
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You misspelled "model".  There is no "s". 


Intense sarcasm begins "Ha ha..."



I don't even care if they are mono-pose. Those oblits are fantastic! Also, you get way more dynamic models with mono-pose rather than the old-school models that were all stating at ease attention. This new line is making me struggle to decide between the last two factions I have to make a choice between. Chaos Space Marines or Iron Hands.


Edit: Want to point out that these miniatures look WAY better than the primaris line. They just don't have the awesome rules to back them up. Yet. A lot of people are suspecting 9ed is coming out this summer. I would not be surprised if these space marines books were the first wave of the 9ed codices. Can't wait to see what is in store for CSM. :D Damn I'm so excited for 40k right now!

Edited by Aothaine
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