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Looking for terminator weapons


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So I'm looking to maybe build some Terminators for an army, and I want to use the new sculpts, but..... they only include 1 of every melee weapon somehow. If I want to do a squad of lightning Claw Terminators how does this kit not allow for that? Like, who makes Terminators with the intent of giving them each a different weapon? Who wants to keep track of that?


Am I just completely out of luck with the new kit and sculpts if I want to build my Terminators in a certain way? The New Lightning Claws and Chain Fists look mint but 1 of them is pointless.

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So I'm looking to maybe build some Terminators for an army, and I want to use the new sculpts, but..... they only include 1 of every melee weapon somehow. If I want to do a squad of lightning Claw Terminators how does this kit not allow for that? Like, who makes Terminators with the intent of giving them each a different weapon? Who wants to keep track of that?


Am I just completely out of luck with the new kit and sculpts if I want to build my Terminators in a certain way? The New Lightning Claws and Chain Fists look mint but 1 of them is pointless.


Do yourself a favor and use the plastic tartaros or cataphractii kits to do this with the NL FW decals for LC termi's. You won't regret it they are better than the new chaos termi's by a country mile. LC's for all in there. 

Edited by MegaVolt87
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There have been a lot of legitimate complaints about the weapon options in the new terminator kit - so you aren't alone in finding the weapon loadout in that kit rather limiting.


If you do use the new termies, you would likely need to use trading, a bitz retailer or 3rd party parts to get the load outs you want.

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So I'm looking to maybe build some Terminators for an army, and I want to use the new sculpts, but..... they only include 1 of every melee weapon somehow. If I want to do a squad of lightning Claw Terminators how does this kit not allow for that? Like, who makes Terminators with the intent of giving them each a different weapon? Who wants to keep track of that?


Am I just completely out of luck with the new kit and sculpts if I want to build my Terminators in a certain way? The New Lightning Claws and Chain Fists look mint but 1 of them is pointless.


Get a hold of people that have spares from the cataphractii heresy set. People that equipped them with fists have their claws leftover.


[Edit]: So I split this discussion since it's useful information for other people looking for the same thing and it was offtopic where it was. :)

Edited by Excessus
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Do yourself a favor and use the plastic tartaros or cataphractii kits to do this with the NL FW decals for LC termi's. You won't regret it they are better than the new chaos termi's by a country mile. LC's for all in there. 



This is a really good option. You lose out on some of the cool things about the new Chaos Terminators though. Like the cool skulls on the armor and the fur, some of it is easily green stuffed on though. But Tartaros or Cataphractii is the right armor for CSM Terminators so it fits really good imho.


Or build 5 squads. Which would be GW preferred, I'm sure


This. Buy all the squads. Lol



I really like the look of the new Terminators as well as all the new range of CSMs. I might mix and match maybe. Grab like one box of the Cataphractii and one of the Chaos Terminators. Maybe.. Still not sure yet. I am not entirely sure what CSM Terminators are even used for these days. They used to be plasma bombs, but can you even kit out a decent unit right now? 


BBF has sold me on Cataphractii and their 4++ save really adds a lot. I thought about doing something similar with Chaos Space Marines but I don't know if they have access to chain fists, pretty sure they only have a 5++ unless they are Tzeentch right, and I'm not entirely sure on all their weapon options. I don't want to buy the updated Chaos Space Marine dex yet. Still holding out for a summer release of the new CSM dex and I know I can build and paint other units while I wait. Oblits for sure, tri-lascannon predators, etc. I have the old CSM dex, if they are the same as that I can look it up.




Get a hold of people that have spares from the cataphractii heresy set. People that equipped them with fists have their claws leftover.


The claws from the Cataphractii set on the GW site look very easy to convert into chaos looking claws of evil for sure.

Edited by Aothaine
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Guess I'll be going for Cataphractii then! Thanks everybody! Shame about the new kit though. If I do happen to find some Cataphractii Lightning Claws from a friend, I might try to attach them to the new CSM kit. Anyone done that with success? Looking at the sprue and the cataphractii kit does have nice claws.

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Or build 5 squads. Which would be GW preferred, I'm sure

GW must love me then, that's exactly what I did with tartaros and cataphractii kits. :teehee:
I did it with pewter, so only one cats set for me- but l. Claws are awesome in IW metallic


On a serious note, check out Pop Goes the Monkey on Shapeways for extra termie arms

Edited by BrainFireBob
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The new kit has pretty much the same limitations on weapons as the old one (well, actually its less limited). The Cataphracti kit is also limited in that it only have fists or claws for melee while the Tartaros kit has 1 sword and that's it.


Like, who makes Terminators with the intent of giving them each a different weapon? Who wants to keep track of that?


Its how chaos terminators have always been portrayed since second edition made their load out distinct from the loyalist one so the designers worked to the fluff not to the needs of players.

Edited by Closet Skeleton
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