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Blood Slaughterer vs Maulerfiend


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What are peoples opionion on these.


The Blood Slaughterer has between 2 and 4 less attacks, and 2 less wounds.

The Slaughterer has better S on most of its attacks, and always advances 6", and also hits at WS3+.


However the Maulerfiend is 30pts cheaper.

The loss of 2 wounds really hurst the slaughterer

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They have slightly different roles, to me. The Slaughterer always pulls it weight if it hits combat, and is a speedy threat on its own. Maulers are there mostly for target saturation - they're dangerous enough, and I want them to take fire away from other parts of my army. Being cheaper is the main positive here, but they really need Daemonforge to do the business once they hit. WS 4+ hurts.


That said, I nearly always run Slaughterers, because they look rad as hell.

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Taken in a Soulforged Pack special detachment, a Blood Slaughterer makes the best use of the Infernal Engines stratagem (Advance and Charge in the same turn).


It also has a better WS, so its attacks are more likely to do their job.


That all said, they both seem pretty expensive for what they do. Defilers are comparable in points and are much tougher. Geared up for combat, they also do a similar amount of damage, at the cost of being a bit slower.

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