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Next Army?


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Hello Everyone,


I. So far, I've played the following armies.


 A.) Imperial Guard. I love the models and the lore, hated having a horde.

 B.) Thousand Sons. Lots of fun to play, cool models,  but just a little bored right now.

 C.) Blood Angels.

    1. They're super metal!

    2. However, they have the issues of dealing with overwatch (except with the Angels wing)

    3. They are all in when you assault

    4. Terrain issues with high buildings, and being prevented from charging at all, or only very small portion of your dudes attacking. Essentially, I'm left            feeling like no epic battle will take place, and they will just stand around :..(


II. Couple points:

 A.) Don't want to deal with hordes (even though I love Tyranid, IG, Ork, and Genestealer Cult models)

 B.) Don't like Tau

 C.) Don't want to play marines of any kind


Few armies I'm considering

 A. Custodes (exception to Marines rule, and I get to play IG with them).

 B. Adeptus Mechanicus (Most of the models are cool)

 C. Adeptus Sororitas (If the new models look really cool)

 D. Necrons

 E. Eldar (Very mobile, cool models)

 F. Dark Eldar ( Pro: Get to play Eldar w/o Psychic, Con: their motives don't make sense to me) 


   1. Space Ninja Clowns!

   2. Cool Models!

   3. Elite!

   4. Not played often!

   5. Lots of tricks!

   6. Con: might be, that I wouldn't be able to savor my victory (if I win).

   7. Con: With enough rules, come fights (especially assault).

   8. Con: Might be tough due to short range/assault focus.

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Harlequins will be a challenge, they are elite but they are glasshammers. They require more tactical cleverness compared to other armies (like gunlining Tau, IG or just-run-at-your-enemy-Nids/Orks). You will need to know your units in and out and read a set up table in terms of terrain and deploy carefully, and then you need to coordinate your units to be successful, might sound like it goes for all armies but especially Harlequins require this particularly to be successful.


Necrons are easy to paint (basecoat gunmetal/silver, dark washes, light silver drybrush and a few details if you care about them, not a big deal to leave them out.) Necrons are good for people that find the painting/modelling side of the hobby daunting and just want the get the army painted battle ready with minimal effort.


Custodes are good if you want minimal amount of models to build and paint, and carry around to events. They have a relative easy paint scheme too if you're not bothered with the ornamentation and marble effects that some Custodes players tend to do.


If you like the painting, then consider Eldar. Their aspect warrior types have their own colour schemes which allows for trying out different paint schemes (red/orange for fire warriors, greens for stri. scorpions, dark schemes for dark reapers, red/black/white for warp spiders etc) within a faction still adhering to the fluff in terms of colour.


New sisters seems very detailed in terms of models, the vehicles in my mind looks way over the top as if they are blinged up for a goth concert instead of battlefield. Playwise I guess nobody knows yet with the new codex, so consider pioneer into those if you feel like the models appeal to you.

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If it helps I play DG, BA, Chaos Knights and have a small Nurgle Daemons force.


My new army (collecting tomorrow) is the Custodes.


My reasoning:


  • I will have two good guys and two bad guy armies :-)
  • Low model count so dont have to paint 60 poxwalkers, 60 PBs, 50 cultists.
  • Models look lovely
  • Newish army so unlikely to be invalidated anytime soon.
  • Should be easy to paint (retribution spray)
  • Can run with my BA if I like
  • Doesn't cost a lot to buy 2-3k of them.

I also considered Harley's but I am not a great painter and have larger size hands...so I wont do them justice (and they are squishy - apparently).

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If you want to avoid hordes then Necrons might not be the choice for you, unless you go with a very specific style of play.

Necrons have a few tactics, the most recognizable of them being Silver Tide—a single necron battalion can field up to 120 warriors or 60 immortals or some combo thereof, 60 deathmarks/praetorians/et al as elites, and then a horde of Canoptek gribblies. Now, that won’t all fit in one 2k list, nor would it be particularly effective without support, but it’s possible.

I would instead recommend a Destroyer Wing, in which one fields mostly destroyers with some support, or a Pirate fleet, which includes as many ghost and doomsday arks, Annihilation Barges, and other heavy vehicles as possible, with some fliers and/or C’Tan, to bring a load of heavy firepower to bear. If you go this route, however, be aware that necron vehicles have lots of exterior plating and covered areas, and can be rather annoying to paint.

There certainly are ways to play/collect Necrons as a non-horde army with potential for complex and interesting paint schemes, though, so feel free to experiment.

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Imho there are two(ish) standout options. One is going with another Imperium army; sisters, Custodes, or mechanicus; as it can be used effectively piecemeal with your current Imperium armies. The other is Harlequins, as there isn't really anything else like them and you seem to like them. Do you want to paint crazy colors and patterns? I would get some harlies. Want to paint more muted schemes or quicker paint jobs? Consider an add-on to your imperial forces.
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