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Devout Push Clarification


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Has anyone figured out or heard how this stratagem works? The wording seems a bit weird, but it appears to allow you to pile in regardless of if you are in combat or not.


If you are in combat, does it allows you to pile in twice? I would assume so since you get to activate at the beginning of the fight phase and pile in, then activate your unit and pile in again then consolidate. It seems like it could be useful for bad touching multiple units.

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I don't believe so. I think it's worded as 'pick a unit at the beginning of the combat phase' so that we have to choose the unit to give the 6" to before fighting starts, and thus commit to that unit. Meaning it's a slight nerf as compared to 'When a black templar unit is chosen to fight', locking us in to an option rather than giving us flexibility. I have serious doubts that they'd let us pile in outside of phase, seeign as pile ins are specificly a movement done when a unit is chosen to fight, and heroic interventions are already designed to fill the nich of a pre-fight pile in.


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